The package SDBT (ABAP Dictionary: Basic Tools) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SDBT |
Short Text | ABAP Dictionary: Basic Tools |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SDBT contains 18 function groups.
0DDD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
DDSCGEN | Generation of Schemes |
DDSCHEME | Scheme Handling |
SDAP | DD-Application Program Interface |
SDBT | Basic Tools ABAP Dictionary |
SDD4 | Object-Type-Dependent DD->DB Operations |
SDDE | Calculate Dependents/Navigation |
SDDG | DD: Graph algorithms |
SDDT | ABAP Dictionary Tools and Utilities |
SDEX | DD: official external interfaces |
SDFK | Function modules for foreign keys |
SDIB | Bridge Functions for Type Group DDOBJ |
SDIE | Functions for Packing and Unpacking |
SDIFRUNTIME | Interfaces for Type Runtime Objects |
SDPW | Yet another protocol writer |
SDS0 | Mass Accessing |
SDS1 | Mass Accessing |
SINT | Short text |
SAP Package SDBT contains 4 database tables.
DDPART | DD: Partitioned form of TBATG |
DDPATH | DD: Definition of access paths |
DDPROF | DD: Settings for DDIC programs |
DDSERVPERF | DD: Performance Key Figures of Server for Par. Execution |
SAP Package SDBT contains 82 structures.
DBCHKCNTRL | Control string for DB-DD table checks |
DBCHKPAR | DB check (HELP structure) |
DBIFCHKRES | Structure for results of DB check for indexes (fields) |
DBIHCHKRES | Structure for results of DB check for indexes (header) |
DBSPFLGS | Storage, Maintenance Tree: Flags |
DBSPHCOND | Storage: Help Structure for Condition |
DBSPHFLGS | Storage: Help Structure for Flags |
DBSPHTREE | Storage: Help Structure for Maintenance Tree |
DBSPTREE | Storage, maintenance tree |
DBSTPCNTRL | Control String for Storage Parameters |
DBTABCHK | Control string for DB-DD table checks |
DBTFCHKRES | Structure for results of DB check for table fields |
DCEXIXGET | Control Structure for DD_EXIX_GET |
DCFIELDDAT | Structure for Describing a Field with Contents |
DCFIELDINL | Description of a field in a field list |
DCMATCHCTR | Field description for proposal for matching |
DCMATCHRES | Match between two fields |
DCMESSAGE | Structure for Storing a Message |
DCOBACTDET | Control string for actions of search help activator |
DCOBJDEP | Structure for describing a dependency in DDIC |
DCSQLTGET | Reference structure for DD_SQLT_GET |
DCTBFDGET | Control structure for DD_TBFD_GET |
DDACTIONS | DD: Structure for display ACTION -> text |
DDATCHK | Field structure for screen 100 RUTATCHK |
DDBT_CFLD | Description of a non-elementary component of a structure |
DDBT_DATA | Information about a component of a complex data object |
DDBT_DATD | Type for packing complex data |
DDBT_FDDES | Type and position of contents of a field |
DDBT_FLD | Information about an elementary component |
DDBT_STDEF | Description of a structured type |
DDBTCMPTIT | Column information for comparison of repeat groups |
DDCLASSES | DD: Structure for mapping CLASS -> text |
DDCON | Condition for IN operator |
DDCONH | Storage Parameter (condition) |
DDDEPDESCR | Internal Description of a Dependent Object |
DDFIXVALUE | Description of a Fixed Value |
DDGR_NAME | DD: Names of DD objects for graphic algorithms |
DDGR_OBJ | DD: Object lists for graphic algorithms |
DDGR_REL | DD: Relations list for graphic algorithms |
DDGR_RELIX | DD: Relation over object index for graphic algorithms |
DDINDEX | Information for indexes |
DDLOGDEF | DD: Formal definition of log and trace output |
DDMESS | Message in non-expanded form |
DDMSG | DD: Structure for Messages |
DDMUTEX | DD: Table for implementing reciprocal exclusions |
DDNAMETAB | Structure for Display Nametab |
DDNTFLAG | Structure for Explaining Nametab Flags |
DDNTHEADER | Structure for Nametab Header |
DDOBJCLASS | Classification of ABAP Dictionary objects |
DDOBJCOST | DD: Relative costs per DD object type |
DDOBJPOS | DD: Position of an object |
DDOPER | Lock arguments for DD processes |
DDPARTKEY | DD: Global attributes of table DDPART |
DDPRH_ALV | Structure for DDPRH for Display with ALV Grid |
DDPRID | DD: Representation of a list of log IDs |
DDPRLOCK | DD: Lock granularity for standard output |
DDPROPVAL | DD: Attribute value pairs |
DDRANGE | Reference structure for ranges in the ABAP Dictionary |
DDREFSTRUC | DD: General Reference Structure in ABAP Dictionary |
DDRELTAB | DD Dict.: structure for relations |
DDSERVERIF | DD: Info for Application Server for Parallel Processing |
DDSEVMAP | DD: Map severity for level/STDO |
DDTEMPL | DD: Structure for mapping SKIND -> text |
DDTIMER | DD: Basic tools, timer structure |
DDTYPEDESC | Description of an ABAP Dictionary Type |
DEL_DEPTAB | DD: Structure for where-used list for deletion functions |
NTTABCHK | Control string for NT DD table checks |
PARCONTROL | DD: Control Parameter for Parallel Execution |
PARCTRLINT | DD: Internal Check Parameter for Parallel Execution |
SCCONTROL | DD: Internal Control Structure for Schema Instatiator |
SCDELIM | DD: structure for delimiter in schemata |
SCGPARSED | DD: Structure for Parsed Schemas of a Program |
SCINSTLINE | DD: Long Row for Instantiating Schemas |
SCMDELIM | DD: structure for delimiter in schemata |
SCMDELIMA | Schema: Basic Delimiter (Redefinable) |
SCMDELIMD | Schema: Derived Delimiter |
SCPARSED | DD: Structure for Parsed Schemas |
SCPREINST | DD: Intermediate Form of Schema Instantiation |
SCTMPLINE | DD: Temporary, Short Line for Instantiating Schemas |
TASKSIZE | DD: Size for Tasks |
TBATG_BODY | DD: Local attributes of table TBATG |
SAP Package SDBT contains 48 programs.
MSRUTDBCHK1 | DD: ABAP Dictionary/Database Consistency Check |
RADBTCMP | Basic Tools: Comparing Repetition Groups |
RADBTCPY | DD: Universal conversion |
RADBTDAC | DD: ABAP Open SQL Elementary Accesses |
RADBTDE2 | DD: Initialization Forms for the Navigator Paths |
RADBTDLT | DD: Generalized Delete Operations |
RADBTFRA | DDinternal: Basic Tool: Definition of Frames for List Output |
RADBTITB | DD: Int. Tables: COPY_TABLE, APPEND_TABLE, etc. (as report) |
RADBTLOG | DD: Standard log |
RADBTMAP | DD: Map initialization |
RADBTMUT | DD: Semaphores |
RADBTOUT | DD - Standard Output, External Version |
RADBTPRT | Diplay of Activation Log |
RADBTSEL | DD: Area Access to Tables (External Version) |
RADBTTMR | DD-Basic Tool: TIMER, Methods for Time Measurement |
RADOBDEP | Determine dependencies |
RADPROTA | Display Logs |
RADPROTB | Display Logs |
RADTRACH | Overview of Dictionary check |
RADUTPAN | DD: Utility for extracting key figures from logs |
RADVVDE2 | Version Display/Comparison of Data Elements |
RADVVDO2 | Version Display/Comparison of Domains |
RADVVEN2 | Version Display/Comparison for Lock Objects |
RADVVIX2 | Version display/index comparison |
RADVVMC2 | Version Display/Matchcode Object Comparison |
RADVVMI2 | Version Display/Matchcode ID Comparison |
RADVVSQ2 | Version Display/Phys. Pool/Cluster Comparison |
RADVVTT2 | Version Display/Techn. Settings Comparison |
RADVVVI2 | Version Display/Comparison for Views |
RDDVIEWC | Compare View Definition in ABAP Dictionary and Database |
RDTCMPTB | DD Tool for Comparing ABAP Dictionary/Database/Nametab |
RUTALLDF | DD: Analysis Tool: Dictionary Structure Display / Nametab / Database |
RUTBTPA1 | DD: Forms for parallelization |
RUTBTPA2 | Application server for parallel Dictionary programs |
RUTCHECK | DD: General Consistency Check |
RUTCHKCO | DD: Package Check in DDIC |
RUTDBCHK | DD: ABAP Dictionary/Database Consistency Check |
RUTDBDSP | DD: Display Database Object |
RUTNTCHECK | ABAP Dictionary |
RUTNTCHK | DD: Consistency Check Between ABAP Dictionary and Runtime Object |
RUTNTDEF | DD Analysis Tool: Display of the Runtime Version (Nametab) |
RUTNTDSP | DD: Display Runtime Object |
RUTRECON | Reconstructs the Active Nametab from the Database |
RUTSPAR | Storage parameters: (display and maintain) |
SCHEME_TEST | Schema: test instantiation |
SDDBTSEL | DD: Generalized selection operations (external version) |
SAP Package SDBT contains 10 search helps.
DD_CHECKTABLE | Search for Possible Check Tables for a Domain |
DD_DBTB_16 | Search for Database Tables |
DD_INCL_FOR_FIELD | Search for a Type for Inclusion in a Structure |
DD_INCL_FOR_FIELD_FLAT | Search for a Type for Inclusion in a Database Table |
DD_TABL_FD | Search for Active Table Fields |
DD_TYPE_FOR_FIELD | Search for a Type for a Field |
DD_TYPE_FOR_FIELD_ALL | Search for a Type for a Field of a Structure |
DD_TYPES_AND_CLIFS | Search for Types, Classes and Interfaces |
DD_TYPES_AND_IMPLEM_CLIFS | Search for Types, Classes and Interfaces |
DD_VIEW_16 | Search for Database Tables |