
SAP Package SGRC

ABAP Graphics Development: Network, Bar Chart

The package SGRC (ABAP Graphics Development: Network, Bar Chart) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SGRC
Short Text ABAP Graphics Development: Network, Bar Chart
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SGRC contains 8 function groups.

0BCG Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0CGR Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
0SGR Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
BARC Bar Chart
CNBC Bar chart OCX
CNET Configuration of network graphics
CNNE Network control
SGRC General graphics functions


SAP Package SGRC contains 55 transactions.

BCG0 Bar chart: Maintain field definition
BCG1 Bar chart: Maintain form definition
BCG2 Bar chart: Maintain graphic profile
BCG3 Bar chart: Maintain form assignment
BCG4 Bar chart: Maintain option profile
BCG5 Bar chart: Maintain color assignment
BCG6 Bar chart: Maintain color definition
BCG7 Bar chart: Call model graphic
BCG8 Bar chart: Maintain graphic element
BCG9 Bar chart: Maintain chart
CNG1 Netw./Hier.: Maintain frame types
CNG2 Netw./Hier.: Maintain form def.
CNG3 Netw./hier.: maintain color definit.
CNG4 Netw./Hier.: Maintain graph. profile
CNG5 Netw./Hier: Maintain options profile
CNG6 Netw./hier.: Maintain node type
CNG7 Netw./Hier.: Maintain link types
CNG8 Netw./Hier.: Maintain field def.
CNG9 Graph. Cust. Netw./Hierarchy Graph.
DOKU_BARC User's Guide: Bar Chart Graphics
DOKU_CNET_CLUST User's Guide: Cluster Editor
DOKU_CNET_HIER User's Guide: Hierarchy Graphics
DOKU_CNET_NETZ User's Guide: Network Graphics
GRAL Calling SAP Graphics demos
OCNG Graphic customizing
OSGR Command file for Customizing graph.
S_B20_88000001 IMG Activity: SIMG_OCNG_CMOD_UEX17
S_B20_88000002 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGCNG9
S_B20_88000003 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGCNG8
S_B20_88000004 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGCNG2
S_B20_88000005 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGCNG3
S_B20_88000006 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGCNG5
S_B20_88000007 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGCNG1
S_B20_88000008 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGCNG7
S_B20_88000009 IMG Activity: SESSION_MANAGER
S_B20_88000010 IMG Activity: SIMG_SAPB_WORD_PROC
S_B20_88000011 IMG Activity: SIMG_OCNG_CMOD_UEX23
S_B20_88000012 IMG Activity: SIMG_OCNG_CMOD_UEX22
S_B20_88000013 IMG Activity: SIMG_OCNG_CMOD_UEX21
S_B20_88000014 IMG Activity: SIMG_OCNG_CMOD_UEX20
S_B20_88000015 IMG Activity: SIMG_OCNG_CMOD_UEX19
S_B20_88000016 IMG Activity: SIMG_OCNG_CMOD_UEX18
S_B20_88000017 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG6
S_B20_88000018 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG4
S_B20_88000019 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG3
S_B20_88000020 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG5
S_B20_88000021 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG8
S_B20_88000022 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG9
S_B20_88000023 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG2
S_B20_88000024 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGCNG6
S_B20_88000025 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGCNG4
S_B20_88000026 IMG Activity: SIMG_OCNG_CMOD_UEX24
S_B20_88000027 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG7
S_B20_88000028 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG1
S_B20_88000029 IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOCNGBCG0

Database Tables

SAP Package SGRC contains 43 database tables.

TBCA Chart types in bar chart
TBCAT Text on Chart Types in the Bar Chart
TBCC Color types in bar chart
TBCCT Text on Color Types in the Bar Chart
TBCF Form types in Gantt chart
TBCFT Texts on form types in the bar chart
TBCG Graphics profile of bar chart
TBCGT Texts on graphics profiles of the bar chart
TBCL Layer types in bar chart
TBCLT Texts on Layer Types in Bar Chart
TBCO Options in bar chart
TBCOT Texts on options for bar chart
TBCR Ribbon Attributes Generated with Time Scale Wizard
TCNC Profiles for clusters in network/hierarchy graphics
TCNCT Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts on Frame Profiles
TCNG Network/hierarchy graphics: graphics profile
TCNGT Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts for Profiles
TCNL Network/hierarchy graphics: profile for links
TCNLT Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts for Link Profiles
TCNN Network/hierarchy graphics: profiles for nodes
TCNNT Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts for Node Profiles
TCNO Network/hierarchy graphics: options profile
TCNOT Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Texts for Options Profiles
TFAT Field Attributes in VarChart Graphics
TFATT VarChart Graphics: Texts for Field Attributes
TFMT Format attributes in VarChart graphics
TFMTT VarChart Graphics: Format Attribute Texts
TFRPT VarChart Graphics: Texts on Frame Form
TFRSP Frame Form in VarChart
TFTBT VarChart Graphics: Texts on Font Type
TFTBY Font Type in VarChart
TGMF Files for Inclusion as Symbol
TGMFT Texts for GMF File for Logo
THLT VarChart Graphics: Color Attributes
THLTT VarChart Graphics: Texts for Color Attributes
TLTYP Line types in VarChart Graphics
TLTYT VarChart Graphics: Texts on Line Types
TPATT Pattern type in VarChart
TPTTT VarChart graphics: texts on patterns
TSTRK VarChart Graphics: Strike-Through-Type
TSTRT VarChart graphics: texts on strikethrough types
TWCOL Possible colors (W lib)
TWCOT Texts on Colors


SAP Package SGRC contains 46 views.

H_TBCA Bar chart: Chart Types
H_TBCC Bar Chart: Colors
H_TBCF Bar chart: Form types
H_TBCG Bar Chart: Graphic Profiles
H_TBCL Bar Chart: Graphic Element Types
H_TBCO Bar Chart: Option Profiles
H_TCNC Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Frame Types
H_TCNG Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Graphics Profiles
H_TCNL Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Link Types
H_TCNN Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Node Types
H_TCNO Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Options Profile
H_TFAT VarChart Graphics: Fields
H_TFMT VarChart Graphics: Forms
H_TFRSP VarChart Graphics: Frame shape
H_TFTBY VarChart Graphics: Font Style
H_TGMF VarChart Graphics: GMF Files for Including Logos
H_THLT VarChart Graphics: Colors
H_TLTYP VarChart Graphics: Line type
H_TPATT VarChart Graphics: Pattern
H_TSTRK VarChart Graphics: Strikethrough type
H_WCOL VarChart Graphics: Colors
V_TBCA Bar Chart: Chart
V_TBCC Bar Chart: Color Assignment
V_TBCF Bar Chart: Form Assignment
V_TBCG Bar chart: Graphic profile
V_TBCL Bar chart: Graphic element
V_TBCO Bar chart: Option profile
V_TBCR Bar chart: Time scale attributes
V_TBCT Bar chart: Field definition
V_TBFM Bar Chart: Form Definition
V_TBHL Bar Chart: Color Definition
V_TCNC Network/Hierarchy: Frames
V_TCNG Network/Hierarchy: Graphics Profile
V_TCNL Network/Hierarchy: Links
V_TCNN Network/Hierarchy: Nodes
V_TCNO Network/Hierarchy: Option Profile
V_TFAT Network/Hierarchy: Field Definition
V_TFMT Network/Hierarchy: Form Definition
V_TFRSP VarChart Graphics: Frame shape
V_TFTBY VarChart Graphics: Font style
V_TGMF VarChart Graphics: Files for including symbols
V_THLT Network/Hierarchy: Color Definition
V_TLTYP VarChart Graphics: Line type
V_TPATT VarChart Graphics: Pattern
V_TSTRK VarChart Graphics: Strikethrough type
V_TWCOL VarChart Graphics: Colors


SAP Package SGRC contains 83 structures.

BARC_SET Bar chart settings
BCBOXES Boxes in Gantt chart
BCCALENDAR Calendar in Gantt chart
BCCHART Chart in Gantt chart
BCCMDINFO Info structure for user command in Gantt chart
BCCOLORSET Possible Color Settings in a Bar Chart
BCCOLUMN Columns in Bar Chart
BCCOLUMWDT Width of columns in Gantt chart
BCCURVAXIS Value range of Y-axis for curves in the bar chart
BCCURVE Curves in the bar chart
BCCURVVALS Attributes for curves in the bar chart
BCDATLIN Date lines for Gantt chart
BCDELETE Table for deleting objects from Gantt chart
BCDPCUVALS Attributes for Curves in the Bar Chart
BCDRGDRP Drag & Drop in Bar Chart
BCFMTVALS Attributes of formats in Gantt chart
BCGCHARTS Charts in SAPLBARC (internal use)
BCGRIDS Grids in bar chart
BCHORLINE Structure for Setting Row lines in the Bar Chart
BCIDLIST Menu list for bar chart
BCINTERVAL Time interval in Gantt chart
BCLINKS Links for Representing Linked Nodes
BCMAKRO Macros in Gantt chart
BCMAXOBJS Maximum number of objects in Gantt chart
BCMEDIVALS Attributes (Short) for Non-Chart-Specific Objs in Bar Chart
BCMEDNVALS Node Attributes in the Bar Chart
BCMEDVALS Attributes of Chart-Independent Objects in Gantt Chart
BCNODES Gantt chart node
BCNVALS Node Attributes in the Bar Chart
BCOPENEDIT Structure for opening the bar chart entry window
BCOPTS1 Options in the bar chart that can be customized (part 1)
BCOPTS2 Options for window positions in bar chart (part 2)
BCOPTS3 Options in the bar chart that cannot be customized (Part 3)
BCPOSITION Positions (lines) of boxes and nodes in the Gantt chart
BCPRNTCOLT Color table for converting RGB values for the printout
BCPROFILE Graphics profile in the Gantt chart
BCPROTO Prototypes for Gantt chart
BCRIBBON Ribbons for the time axis sections in the Gantt chart
BCRIBTEXTS Texts for ribbons
BCROWWDT Height of lines in bar chart
BCSECTION Section of the time axis in Gantt chart
BCSEGMENTS Segments in the bar chart graphic
BCSHRTVALS Attributes (Short) for Non-Chart-Specific Objs in Bar Chart
BCTIMEOBJ Time objects for Gantt chart
BCTIMEPROF Time profiles for Gantt chart graphics
BCUFVALS User defined form attributes in the bar chart
BCUHVALS User defined color attributes in the bar chart
BCVALS Attributes of Chart-Independent Objects in Gantt Chart
CHG_INODES Hierarchy Graphics: Node from Node Area
CHG_NODES Nodes in hierarchy graphics
CNG_CLUSTR Clusters in network/hierarchy graphics
CNG_INODES Network Graphics: Node from Node Area
CNG_LEGEND Legend for Network/Hierarchy Graphics
CNG_LINES Edges in network graphics
CNG_NODES Nodes in network graphics
CNG_PNODES Stacking node in network graphic
CNG9_PARAM Parameter for CNG9
MSGTABSTR Message Table
NET_ARPOS Field items in graphical cluster editor
NET_BO_MOD Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Types of Graphical Objects
NET_BOXES Boxes in network/hierarchy graphics
NET_CLUSTR Clusters in network/hierarchy graphics
NET_CVALS Values for clusters in network/hierarchy graphics
NET_DELETE Graphical Objects for Deletion
NET_FIELD Values of Fields in Graphical Objects
NET_FMT Form Attributes for Network/Hierarchy Graphics
NET_FRAMES Frames in graphical cluster editor
NET_GRAPH Parameters for graphics selection
NET_HLT Color Attributes Network/Hierarchy Graphics
NET_INODES Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Node in Node Area
NET_LABELS Table for Labels in Network/Hierarchy Graphics
NET_LINES Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Edges
NET_LVALS Values for Edges in Network/Hierarchy Graphics
NET_NODES Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Nodes
NET_NVALS Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Values for Nodes
NET_POS Positions of nodes in network graphics
NET_PROFIL Profile for network/hierarchy graphics
NET_SET Settings in network/hierarchy graphics
NETLGNDFMT Legend format for network/hierarchy graphics
SGRCEXCLUD Exclude Table for Function Code
VCT_FMT Format attributes
VCT_HLT Color Attributes
VCT_VALS VarChart Graphics: Color, Format, Field Attributes


SAP Package SGRC contains 24 programs.

BARCBO01 Demo Program: Bar Chart in Display Mode
BARCBO02 Demo Program: Bar Chart in Maintenance Mode
BARCBO03 Demo Program: Bar Chart in Maintenance Mode (Planning Board)
BARCBO04 Demo Program: Mutual Updating of Bar Chart and Screen
BARCOCX1 Demonstration Program: Bar Chart Control
BARCWEB1 Demonstration Program: Bar Chart Control
GR_CNET_CLUST_DOKU_SHOW Display the User Instructions for the Cluster Editor
GR_CNET_HIER_DOKU_SHOW Display the User Instructions for the Hierarchy Graphics
GR_CNET_NETZ_DOKU_SHOW Display the User Instructions for the Network Graphics
GRCNETC1 Demo Program: Starting Cluster Editor in Display Mode
GRCNETC2 Demo Program: Activation of the Cluster Editor (Enhanced Version)
HIER_BO1 Demo Program: Hierarchy Graphics in Display Mode
HIER_BO2 Demo Program: Hierarchy Graphics in Maintenance Mode
MBARCBSP Graphical Customizing of the Bar Chart
NETZ_BO1 Demo Program: Network Graphics in Display Mode
NETZ_BO2 Demo Program: Network Graphics in Maintenance Mode
NETZ_BO3 Demo Program: Network Graphic in Maintenance Mode (Enhanced Version)
NETZOCX1 Demonstration Program: Network Control
NETZOCX2 Demonstration Program: Network Control with Callback Processing
NETZWEB1 Demonstration Program: Network Control
OCNETOPT Graphical Customizing of the Network and Hierarchy Graphics
R0CGRCAL Transfer Report for VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL (Parameters via Memory)
RGRAPALL Demo Reports for SAP Graphics
SGRCPERF Module Pool for Performance Analysis

Search Helps

SAP Package SGRC contains 21 search helps.

H_TBCA Bar chart: Chart Types
H_TBCC Bar Chart: Colors
H_TBCF Bar chart: Form types
H_TBCG Bar Chart: Graphic Profiles
H_TBCL Bar Chart: Graphic Element Types
H_TBCO Bar Chart: Option Profiles
H_TCNC Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Frame Types
H_TCNG Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Graphics Profiles
H_TCNL Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Link Types
H_TCNN Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Node Types
H_TCNO Network/Hierarchy Graphics: Options Profile
H_TFAT VarChart Graphics: Fields
H_TFMT VarChart Graphics: Forms
H_TFRSP VarChart Graphics: Frame shape
H_TFTBY VarChart Graphics: Font style
H_TGMF VarChart Graphics: GMF Files for Including Logos
H_THLT VarChart Graphics: Colors
H_TLTYP VarChart Graphics: Line type
H_TPATT VarChart Graphics: Pattern
H_TSTRK VarChart Graphics: Strikethrough type
H_WCOL VarChart Graphics: Colors

Message Classes

SAP Package SGRC contains 1 message classes.

CG VarChart-Grafik (Netzplan, Hierarchie, Balkenplan)