

Tree Model Framework

The package SEU_TREE_MODEL (Tree Model Framework) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Short Text Tree Model Framework
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SEU_TREE_MODEL contains 1 function groups.

TREEMODELFG Tree Model - internal


SAP Package SEU_TREE_MODEL contains 30 structures.

TREEMCCOL Column Tree Model: Attributes of a Column
TREEMCHCL Column Tree Model: Attributes of a Hierarchy Column
TREEMCINF Tree Model: Internal
TREEMCITEF Column Tree Model: Update Item with Node Key
TREEMCITEM Column Tree Model: Item
TREEMCITEN Column Tree Model: Item with Node Key
TREEMCNODT Column Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMCTIT Tree Model: TREEV_ITEM Structure + TEXT Field
TREEMCUITE Column Tree Model: Structure for Updating an Item
TREEMCUNO Column Tree Model: Structure for Updating a Node
TREEMHHDR Tree Model: Attributes of the Hierarchy Heading
TREEMIITEM Item Tree Model: Item
TREEMIKEY Tree Model: Structure Item Key Table
TREEMINODT Item Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMLHDR List Tree Model: Attributes of the List Header
TREEMLITEF List Tree Model: Update Item with Node Key
TREEMLITEM List Tree Model: Item
TREEMLITEN List Tree Model: Item with Node Key
TREEMLNODT List Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMLUITE List Tree Model: Structure for Updating an Item
TREEMLUNO List Tree Model: Structure for Updating a Node
TREEMPRINF Tree Model - internal
TREEMRITEM Tree Model: Basic Item
TREEMSNOD Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMSNODE Tree Model: TREEV_NODE Structure + TEXT Field
TREEMSNODT Simple Tree Model: Attributes of a Node
TREEMSUNO Simple Tree Model: Structure for Updating a Node
TREEMSUNOD Tree Model: TREEV_UNOD Structure + U_TEXT and TEXT Fields
TREEMUCTIT Tree Model: TREEV_UITE Structure + TEXT Field
TREEMUNOFL Tree Model: Internal


SAP Package SEU_TREE_MODEL contains 5 programs.

SAPCOLUMN_TREE_MODEL_DEMO Example: Column Tree Model (with Documentation)
SAPSIMPLE_TREE_MODEL_DEMO Example: Simple Tree Model (with Documentation)
SAPSIMPLE_TREEM_DRAG_DROP_DEMO Example: Drag and Drop in Simple Tree Control (with Documentation)
SAPSIMPLE_TREEM_DRAGDROP_DEMO2 Example: Drag and Drop in Simple Tree Control (with Documentation)
SAPTLIST_TREE_MODEL_DEMO Example: List Tree Model (with Documentation)

Message Classes

SAP Package SEU_TREE_MODEL contains 1 message classes.