The package RSOD (KW Document Link) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package RS_BW_STRUPAK.
Package | RSOD |
Short Text | KW Document Link |
Parent Package | RS_BW_STRUPAK |
SAP Package RSOD contains 6 function groups.
RSO_MORM | Repository Manager Meta Objects JCO RFCs |
RSO_XML_DOC_API | APIs for the XML Export for Document'n |
RSOD | Functions for BW Document Link |
RSOD_API | API for Documents in the BW |
RSOD_BIRM | Repository Manager BI Documents JCO RFCs |
RSOD_SKFW_RM | RFC Holder for SKWF Repository Manager |
SAP Package RSOD contains 1 transactions.
RSODADMIN | Administration BW Document Managemt. |
SAP Package RSOD contains 74 database tables.
BDSIDXSTA10 | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
BDSIDXSTA8 | BW:: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
BDSLOREPR10 | 10: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs |
BDSLOREPR8 | 8: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs |
BDSLORIPR10 | 10: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs |
BDSLORIPR8 | 8: Attributes of Incoming Relationsips of LOIOs |
BWCONTHIER | Table for Document Content BW Hierarchies |
BWCONTMAST | Table for Document Content BW Master Data |
BWCONTTMPL | Table for Document Content BW Web Templates |
RSODADMIN | Document Administration |
RSODCHKFHI | BW Hierarchies: File Name of Last Checkout |
RSODCHKFMA | BW Master Data: File Name of Last Checkout |
RSODCHKFTM | rsod: File Name of Last Checkout |
RSODCHKOHI | BW Hierarchies: Checkout Data for Physical Information |
RSODCHKOMA | BW Master Data: Checkout Data for Physical Information |
RSODCHKOTM | rsod: Check-Out Data for Physical Information Object |
RSODCONTENT | BW: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) |
RSODDOCGENLIST | List of TLOGO Objcts whose Documentation Must be Regenerated |
RSODDOCGENQUEUE | Cache of Changed TLOGO Objects (for Generated Documentation) |
RSODIDXSTAHI | BW Hierarchies: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
RSODIDXSTAMA | BW Master Data: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
RSODIDXSTATM | rsod: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
RSODLOIOFO | BW Folder: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOIOHI | BW Hierarchies: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOIOMA | BW Master Data: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOIOTFO | BW Folder: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOIOTHI | BW Hierarchies: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOIOTM | RSOD: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOIOTMA | BW Master Data: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOIOTTM | RSOD: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOPRFO | BW Folder: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOPRHI | BW Hierarchies: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objs |
RSODLOPRMA | BW Master Data: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objs |
RSODLOPRTM | RSOD: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLOREFO | BW Folder: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Inform. Objects |
RSODLOREHI | BW Hierarchies: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Inform. Objs. |
RSODLOREMA | BW Master Data: Outgoing Relationships of Log. Info. Objects |
RSODLOREPRFO | SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs |
RSODLOREPRHI | SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs |
RSODLOREPRMA | SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs |
RSODLOREPRTM | TM: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs |
RSODLORETM | RSOD: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
RSODLORIFO | BW Folder: Incoming Relationships of Log. Information Objs |
RSODLORIHI | BW Hierarchies: Incoming Relationships of Log. Info. Objects |
RSODLORIMA | BW Master Data: Incoming Relationships of Log. Infor. Objs. |
RSODLORIPRFO | SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs |
RSODLORIPRHI | SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs |
RSODLORIPRMA | SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs |
RSODLORIPRTM | TM: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs |
RSODLORITM | RSOD: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
RSODMETACTOID | Document IDs still to be Transported |
RSODMETADOCSTATE | Status of Generated Documentation |
RSODPHFHI | BW Hierarchies: Files of Physical Information Objects |
RSODPHFMA | BW Master Data: Files of Physical Information Objects |
RSODPHFTM | rsod: Files of Physical Information Objects |
RSODPHHRHI | BW Hierarchies: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
RSODPHHRMA | BW Master Data: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
RSODPHHRTM | rsod: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
RSODPHIOHI | BW Hierarchies: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
RSODPHIOMA | BW Master Data: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
RSODPHIOTM | rsod: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
RSODPHNMHI | BW Hierarchies: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
RSODPHNMMA | BW Master Data: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
RSODPHNMTM | rsod: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
RSODPHPRHI | BW Hierarchies: Attributes of PHIOs |
RSODPHPRMA | BW Master Data: Attributes of PHIOs |
RSODPHPRTM | rsod: Attributes of PHIOs |
RSODPHREHI | BW Hierarchies: Outgoing Relationships of Phys. Info.Objects |
RSODPHREMA | BW Master Data: Outgoing Relationsh. of Phys. Info. Objects |
RSODPHRETM | RSOD: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Informatio Objects |
RSODPHRIHI | BW Hierarchies: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info. Obj |
RSODPHRIMA | BW Master Data: Incoming Relationships of Phys. Info. Objs |
RSODPHRITM | RSOD: Incoming Relationships of Phys. Information Objects |
RSODUSERSETTINGS | BW Documents: User Settings |
SAP Package RSOD contains 31 structures.
RSO_S_TLOGO_PROPERTIES | TLOGO Object and Properties (Basis for XDP/XML Docu) |
RSOD_S_CHANM_CHAVL | Characteristic/value |
RSOD_S_CHANM_CHAVL_X | Characteristic / Value with Flag |
RSOD_S_CHAVL_TXTLG | Characteristic Value and Text |
RSOD_S_CONTENT_INFO | API Documents: Content Info |
RSOD_S_DOC_LIST | Entry in the List of Documents |
RSOD_S_DOC_R | BW Document with Reference and Search Results |
RSOD_S_HIER | Hierarchy (Representation for Documents) |
RSOD_S_HIER_X | Hierarchy with Flag (Representation for Documents) |
RSOD_S_HTML_1COL | Structure with a Field for HTML Coding |
RSOD_S_HTML_2COL | Structure with 2 Fields for HTML Coding |
RSOD_S_IO_SEARCH | BW Document with Such Results |
RSOD_S_IO_URL | SKWF InfoObject with URL and Name |
RSOD_S_IOBJ_PROP | InfoObject and Generated Document Property |
RSOD_S_IOBJ_PROP_CMP | InfoObject and Generated Document Property + Compounded |
RSOD_S_PROP_DEP | Doc. Property with Dep. (that Use This Prop. in Compounding) |
RSOD_S_PROP_TEXT | Document Property with Text |
RSOD_S_PROP_USER_SETTINGS | Documents: Structure for the Display of User-Settings |
RSOD_S_RANGE | Range Structure for Document Attribute Values |
RSOD_S_SEARCH | Search Results |
RSOD_S_TLOGO_TEXT_QUERY | TLOGO Object with Degree of Concordance (Text Search) |
RSOD_S_USER_SETTINGS | User-Settings for the Document Connection |
RSOD_S_VALUE | Values of a Property as a Structure |
RSOD_SX_PROP_RANGE | Document Property with Range Table |
RSOD_SX_SEARCH_OUT | Display Bar for ALV Output of Search |
RSOD_SX_SELID_PROP_RANGE | Assignment of SELID Document Properties Selection |
RSOD_SX_SHUFF_OUT | Display-List for the ALV Display of the Shuffler |
RSODGENERAL | Fields with DDIC Description for the CM Attributes |
RSODSCADMIN | Screen-Output for the Administration of Documents |
RSODSCGENPROP | Administration Documents: Generated Properties in TC |
SAP Package RSOD contains 12 programs.
RSOD_BUILD_META_DOCU_DELTA | BW Documents Indexing (with Docu. Generation) |
RSOD_CHECK_FOLDER | Advance Delivery of RSRV Checks for Document Directories |
RSOD_CTO | Writing Documents to Requests |
RSOD_DELETE_QUEUE | BW Documents Indexing (with Docu. Generation) |
RSOD_INDEX_PROGRAM | BW Index Job as Report (Only for Tests Due to Logon Language) |
RSOD_META_DOC_INDEX | Structuring and Checking In Metadata Documentation from Repository |
RSOD_RSRV_TEST | Call RSRV Test for the Document Directly |
RSOD_TLOGO_STORE_WITH_DEP | BW Documents Indexing (with Docu. Generation) |
RSOD_XPRA_BDS_TO_KW | Changeover of documents and InfoObjects at upgrade from 2.0 to 3.0A |
RSOD_XPRA_GEN_TRAN_ATTRIBUTES | Generation of Document Properties for InfoProvider Documents |
SAP Package RSOD contains 5 search helps.
RSOD_CHANM | Search-Help for Characteristics (with Master Data) |
RSOD_INFOPROV | Search-Help for InfoProviders |
RSOD_KYFNM | Search Help for Key Figures |
RSOD_QUERY | Search-Help for Characteristics (with Master Data) |
RSOD_TLOGO | Search Help for Object Types that are Permitted in Documents |
SAP Package RSOD contains 1 message classes.
RSOD | Nachrichten für Dokumentenanschluß |