
SAP Package SEUC

Menu Painter

The package SEUC (Menu Painter) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SEUC
Short Text Menu Painter
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SEUC contains 7 function groups.

SEU0 ABAP Workbench
SEU1 GUI service functions
SEUN Menu Painter: Standards editor
SEUP GUI for prototyping
SMPC Customer enhancements: Menu Painter
SMPE Editor: Menu Painter
SMPI Menu Painter: Internal service functions


SAP Package SEUC contains 3 transactions.

SE40 MP: Standards Maint. and Translation
SE41 Menu Painter

Database Tables

SAP Package SEUC contains 14 database tables.

D301T Texts for Program Functions and Menu Bars
D344L Header for language load of master language
EUDB Development Environment Objects
GUI_FKEY GUI: Frontend-dependent function key settings
GUI_FKEYT GUI: Frontend-dependent function key settings
RSMPCHECK GUI test classifications
RSMPCHECKT GUI test classifications
RSMPTEXTS Menu Painter: Texts
RSMPTEXTSI Menu Painter: Texts
RSMPTRNSL Menu Painter: Assignment table for 3.1 --> 4.0 conversion
RSNORMDB Standards
RSNORMTXT Texts for Menu Painter norm suggestions


SAP Package SEUC contains 122 structures.

D341S Run-time object for Menu Painter - menu bars
D341SC Run-time object for Menu Painter - menu bars
D342S Run-time object for Menu Painter - pull-down menus
D342SC Run-time object for Menu Painter - pull-down menus
D343S Run-time object for Menu Painter - function keys
D343SC Run-time object for Menu Painter - function keys
D344T Run-time object for Menu Painter - Texts
D344TC Run-time object for Menu Painter - Texts
D345S GUI load: Language-specific texts
D346F GUI load: Dynamic texts
D346I GUI load for icons
GUI_REF Menu Painter: Object tree line reference table
NAV_TREE Navigation structure for hierarchy display
RLSEU0_DOK SAP Graphical User Interface: Short Texts
RSEU0_DMEN Menu texts
RSEU0_FUN Function list and menu list
RSEU0_FUND Dynamic menu and function texts
RSEU0_HITS Hits table: Use of field in GUI
RSEU0_MOD Functions intended for customer modification
RSEU0_SAPM Area menu list
RSEU0_TEXT Transfer Structure for GUI Texts
RSEU1 Menu Painter screen fields
RSEU1_ACT Structure of table for description of menu bars
RSEU1_BUT Structure of tables for description of pushbuttons
RSEU1_CTX Menu Painter: Status texts up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_DOM Menu Painter: Search area for global search
RSEU1_ETM Menu Painter: Technical texts up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_FDYN Menu Painter: Dynamic function texts up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_FUN Menu Painter: Function text structure up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_GEN Menu Painter: Status list up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_HAT Attributes for Function Key Settings (Menu Bars)
RSEU1_IBAR Sequence of icons in the standard toolbar
RSEU1_ICON Menu Painter: Functions with icons up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_INC Menu Painter: Include menus up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_KEY SAP Graphical User Interface key
RSEU1_LST Menu Painter: Administration info. up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_MDYN Menu Painter: Dynamic menu texts up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_MEN Menu Painter: Menus up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_NLP Function key settings in reports
RSEU1_PFK Menu Painter: Function key assignment up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_SET Menu Painter: Active functions up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_SYMB Menu Painter: Standard toolbar up to 3.1 (obsolete)
RSEU1_TXM Structure of table for menu texts
RSEU3 SAP Graphical User Interface: Initial transaction
RSEUL_CMP Comparison of GUIs
RSEUL_FUN Status functions
RSEUL_GSTA Generate Status
RSEUL_KEYS Function Key and Pushbutton Settings
RSEUL_TREE SAP-GUI: Tree structure of status menu bar
RSEUMENU Hit list of SAPMENU texts
RSMP_CHECK Menu Painter: Standards check statistics
RSMP_DTXT Transfer Structure for Menu Painter Texts
RSMP_NAVI Menu Painter: Transfer Structure - Navigation
RSMP_NORM Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Screen fields
RSMP_S_ACT Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Menu bar
RSMP_S_BUT Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Pushbutton proposal
RSMP_S_EXP Menu Painter: Standards maint.: Functions only for F keys
RSMP_S_FCD Menu Painter: Standards: Frontend Code
RSMP_S_FCT Menu Painter: Standards: Frontend Texts
RSMP_S_FIN Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Function texts (F keys)
RSMP_S_FUN Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Function texts (menu)
RSMP_S_MEN Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Menu structure
RSMP_S_MTX Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Menu texts
RSMP_S_NAV Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Navig. transfer struct.
RSMP_S_PFK Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Function keys
RSMP_S_SYI Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Illegal texts
RSMP_S_SYN Menu Painter: Standards maintenance: Illegal texts
RSMP_S_SYS Setting of certain internal F keys
RSMP_S_SYT Texts of certain F keys
RSMP_SOTR Menu Painter: Text Migration to OTR
RSMP_TKEY Menu Painter: Text Table Key
RSMPE Menu Painter: Input/Output fields (4.0)
RSMPE_ACT Menu Painter: Menu bars (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_ACTV Menu Painter: Menu bars for comparing versions
RSMPE_ADM Menu Painter: Internal administration data
RSMPE_ATR Menu Painter: Attributes (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_ATRT Menu Painter: Attributes with Texts (4.0 Onwards)
RSMPE_BUT Menu Painter: Pushbuttons (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_BUTS Menu Painter: Fixed Functions on Application Toolbars
RSMPE_BUTV Menu Painter: Version comparison for pushbuttons
RSMPE_CTX Context menu status
RSMPE_DATR Menu Painter: Menu bars and function key attributes (4.0)
RSMPE_DFUN Menu Painter: Language-independent function table (4.0 -->)
RSMPE_DMEN Menu Painter: Menu structure (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_DPFK Menu Painter: Function key assignments (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_FUN Menu Painter: Language-independent function texts (4.0 -->)
RSMPE_FUNL Status functions
RSMPE_FUNT Menu Painter: Language-specific function texts (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_KATR Menu Painter: Menu bars and function key attributes (4.0)
RSMPE_KBUT Menu Painter: Pushbuttons (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_KEYS Function Key and Pushbutton Settings
RSMPE_KFUN Menu Painter test
RSMPE_KOBJ Menu Painter: Key for menus
RSMPE_KPFK Menu Painter: Function key assignments (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_LIST Menu Painter: List system field condition
RSMPE_MEN Menu Painter: Menu structure (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_MENV Menu Painter: Menu structure for comparing versions
RSMPE_MNL Menu Painter: Language-independent menu tables (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_MNLT Menu Painter: Language-specific menu texts (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_MODH Menu Painter: Internal modification log header
RSMPE_OBJ Menu Painter: Object code
RSMPE_PFK Menu Painter: Function key assignments (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_PFKV Menu Painter: Function key settings for comparing versions
RSMPE_POS Menu Painter: List positions for Menus
RSMPE_PRNT Menu Painter: Print selection
RSMPE_REF Menu Painter: Reference line where-used list
RSMPE_SRCH Menu Painter: Search result
RSMPE_STA Menu Painter: Status (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_STAF Menu Painter: Status functions (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_STAT Menu Painter: Text-dependent status (4.0 onwards)
RSMPE_TIT Menu Painter: Title codes (4.0)
RSMPE_TITT Menu Painter: Title codes with texts (4.0)
RSMPE_TPOS Menu Painter: Tree positions
RSMPE_TREE SAP-GUI: Tree structure of status menu bar
RSMPE_TSTA Menu Painter: Tree status
RSMPE_TXT Menu Painter: User interface texts
RSMPE_VRSA Menu Painter: Compare versions - attributes
RSMPE_VRSH Menu Painter: Compare versions - hierarchical seq. lst hdr
SMODIMPCMP Customer enhancements: I/O fields for merging interfaces
SMODIMPCNF Customer enhancements: Conflict list for GUI
SMP_DYNTXT Menu Painter: Program interface for dynamic texts


SAP Package SEUC contains 28 programs.

RS_CUA_GEN_PATH Generation of fastpath in one language
RS_CUAD_MODIF_TO_40A User Interface Conversion
RS_CUAD_REPAIR_NON_7BIT_ASCII Non-7bit ASCII Characters in CUA Codes and in table RSMPTEXTS
RSCUASTDPATH Adjustment of Fastpath After Standard Change
SAPMSEUA Simulation of GUI
SAPMSEUK Compare GUI Versions
SAPMSEUN Menu Painter: Standards Maintenance
SAPMSMPE Master transaction for GUI tes
SAPMSMPF Function key encryption
SAPRSEU5_40_46B Menu Painter: Remote for Source in 50
SAPRSEU5_46C Menu Painter: Remote for Source in 50
SAPRSEUF Delete Superfluous Entries Not in Original Language from RSMPTEXTS
SAPRSEUG Generate All GUIs
SAPRSEUK Menu Painter: Restore Interface Version
SAPRSEUL Menu Painter: Displaying an Interface Version
SAPRSEUW Main Program for Correction of Menu Painter Tables
SAPRSEUY Menu Painter: Analysis Report, Source Code
SAPRSMP_TOUCH Interfaces: Get, save, and generate
SAPRSMPFKEY Function key settings
SAPRSMPICONS Menu Painter: Clean up system icons
SAPRSMPL Menu Painter: Conversion of languages after language import
SAPRSMPU Menu Painter conversion 4.0
SAPRSMPU5 Set version number 50
SAPRSUTT Menu Painter: Analysis Report, Source Code

Message Classes

SAP Package SEUC contains 2 message classes.

EC Entwicklungsumgebung: Menu-Painter
NO Umsetzen einer neuen Menü-Painter-Source in eine alte