The package SDFI (Repository Interface Reference Model) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SDFI |
Short Text | Repository Interface Reference Model |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SDFI contains 4 function groups.
RPYW | Wrapper for repository API |
SF23 | API between LM and R/3 parts of BE |
SIBM | Repository Infterface for Business-Nav. |
SIBU | Repository API Process Models - Update |
SAP Package SDFI contains 76 structures.
BMLM61S | LM Data |
BMLMCONTX | Assignments of IMG to Modelling Objects |
BMLMCUSAH | IMG acitvity attributes |
BMLMCUSAL | Country Assignments to IMG Activities |
BMLMDF04L | Functions and Processes |
BMLMDF14L | Application Components |
BMLMDF14LS | Application Components |
BMLMDF17L | Any Object |
BMLMDF30S | Usage Relations |
BMLMDF33S | Assignments of IMG to Modelling Objects |
BMLMDF34S | Documentation Assignments |
BMLMDF50O | IMG Selection |
BMLMDF55L | Variants |
BMLMFVARS | Global Function Variants |
BMLMGF | General Fields for LM interface |
BMLMGMEM | Members of groups |
BMLMGRAO | All of/one of group type |
BMLMHIER | Business Configurator Hierarchy |
BMLMIDS | Object IDs |
BMLMNAMES | language dependant object names |
BMLMOBJH | Customizing Object Attributes |
BMLMOBJSUB | Übergabe der Subobjektattribute an IC |
BMLMREQL | Requires - links |
BMLMROAD | ASAP Road Map Element |
BMLMSCPRAT | Customizing Profile Attributes |
BMLMSYNCH | Synchronization list |
BMLMTCUSP | R/3-Customizing Project |
BMLMTDEVC | Developement Classes |
BMLMTOJTB | Objects |
BMLMTSTC | SAP transaktion codes |
RPYBM0130 | Functions |
RPYBM0131 | Functions |
RPYBM0330 | Events |
RPYBM0331 | Events |
RPYBM0430 | Functions/Scenarios |
RPYBM1130 | Scenarios |
RPYBM1230 | Organizational Units |
RPYBM1430 | Components |
RPYBM1530 | Comunication flows |
RPYBM1631 | Groups |
RPYBM4030 | Model information |
RPYBM4031 | Model information |
RPYBM4130 | Nodes |
RPYBM4131 | Nodes |
RPYBM4140 | Business Object Models: nodes of a model |
RPYBM4230 | Lines |
RPYBM4231 | Lines |
RPYBM4330 | Linepoints |
RPYBM4430 | Hierarchy level |
RPYBM4431 | Hierarchy level |
RPYBM4531 | Group Contents |
RPYBM5231 | Filters |
RPYBM5331 | Variant context |
RPYBM5431 | Variant Contents |
RPYBM5531 | Variants |
RPYBMDC30 | Development classes (for F4-Help) |
RPYBMER31 | Error structure of repository interface |
RPYBMFL31 | Action log |
RPYBMFT31 | Functions with function type |
RPYBMFW30 | Values of CICO-mode |
RPYBMGF | Reference Model: Fields for Repository API |
RPYBMGO31 | Group occurrences |
RPYBMHI30 | Business Navigator hierarchy |
RPYBMID30 | Information flows |
RPYBMIF30 | Information objects of an information flow |
RPYBMIO30 | Input/Output Assignments |
RPYBMNO30 | Numbers for Business Navigator Objects |
RPYBMOB30 | CICO-Objects |
RPYBMOD31 | Object-ID and Devclass |
RPYBMOT30 | Object names |
RPYBMRL30 | Function Assignments |
RPYBMRL31 | Function Assignments |
RPYBMSO30 | System Organizational Unit Assignments |
RPYBOM140 | Business Object Models: nodes of a model |
RPYBOM240 | Business Object Models: List of Application Components |
SAP Package SDFI contains 1 message classes.
S~ | Repository API Business Navigator |