
SAP Package SICN

Incremental Conversion and Tools

The package SICN (Incremental Conversion and Tools) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SICN
Short Text Incremental Conversion and Tools
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SICN contains 5 function groups.

SDB6 DD: Advanced Conversion Tool
SDB8 Statistics for conversions
SDB9 Monitor for incremental conversion
SDBM Incremental Migration
SDOO DD: OO Specials


SAP Package SICN contains 4 transactions.

IC37 SM37 for Incremental Conversion Jobs
ICNV Incremental Conversion
IMIG Incremental Migration
SPAR Determine Storage Parameters

Database Tables

SAP Package SICN contains 25 database tables.

DDALIAS DD: Second name for accessing tables
DDCDIM DD: Conversion, number of table lines
DDCNVEXIT DD: External conversion methods
DDCNVSTAT DD: Statistical Data for Conversion
DDCNVTABL DD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/component
DDCNVTIMES DD: Exclusion times for conversion
DDCNVUSR DD: Exception table of converter
DDCPRO DD: Conversion projects
DDCPROT DD: Text on conversion projects
DDCPROTAB DD: Table for conversion projects
DDCQUEUE DD: Queue for CNV Operations
DDCSTA DD: Conversion, number of table lines
DDCSTAT DD: Statistics table for conversions
DDICNVCTRL Control String for Transaction ICNV
DDICNVDIST Distribution of data records of base tables
DDICNVLST Contains information on converter exits
DDSTATHIST DD: Statistical Data for Conversion
ICNV30L Nametabs for Incremental Conversion
ICNV31L Nametab for Incremental Conversion
ICNVCANDY DD: Contains incr. conv. tables depend. on release/component
TICNV DD: Status of Incremental Conversions
TICNVDB4 AS/400: Defined Trigger for Tables
UPG_DD12L ICNV: Secondary Indexes - Header
UPG_DD17S ICNV: Secondary Indexes - Fields


SAP Package SICN contains 43 structures.

ABORTSTR SPAM: Termination message
CNVPROCPAR DD: Parameters for conversion process
CNVSTATES Collection of conversion states
DCRTOBDEF DD: Origin of the runtime object at conversion
DCTMPCRE DD: Control structure for creating temporary tables
DCTRIGCRE Control structure for creating logging triggers
DCUNITGET Control structure for DD_TABL_UNI_GET
DDCCOND Conditions for Status Switch during Conversion
DDCCURRSTA DD: Conversion, statistics, intermediate values
DDCNODE DD: Nodes in Status Graphs of Conversion
DDCNVBODY DD: Definition of conversion steps - local attribute
DDCNVCTRL DD: Structure for parameters of ICNV
DDCNVDEFS DD: Definition of Conversion Steps
DDCNVKEY Definition of Conversion Scenario - Key
DDCNVREF DD: Reference structure for conversion requirements
DDCNVRESS DD: Structure for results of FB DD_ICNV_UPGRADE
DDCNVUPGR DD: Control structure for ICNV steps during upgrade
DDCPROGRES DD: Conversion, statistics, intermediate values
DDCPYSTAT DD: Statistics data for table copy
DDCSCANSTA DD: Conversion, scan history
DDCURSOR DD: Reference structure for cursor area
DDCVERTIC Link of Status Graph of Conversion Program
DDDBOPERA Virtual table of outstanding DB operations
DDICNVCHE DD: Condition variables for incremental conversion
DDICNVENQ DD: Structure to lock the ICNV
DDICNVFLDS Structure for Incremental Conversion Fields
DDICNVMON DD: Structure for ICNV monitor
DDICNVPREP DD: Control Structure for ICNV in Upgrade
DDICNVPROS Process information for incremental conversion
DDICNVREF Reference structure for interfaces of ICNV
DDICNVRES DD: Results of ICNV Checks in Upgrade
DDICNVUPGR DD: ICNV Control for Upgrade Phase PREPARE
DDIM_X030L Nametab Header, Database Structure DDNTT for IMIG Before 5.0
DDIM_X031L Nametab Structure, Database Structure DDNTF for IMIG < 5.0
DDIMIGRFC Structure for RFC Check at Incremental Migration
DDIREL Relation Source and Target Tables in the ICNV
DDTCCT DD: Cluster Tables -> Table Clsuter - Assignment
DDTRKORR DD: Structure for Transport Requests
IFRAME Frame for Nametabs of Incremental Conversion
ITABPROG Progress Per Table
TICNVKEY Key for table TICNV


SAP Package SICN contains 35 programs.

ICNVDADA DD: Definition of the conversion steps for ADABAS
ICNVDDB2 DD: Definition of conversion steps for Informix
ICNVDDB4 DD: Definition of the conversion steps for DB2/400
ICNVDDB6 DD: Definition of conversion steps for DB6
ICNVDINF DD: Definition of conversion steps for Informix
ICNVDMSS DD: Definition of the conversion steps for Microsoft SQL Server
ICNVDORA DD: Definition of the conversion steps for Oracle
ICNVUPGV Verification program for ICNV in upgrade
RADBTSIG DD: Interprocess communications
RADBTSTA DD: Universal status management
RADCLMIG Incremental Migration: Final Clean-Up
RADCVSTA DD: Progress computation in ICNV
RADICGET DD: Writes objects to convert and their environment to object lis
RADICNTC DD: Generates ICNV30/31L entries
RADILOOP DD: General incremental conversion process
RADIMOVE DD: Universal conversion
RADINCNV DD: Check program for incremental table conversion
RADINMIG DD: Entries for incremental migration
RADISTE0 DD: Standard pool of elementary conversion steps
RADISTEL DD: Pool of elementary conversion steps for ICNV without modifications
RADISTEP DD: Definition of conversions
RADISTEU DD: Standard pool of elementary conversion steps in the upgrade
RADISTOR DD: Storage parameter in ICNV (display and maintenance)
RADISYNC DD: Routines for process synchronization in the ICNV
RADITFIL DD: Fills DDCNVTABL out of transport order with ICNV candidates
RADITOOL DD: Subprogram for incremental conversion
RADIVERI ABAP Dictionary: Check for Incremental Conversion (Destroys Test Data)
RADLKMIG IMIG: Limit Key Determination
RADPIMIG Incremental Migration: Prepare Export
RADPPMIG Incremental Migration: Prepare Test Export
RADPRMIG IMIG: Prepare Remainder Export
RADTROWS DD: Calculation of number of table lines per project
RCNV0001 DD: Convert EDIDD to structure and copy old data
RCNV0002 DD: Convert CDHDR and CDPOS
RFMHN_CL Repair of table RFMHN and MHND

Message Classes

SAP Package SICN contains 2 message classes.

IU Inkrementelle Umsetzung
IV Elementarschritte der inkrementellen Umsetzung