The package RSD (BW: General data basis) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RS_BW_STRUPAK.
Package | RSD |
Short Text | BW: General data basis |
Parent Package | RS_BW_STRUPAK |
SAP Package RSD contains 23 function groups.
RSAB_MPRO | BAPI's MultiProvider (Temporary) |
RSD_DDIF | BW: DDic Interface |
RSDG_AREA_DB_READ | InfoAreas: Reading Modules |
RSDG_CUBE | Utilities: InfoCubes |
RSDG_CUBE_DB_READ | InfoCube: Reading Modules |
RSDG_DIME_DB_READ | Dimensions: Reading Modules |
RSDG_ICON | BW database: Icon management |
RSDG_IOBC | Utilities: InfoObject catalogs |
RSDG_IOBC_DB_READ | InfoObject Catalogs: Reading Modules |
RSDG_IOBJ_DB_READ | BW Reading Modules for InfoObjects |
RSDG_MPRO | Help Functions for MultiProvider |
RSDG_ODSO | Help Functions for ODS Objects |
RSDG_SSC | Metadata maintenance: Subscreens |
RSDI | Ass.BW Reading Module InfoObjs in Cube |
RSDM | Data basis: Read master data |
RSDM_F4 | Master data F4 |
RSDMDF | Read InfoObject specific texts and data |
RSDMDT | BW: Master data- and text maintenance |
RSDMETADATASAVE | Meta data manager: Write module |
RSDN | BW Data Basis: Name sfktn. General |
RSDN_CUBE | BW database: Naming funct. for InfoCubes |
RSDN_IOBJ | BW database: InfoObject namespaces |
RSDV | Treatment of the validity table |
SAP Package RSD contains 3 transactions.
RSD_ACAT | Maintain InfoObject catalog |
RSDODS | Initial Screen: ODS Object Processng |
RSDODSD | Initial Screen: ODS Proces. (Deliv.) |
SAP Package RSD contains 79 database tables.
RSDAREA | Directory of InfoAreas |
RSDAREAT | InfoArea texts |
RSDATRNAV | Navigation Attributes |
RSDATRNAVSID | Assignment: Navigation attribute -> SID field name |
RSDATRNAVT | Navigation Attributes |
RSDBCHATR | Master data attributes |
RSDCHA | Characteristic Catalog |
RSDCHABAS | Basic characteristics (for chars, time-chars and units) |
RSDCHABASLOC | Basic chars system-local properties (not transport.) |
RSDCOBPROTSTMPL | Time Stamp for Buffer Management Class CL_RSD_DTA |
RSDCUBE | Directory of InfoCubes / InfoProvider |
RSDCUBEIOBJ | Objects per InfoCube (where-used list) |
RSDCUBELOC | Local Characteristics: InfoCubes (InfoProvider) |
RSDCUBEMULTI | InfoCubes concerned with MultiCube |
RSDCUBET | Texts for the InfoCubes |
RSDDIM | Directory of dimensions |
RSDDIME | Dimensions directory |
RSDDIMEIOBJ | InfoObjects per dimension (where-used list) |
RSDDIMELOC | Dimensions system-local properties (not transport.) |
RSDDIMET | Dimension Texts |
RSDDKF | Derived key figures |
RSDDPA | Data package characteristics |
RSDDSTAT | Statistics data BW for aggregate selection and accounting |
RSDDSTATCOND | BW Statistics: Data on Condensing Run InfoCube |
RSDDSTATDELE | BW Statistics: Data on Deletion of Data in InfoCube |
RSDDSTATEXTRACT | Extractor BW statistics: Time of last delta load |
RSDDSTATLOG | BW statistics - Sequence of events for DEBUG user |
RSDDSTATWHM | Statistics Data: BW for Warehouse Management |
RSDHIECHA | Characteristics that occur in hierarchies |
RSDICE | Elimination of Internal Business Volume for Key Figures |
RSDICHAPRO | InfoCube-specific characteristic properties |
RSDICMULTIIOBJ | MultiProvider: Selection/Identification of InfoObjects |
RSDICVALIOBJ | InfoObjects in NC-value validity table for the InfoCube |
RSDIKYFPRO | InfoCube-specific key figure properties |
RSDINFOPROVDATA | Time of Last Data Change in an InfoProvider |
RSDIOBC | InfoObject catalogs |
RSDIOBCIOBJ | InfoObjects in InfoObject catalogs |
RSDIOBCT | Texts of the InfoObject catalog |
RSDIOBJ | Directory of all InfoObjects |
RSDIOBJCMP | Compound (dependencies) of InfoObjects |
RSDIOBJFIX | Delivered Fixed System InfoObjects |
RSDIOBJHIE | Hierarchy Attributes for InfoObject |
RSDIOBJT | InfoObject texts |
RSDIX | BW: Cluster table info. system |
RSDKYF | Key figures |
RSDMASITAB | Model Table: Attributes SID Table (Non-time-dependent) |
RSDMASTTAB | Model Table: Attributes SID Table (Non-time-dependent) |
RSDMCHNTAB | Model Table: Master Data Table (Time-dependent) |
RSDMCHTTAB | Model Table: Master Data Table (Time-dependent) |
RSDMDIMTAB | Model table: Dimensions table |
RSDMFACTAB | Model table: Fact table |
RSDMHIETAB | Model table: Hierarchies of a characteristic |
RSDMHIETABNEW | Model Table: Hierarchies of a Characteristic (from 3.0B) |
RSDMHINTAB | Model table: Hierarchy intervals of a characteristic |
RSDMHINTABNEW | Model table: Hierarchy intervals of a characteristic |
RSDMHSITAB | Model table: Conversion of hierarchy nodes - SID |
RSDMHSITABNEW | Model table: Conversion of hierarchy nodes - SID |
RSDMINCTAB | Model table: SID structure of the hierarchies of a charact. |
RSDMODSTAB | Model Table: ODS Table Active Records |
RSDMODSTAB_M | Model Table: ODS Table (Revised Records) |
RSDMODSTAB_UR | Model Table for ODS Update and Rollback |
RSDMSIDTAB | Model table: Master data IDs of a characteristic |
RSDMTXTTAB | Model table: Texts of a characteristic |
RSDNAIP | Navigation Attributes of Characteristics as InfoProvider |
RSDODSO | Directory of all ODS Objects |
RSDODSOATRNAV | Navigation Attributes in ODS |
RSDODSOINDX | Indexes for ODS Objects |
RSDODSOIOBJ | InfoObject in ODS |
RSDODSOIOBJIND | InfoObjects in ODS Indexes |
RSDODSOIOBJPRO | InfoObject Properties within the ODS object |
RSDODSOLOC | Local Properties of ODS Objects |
RSDODSOT | Texts of ODS Objects |
RSDODSOTABL | Directory of all ODS Tables |
RSDTIM | Time characteristics |
RSDUNI | Units |
RSPSPACE | Partner Namespace for BW Objects |
RSSOURSYSTEM | BW: Souce system IDs table |
RSSSY_SWCLA | System Classes and Releases |
RSSSY_SWCLAT | System Classes and Releases, Texts |
SAP Package RSD contains 15 views.
RSD_S_ODSO | View of Properties and Texts for ODS Objects |
RSDAREAV | View of InfoAreas with texts |
RSDATRNAVV | View of navigation attributes and texts |
RSDDIMEV | View of dimensions with texts |
RSDDIMEV_DTA | View of dimensions with texts |
RSDIOBCV | View of InfoObject catalogs with texts |
RSDIOBJV | View of InfoObjects and texts |
RSDMCHKTAB | View of the master data tables |
RSDMHSIVIEW | View across Hierarchy SID and Hierarchy Nodes |
RSDMSIDVIEW | View across SID and Characteristic Value |
RSDMVIEW | Model view InfoCube |
RSDVCHA | View of characteristics, basic chars and local properties |
RSDVDIME | View of dimensions and local properties |
RSDVTIM | View of units, basic characteristics and local properties |
RSDVUNI | View of units, basic characteristics and local properties |
SAP Package RSD contains 161 structures.
BAPI6117L | MultiProvider - Details |
BAPI6117SL | MultiProvider - Selection Criteria |
RSCUBESV | ServiceCube: Settings |
RSD_S_AGGR | Special Aggregation for Multiple Charact. (Internal Struct.) |
RSD_S_ATR | Master data attrib. |
RSD_S_ATR_NAV | View on Navigation Attributes and Texts |
RSD_S_ATRNAVT | Navigation Attribute Texts |
RSD_S_COB_PRO | InfoObject Properties (in Context of InfoCube / ODS Object) |
RSD_S_DIME | Dimension and Properties |
RSD_S_DIME_DTA | Dimension and Properties |
RSD_S_DIME_IOBJ | Relation: Dimension - InfoObject |
RSD_S_DIMENSION | BW MetaData: Dimension Toolbar |
RSD_S_DTA | Properties InfoProvider |
RSD_S_DTA_DIME | Data Target: Dimension and Properties |
RSD_S_DTA_DIME_IOBJ | Data Target Relation: Dimension - InfoObject |
RSD_S_DTA_HEAD_BUF | Buffer for Data Target Header |
RSD_S_DTA_IOBJ | InfoObject in Data Target |
RSD_S_DTA_PRO | InfoObject Properties in Data Target |
RSD_S_DTAT | Text Data Target |
RSD_S_HIECHA | Hierarchy Characteristic |
RSD_S_ICE | Elim. of Int. Business Volume for Key Figures (Int. Str.) |
RSD_S_ICHA_PRO | Data Target-specific Characteristic Properties |
RSD_S_IKYF_PRO | Data Target-specific Key Figure Properties |
RSD_S_INFOPROV | List of InfoProviders |
RSD_S_INFOPROV_LOC | Local Characteristics of an InfoProvider |
RSD_S_IOBJ_CHANGED | Changed Properties with InfoObject |
RSD_S_IOBJ_CMP | Compound (dependencies) of InfoObjects |
RSD_S_IOBJNM | InfoObjects List |
RSD_S_IPROV | InfoProviders: Buffer Info |
RSD_S_KYF_ADV | Properties of a Basic Key Figure including Aggregation |
RSD_S_KYF_BAS | Properties of a Basic Key Figure |
RSD_S_MPRO | MultiProvider Bar |
RSD_S_MPRO_IOBJ | InfoObjects in InfoProvider |
RSD_S_MPRO_IOBJ_IDENT | Identification of InfoObjects in MultiProvider |
RSD_S_MPRO_PART | InfoProviders Involved in the MultiProvider |
RSD_S_MPRO_PART_IOBJ | InfoObject in the InfoProvider Involved in the MultiProvider |
RSD_S_MPRO_SH | Bar: MultiProvider with Text |
RSD_S_NAIP | Navigation Attr. Chars. as InfoProvider (Internal Structure) |
RSD_S_OBJVERS | Toolbar: Version with Text (for Dialog) |
RSD_S_ODSO_INDX | Index on ODS Object |
RSD_S_ODSO_INDX_IOBJ | InfoObjects in ODS Index |
RSD_S_ODSO_IOBJ | InfoObject in ODS (with Properties Navigation Attribute) |
RSD_S_ODSO_PRO | InfoObject Properties in ODS Object |
RSD_S_ODSOBJECT | ODS Object Name as Structure |
RSD_S_PROV | InfoProvider |
RSD_S_PROV_SC | Bar: MultiProvider with Text |
RSD_S_TSTMPL | InfoProvider with Time Stamp |
RSD_S_VIOBJ | View of all properties of an InfoObject |
RSD_S_VIOBJ_FLAT | View on all Properties of an InfoObject (without Tab.) |
RSD_SGPAR_CUBE | InfoCube Dialog: Parameter Toolbar |
RSD_SGPAR_IOBC | InfoObjectCatalog Dialog: Parameter Toolbar |
RSD_SGPAR_ISXX | InfoSource Dialog: Parameter Bar |
RSD_SGPAR_ODSO | ODS Object Dialog: Parameter Toolbar |
RSD_SX_DTA_BUF | Header for Data Target Buffer |
RSD_SX_DTA_DIME_BUF | Buffer Table of Dimensions |
RSD_SX_DTA_DIME_IOBJ_BUF | Buffer of InfoObjects in Dimensions of the Data Target |
RSD_SX_DTA_IOBJ_BUF | Buffer InfoObjects in the Data Target |
RSD_SX_DTA_IOBJ_IDENT_BUF | Buffer of Identification of InfoObjects (MPRO) |
RSD_SX_DTA_PART_BUF | Buffer of Involved InfoProviders |
RSD_SX_DTAT_BUF | Buffer of Texts for the Data Target |
RSD_SX_IC_VAL_IO | InfoObjects in the Validity Table of a Cube |
RSD_SX_IC_VAL_IO_BUF | Buffer of InfoObjects in the Validity Table |
RSD_SX_IOBJ_CMP_BUF | Buffer of Compounding (InfoObjects) |
RSDAGGRTECHSTOR | Aggregate: Storage Parameter |
RSDATRNAVPRO | Navigation Attribute Additional Properties |
RSDBEXMAP | BEX-MAP Basic Characteristic Properties |
RSDCHADDIC | DDIC Properties of a (Basic) Characteristic |
RSDCOBPRO | InfoObject Properties (Context of InfoProvider/Data Target) |
RSDCUBEBWSTAT | InfoCube: BW Statistics |
RSDCUBEDATASTATE | InfoCube: Data Flow/Status/Control |
RSDCUBEDBFLAGS | InfoCube: DB Performance Flags |
RSDCUBEDBSTAT | InfoCube: DB Performance Parameter |
RSDCUBEPROP | InfoCube: Version-dependent Properties |
RSDCUBEQUERYPROP | InfoCube: Default Query Properties |
RSDCUBEREQUEST | InfoCube: Request treatment |
RSDCUBETECH | InfoCube: Technical Properties |
RSDCUBETNAMES | InfoCube: Names of Tables, Structures and Views |
RSDCUBEV_DTA | InfoProvider: Attributes |
RSDDOMA | DDIC interface: Structure for domains |
RSDDTEL | DDIC Interface: Structure for data elements |
RSDG_S_AFI | Attribute with Navigation Attribute (Dialog) |
RSDG_S_TLOGO_POPUP | Toolbar for Selecting TLOGO Types |
RSDGCUBE | InfoCube |
RSDGSCICE | IBV Elminiation for Key Figures Display Structure |
RSDGSCMPRO | Structure for Outputting a MultiProvider |
RSDHIE | Hierarchy information on basic characteristics |
RSDIAGGR | Attributes Special Aggregation Regarding Multiple Charact. |
RSDICHA | Properties of a characteristic |
RSDIDDIC | DDIC Properties of an InfoObject |
RSDIICE | Attributes for Elimination of Internal Business Volume |
RSDIKYF | DDIC Interface: Properties of a key figure |
RSDIOBCPROP | InfoObjectCatalog: Version-dependent Properties |
RSDIOBJGEN | Generated objects of an InfoObject (routines, numRrange no.) |
RSDISXXPROP | InfoSource: Version-Dependent Properties |
RSDM_S_CHANMID | Chanmid -> Reader and ChaNM |
RSDM_S_CHAVL_DATETO | Help Structure for Buffering Time-Dependent Master Data |
RSDM_S_CNTL_NODE | Hierarchy Node |
RSDM5_SELSUBTYPE | Allowed Selection (Subgroup) |
RSDM5_SELTYPES | Allowed Selection with F4 |
RSDM5_SORTING | Sorting with F4 |
RSDMCHAPRSNT | BW: Characteristic, Node, Attribute and Display |
RSDMHIERKEY | External key of a hierarchy |
RSDMMD_FIELDCAT | Field Catalog Template |
RSDMODSVIEW | Model for View on Fields and Attributes of an ODS Object |
RSDMR_S_ATTRINM | BW: Attribute Name |
RSDMR_S_HIERNODE | Node Information |
RSDMR_S_NODEKEY | Structure of Keys |
RSDMR_S_RETURN | BW: Result of a Selection of Master Data |
RSDMR_S_SELOPT | Selection option |
RSDO_S_ATR | Master data attrib. |
RSDO_S_ATR_NAV | View of navigation attributes and texts |
RSDO_S_ATRNAVT | Text of a Navigation Attribute |
RSDO_S_CHA | Characteristic: Internal Structure |
RSDO_S_CMP | Compound (dependencies) of InfoObjects |
RSDO_S_CUBE_IOBJ_PROP | InfoObject Properties in Cube Context |
RSDO_S_CUBE_R | Toolbar with Reference to InfoCube Class |
RSDO_S_DIME | Dimension and Properties |
RSDO_S_DIME_LOC | Dimension and Properties |
RSDO_S_DIME_SG_R | Toolbar with Pointer for Dimension Class |
RSDO_S_DTA | Bar for InfoProvider (Data Target) |
RSDO_S_DTA_R | Bar with Reference to InfoProvider (Data Target) |
RSDO_S_IOBC_R | Toolbar with Reference to InfoObject Catalog Class |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_DI_R | Toolbar with Pointer for InfoObject Class (for Dimensions) |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_NA_R | Toolbar with Pointer for InfoObject Class |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_R | InfoObject with Reference |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_SG | Toolbar for InfoObjects (Str.Gen.) |
RSDO_S_IOBJ_SG_R | Toolbar with Pointer for InfoObject Class |
RSDO_S_ISXX_R | Toolbar with Reference to InfoSource Class |
RSDO_S_KYF | Properties Key Figure (with Outflow and Inflow) |
RSDO_S_MPRO_R | Bar with Reference to MultiProvider Class |
RSDO_S_ODSO_ATR_NAV | Navigation Attribute in ODS Object |
RSDO_S_ODSO_ATR_NAV_R | Nav. attribute in ODS object with ref. to bearing char. |
RSDO_S_ODSO_IOBJ | InfoObject in ODS Object |
RSDO_S_ODSO_IOBJ_PRO | InfoObject Properties within the ODS object |
RSDO_S_ODSO_IOBJ_PRO_R | InfoObject Properties within the ODS Object |
RSDO_S_ODSO_IOBJ_R | InfoObject in ODS object with reference to InfoObject |
RSDO_S_ODSO_R | ODS Object with Reference |
RSDO_S_ODSO_VERS_R | ODS Version Object with Reference |
RSDO_S_UNI | Unit - Internal Structure |
RSDODSOAUTO | ODS Object: Automation flags |
RSDODSOPRO | Additional Properties for InfoObject in ODS Object |
RSDODSOPRO_DTA | Additional Properties for InfoObject in ODS Object |
RSDODSOREQUEST | ODS Object: Flags for Request Handling |
RSDODSOTECH | ODS Object: Technical Properties |
RSDODSOV_DTA | ODSO Attributes for InfoProvider |
RSDPARTVALUES | InfoCubes: Value Range for Partitioning Criterion |
RSDPROVADDI | InfoProvider: Supplementary Properties |
RSDPROVGENE | InfoProvider: General Attributes |
RSDPROVTECH | InfoProvider: Technical Parameters |
RSDPROVTECHPART | InfoProvider: Partitioning Parameters |
RSDPROVTECHSTOR | InfoProvider: Storage Parameters |
RSDPROVTYPE | InfoProvider: Type Attribute |
RSDRECHA | BEx attributes characteristic |
RSDRECUB | Reporting attributes InfoCube |
RSDREKYF | Reporting attributes key figure |
RSDSHBUFID | Key Structure for Shared Buffer |
RSDSIDATTR | Attributes part of the SID table |
RSDTBFD | DDIC interface: Table fields |
RSDTBHD | DDIC interface: Structure for table header |
RSRV_S_FIELDNAME_COL_COUNT | Table Field Name and Various Column Entries |
SAP Package RSD contains 18 programs.
RSCOMPCONS | Consistency Check of Compounding from MultiProviders |
RSD_20AP1_IOBJ_CHANGE | Update of techn. InfoObjects with BW 2.0A Patch 1 |
RSD_CLIENT_COPY_REPAIR_NUMBR | Repair of BI Number-Range Objects after Client Copy |
RSD_NEW_TEXT_FIELDS | Initialization of new fields of text table for already existing data |
RSDDK_STA_WRITE_IN_CUBE | Loading data in an InfoCube via internal interface |
RSDG_CUBE_COPY | Make InfoCube Copies |
RSDG_CUBE_DELETE | Deleting InfoCubes |
RSDG_CUBE_TABLES_CONVERT | Help Program for the Conversion of InfoCube Tables |
RSDG_CUBE_VALT_MODIFY | BW Metadata: Change the validity slice of a non-cumulative Cube |
RSDG_IOBC_DELETE | Deleting InfoCubes |
RSDG_IOBC_REPAIR | Delete Inactive InfoObjects from InfoObjectCatalogs |
RSDG_IOBJ_ACTIVATE | Activation of InfoObjects (w'out automatic transport connection !) |
RSDG_MPRO_ACTIVATE | Activating MultiProviders |
RSDG_MPRO_COPY | Make InfoCube Copies |
RSDG_MPRO_DELETE | Deleting InfoCubes |
RSDG_MPRO_REORG_TEXTS | Reorganization of Texts for InfoCubes/MultiProviders |
RSDXPRA30 | XPRA BW data basis for Rel. 3.0 |
SAP Package RSD contains 8 search helps.
RS_LOGSYS | Search Help for Logical System |
RSD_IOBJNM | Search Help for InfoObjects |
RSDMSEAHLP | Model search help for a BW characteristic |
RSF4DATCLS | Search Help for Data Class |
RSF4SIZCAT | Search Help for Size Category |
RSF4SLOGSYS | BW: Search Help for Logical Systems |
RSINFOPROV | Search Help for Characteristic 0INFOPROV |
RSRTYPE | Search Help for 0RTYPE |
SAP Package RSD contains 4 message classes.
R7B | BW Metadaten (InfoCube, InfoObject, InfoObjectCatalog) |
R7I | InfoProvider |
RSDMDT | Übersetzung von BW-Objekten |
RSDODSO | Nachrichten zu ODS Objekten |