The package SIWL (AsseT Learningscape (PEW) / Knowledge Warehouse) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SIWL |
Short Text | AsseT Learningscape (PEW) / Knowledge Warehouse |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SIWL contains 16 function groups.
SLS0 | PAW - Miscelaneous (MISC) |
SLS1 | PAW - Comment (COM) |
SLS2 | PAW - Booking & TEM I/F (BOOK) |
SLS3 | PAW - IO Assignment (IOA) |
SLS4 | PAW - Person Test Results (PR) |
SLS5 | PAW - Assess. Event Info (AEI) |
SLS6 | PAW - Learner Account (LA) |
SLS7 | PAW - Survey (SRV) |
SLS8 | PAW - Customizing (CUST) |
SLS9 | PAW - Test Description (TST) |
SLSB | PAW - BAPIs for booking data download |
SLSE | PAW - Enhancement function modules |
SLSH | PAW - HR related function modules |
SLSI | PAW - Result import function modules |
SLSM | PAW - Table Maintenance Dialogs |
SLSR | PAW - Reporting Functions |
SAP Package SIWL contains 32 transactions.
SL02 | PAW - Main Menu |
SL102 | Results by tests and locations |
SL104 | PAW - Deleting Results |
SL31 | PAW - Test type definitions |
SL32 | PAW - Location Definitions |
SL60 | PAW - Test Results Overview |
SL61 | PAW - Test Results Transfer to HR |
SL62 | PAW - Lookup Definition Tree |
SL63 | PAW - Location Test-Catalog |
SL64 | PAW - Statistical Evaluations |
SL65 | PAW - Export Test Results |
SL66 | PAW - Download Certification Details |
SL67 | PAW - Download Test-Catalog for Loc. |
SL69 | PAW - Qualification Transfer Log. |
SL70 | PAW - Person Results Overview |
SL71 | PAW - Initial Data Generator |
SL72 | PAW - Enjoy Desktop |
SL73 | PAW - Batch Qualification Generation |
SL74 | PAW - Batch Q.- Generation Protocol |
SL75 | PAW - Item Results Overview |
SL76 | PAW - Test Structure Display |
SL77 | PAW - Show comments for test items |
SL79 | PAW - Location Profile Maintenance |
SL80 | PAW - Item Statistics |
SL90 | PAW - Cert Printing Information |
SL91 | PAW - Maintain location profile |
SL92 | PAW - Maintain test type profil |
SL93 | PAW - Maintain Settings |
SL94 | PAW - Maintain test IO profile |
SL95 | PAW - Maintain User Profiles |
SL96 | PAW - Release Control Settings |
SL99 | PAW - Display authorization profiles |
SAP Package SIWL contains 63 database tables.
SLS_BLOG | PAW - logging table for BAPIs |
SLS_CEMAIL | PAW - Result Evaluation: Pre-settings of the email flags |
SLS_CEVENT | PAW - Comments for an event |
SLS_CONTAC | PAW - Contact Data of Location |
SLS_CPET | PAW -Comments for an event / test / participant assignment |
SLS_CRITEM | PAW - Comments for an item from a participant |
SLS_CSIGN | PAW - Result Evaluation: Pre-settings of the signals |
SLS_CXET | PAW - Comments for an event / test assignment |
SLS_EVENT | PAW - Testing Events (related to TEM Events) |
SLS_IESS1 | PAW - Item Essay 1 |
SLS_IESS2 | PAW - Item Essay 2 |
SLS_IEVAL | PAW - Item Evaluation |
SLS_IFILL | PAW - Item Fillin |
SLS_ILC1 | PAW - Item LC1 |
SLS_ILC2 | PAW - Item LC2 |
SLS_IMC | PAW - Item Multiple Choice |
SLS_IOASGN | PAW - testtype - infoobjects |
SLS_IOASGT | PAW - testtype - infoobjects |
SLS_IRATE | PAW - Item Rate |
SLS_ITEM | PAW - Item Description |
SLS_LOC | PAW - Locations |
SLS_LOCT | PAW - Locations temp |
SLS_LOCTTY | PAW - Location - Test Type |
SLS_LOG | PAW - Logging Table (remake) |
SLS_LOG2 | PAW - Logging Table (remake) |
SLS_LOGL | PAW - logging error |
SLS_LOOKU | PAW - Lookup Types |
SLS_LOOKV | PAW - Lookup Values |
SLS_PARTIC | PAW - Participants |
SLS_PAWMEN | PAW - Menu entries |
SLS_PET | PAW - Person/Event/Test Relationship Table |
SLS_PRES | PAW - Person Results Structure |
SLS_PRINT | PAW - Print Information |
SLS_PROLOC | PAW - Access Profile: Location |
SLS_PROTES | PAW - Access Profile: Test IDs |
SLS_PROTTY | PAW - Access Profile: Test Type |
SLS_PTYPES | PAW - Person Types related to HR Object-Types |
SLS_PU | PAW - Performance Unit |
SLS_PUTEST | PAW - Performance Unit of a test |
SLS_QLOG | PAW - Qualification Generation Log |
SLS_QPROT | PAW - Batch Qualification Generation Protocol |
SLS_RCTRL | PAW - Results Release Control |
SLS_RESS1 | PAW - Result for Item Essay 1 |
SLS_RESS2 | PAW - Result for Item Essay 2 |
SLS_RESS3 | PAW - Text table for results from essay's |
SLS_RFILL | PAW - Result Item Fillin |
SLS_RITEM | PAW - Result on Item |
SLS_RLC | PAW - Result for Item Listchoice |
SLS_RMC | PAW - Result for Item Multiple Choice |
SLS_RRATE | PAW - Result for Item RATE |
SLS_RTEST | PAW - Participant's Aggregated Test Results |
SLS_SUTEST | PAW - Subtest |
SLS_TEST | PAW - Test Description |
SLS_TEXT | PAW - Text Table |
SLS_TSTRU | PAW - Test Structure |
SLS_TTYIO | PAW - Info Objects of Test Type |
SLS_TTYPE | PAW - Test Types |
SLS_TTYPET | PAW - test types temp |
SLS_TTYQU | PAW - Test Type Qualifications |
SLS_TTYQUT | PAW - Test Type Qualifications (temp) |
SLS_USRPR | PAW - User Access Profiles on data-level |
SLS_UTIL | PAW - utility table |
SLS_XET | PAW - Tests per Event |
SAP Package SIWL contains 10 views.
SL_LVVIEW | Help view for SAVE ID in SLS_SCENAR table |
SLS_VTSTR | PAW - Test Structure |
SLS_VTSTRU | PAW - View on Table TSTRU |
SV_IOASGN | PAW -View info object assignment (SLS_IOASGN, SLS_LOC, SLS_T |
SV_IOASGN1 | PAW - View info object assignment (SLS_IOASGN, SLS_TTYPE) |
SV_LOC | PAW - View for table SLS_loc |
SV_LOCTTY | PAW -View location - test type assignment (SLS_LOCTTY, SLS_T |
SV_TSTRU | PAW - Test structure with context attributes |
SAP Package SIWL contains 91 structures.
BAPIBOOKI | PAW - Booking data |
SLS_AUTHRE | PAW - Authorization Module return values |
SLS_BAPIBK | PAW - Booking data |
SLS_BAPIBO | PAW - Booking and person information |
SLS_BAPILO | PAW - Location list |
SLS_BAPIQ | PAW - PD Structure Pendant for BAPIQUALIFIC_TAB |
SLS_BAPIRE | PAW - return parameter |
SLS_BAPITT | PAW - test type structure |
SLS_BCONN | PAW - Import structure to read connection from HR TEM (1001) |
SLS_BOOK | PAW - Booking data |
SLS_BOPAR | PAW - Booking and person information |
SLS_BPART | PAW - Import structure to read bookings |
SLS_CHECKT | PAW - Check Test |
SLS_COPY | PAW - copy function |
SLS_DLRES | PAW - Structure to download Test Results data |
SLS_ESS1 | PAW - Item Essay |
SLS_ESS2 | PAW - Item Essay |
SLS_EVAL | PAW - Item Evaluation |
SLS_EVKEY | PAW - Event Key Structure |
SLS_EVTE | PAW - Structure for Event / Test |
SLS_FILL | PAW - Item Fillin |
SLS_FNAMES | PAW - Fieldname Structure |
SLS_FUNC | PAW - Function information |
SLS_HRPART | PAW - Business event attendee table |
SLS_HRRHV1 | PAW - Parameter structure for HR |
SLS_INAMES | PAW - InfoObject ID & Names |
SLS_IOVER | PAW - Item Results Overview Structure |
SLS_IRES | PAW - Item Results with answer- and solution-vector |
SLS_IRES2 | PAW - Item Results with answer- and solution-vector |
SLS_LANG | PAW - Language Codes & Texts |
SLS_LC1 | PAW - Item List Choice |
SLS_LC2 | PAW - Item List Choice |
SLS_LGUIDS | PAW - Structure to hold key for logical Info-Object |
SLS_LKEY | PAW - Structure to hold a key to a person in SLS_PARTIC |
SLS_LOKEY | PAW - Location Key Structure |
SLS_LVAL | PAW Structure for Lookup Values |
SLS_MC | PAW - Item Multiple Choice |
SLS_MSGS | PAW - Messages of length 72 |
SLS_NUMS | PAW - Structure to simply hold a list of numbers |
SLS_OBJID | PAW - Event Key Structure |
SLS_PAD25 | PAW - Additional Data for Relationship 'Takes Part In' |
SLS_PETEXT | PAW -SLS_PET related structure (incl. dependent information) |
SLS_PETID | PAW - Structure to hold PET IDs |
SLS_PETID1 | PAW -Structure to select from PET table with key EventID & T |
SLS_PGUIDS | PAW - Structure to hold key for physical Info-Object |
SLS_PIDS | PAW - List of IDs for Participants |
SLS_PRI_ST | PAW - Structure for Printing Certificates |
SLS_QCAT | PAW - Qualitiy structure |
SLS_QGEN | PAW - Structure to hold participant details to generate Q. |
SLS_QPROF | PAW - Structure: Quality proficiency |
SLS_RATE | PAW - Item Rating |
SLS_RESI | PAW - Structure to hold PETid - TForm - ItemID |
SLS_RESOVR | PAW - Structure to hold all needed details for test-results |
SLS_RETURN | PAW - return parameter |
SLS_RPAR | PAW - Person / Event / Test |
SLS_SCEVE | PAW - Structure: Comments for an event |
SLS_SCPET | PAW -Structure: Comments for an event / test / participant a |
SLS_SCRITE | PAW -Structure: Comments for an event / test / participant a |
SLS_SCXET | PAW - Structure: Comments for an event / test assignment |
SLS_SF | PAW - Structure for Smart form |
SLS_SITEM | PAW - Structure import Item |
SLS_SLOCTT | PAW - Structure for location - test type assignment |
SLS_SPU | PAW - Structure Performance Unit |
SLS_SPUTST | PAW - Structure Performance Unit from test |
SLS_SRAGG | PAW - Aggregate Results |
SLS_SRCTRL | PAW - Structure for Result - Release Control |
SLS_SRES1 | PAW - Result for Item Essay 1 |
SLS_SRES2 | PAW - Result for Item Essay 1 |
SLS_SRFIL | PAW - Result for Item Fillin |
SLS_SRITE | PAW - Result for Item |
SLS_SRLC | PAW - Result for Item List Choice |
SLS_SRMC | PAW - Result for Item Multiple Choice |
SLS_SRRAT | PAW - Result for Item Rate |
SLS_SSUTST | PAW - Structure Subtest |
SLS_STEST | PAW - Structure Test |
SLS_STNAME | PAW - Subtest IDs & Names |
SLS_STTY | PAW - Structur for Test Type (id, short, text) |
SLS_TCOMP | PAW - Test Composition |
SLS_TESTID | PAW - Internal Test ID - Structure |
SLS_TRES | PAW - Structure to hold all needed details for test-results |
SLS_TSTATS | PAW - Structure to hold statistical evaluation details |
SLS_TSTRIO | PAW - Test Structure with Names |
SLS_TTRCTL | PAW - Test Type - Results Release Control Details |
SLS_TTYID | PAW - List of IDs of Test-Types |
SLS_UNAMES | PAW - Structure to hold system user names |
SLS_UPROF | PAW - User Authorization Profiles Overview |
SLS_ZAPAD | PAW - customer fields to table PAD25 |
SLSPAD25 | PAW - Customer fields to table PAD25 |
SAP Package SIWL contains 35 programs.
SAPMSL02 | PAW - Entrance Menue |
SAPMSL311 | PAW - Test Type Definition |
SAPMSL32 | PAW - Test Catalog Definition |
SAPMSL932 | PAW - Maintenance Lookup Definitions |
SAPMSL96 | PAW - Results - Release Control |
SLSPAWC1 | PAW - Displaying Comments |
SLSPAWD1 | PAW - Download Booking Data |
SLSPAWD2 | PAW Download Test Catalog |
SLSPAWDEL | PAW - Report to delete results according of partid / testid / eventid |
SLSPAWIS | PAW - Item statistical Information |
SLSPAWL2 | PAW - Display test catalog |
SLSPAWL3 | PAW - Display Settings |
SLSPAWL4 | PAW - Tests occured at Locations |
SLSPAWM0 | PAW - Enjoy Desktop Startup Program |
SLSPAWM1 | PAW - Enjoy Desktop |
SLSPAWP1 | PAW - Certificate Printing Information |
SLSPAWR1 | PAW - Test Results Overview |
SLSPAWR1_1 | PAW - Test Results Overview |
SLSPAWR2 | PAW - Descriptive statistics |
SLSPAWR5 | PAW - Test Results Overview (Classic) |
SLSPAWR6 | PAW - Test Structure Display |
SLSPAWR7 | PAW - Participant Results |
SLSPAWR8 | PAW - Test result answer details |
SLSPAWR9 | PAW - Item Results Overview |
SLSPAWT1 | PAW - Assign Qualifications |
SLSPAWT2 | PAW - Qualification Transfer Log |
SLSPAWT5 | PAW - Batch Qualification Generation |
SLSPAWT6 | PAW - Batch Qualification Transfer Protocol |
SLSPAWT8 | PAW - Generate Initial Customizing Data |
SLSPAWV1 | PAW - Authorizations: location profile maintenance |
SLSPAWV2 | PAW - Authorizations: test type profil maintenance |
SLSPAWV3 | PAW - Authorizations: test info-object profile maintenance |
SLSPAWV4 | PAW - Authorizations: user profile maintenance |
SLSPAWV5 | PAW - Authorizations Overview |
SLSPAWZ9 | PAW - General Report Template |
SAP Package SIWL contains 29 search helps.
SH_EVENT | PAW - Search Help Event |
SH_EVENT_EXT | PAW - Search Help Event - Extended |
SH_EVLOCID | PAW - Search Help for Location ID on Table SLS_QLOG |
SH_ITEM | PAW - Item |
SH_LAISO | PAW - Search help for Laiso |
SH_LOC | PAW - Search help for sls_loc |
SH_LOC1 | PAW - search help for SLS_LOC |
SH_LOC2 | PAW - Location |
SH_LOC3 | PAW - location contact |
SH_LOC4 | PAW - search help for SLS_LOC |
SH_LOCT | PAW - Search help for sls_loct |
SH_LOOKU_LUNAME | PAW - search help for luname |
SH_LTESTS | PAW - Search Help for table SLS_TEST |
SH_PARTIC | PAW - Search Help Participant |
SH_PARTICM | PAW - Search Help for Multiple Participant Selection |
SH_PARTICX | PAW - Search Help for Participant Selection |
SH_PU | PAW - Performance Unit |
SH_TEST | PAW - Search Help for Test |
SH_TESTG | PAW - Search Help for sls_test over guid |
SH_TSTRU | PAW - Search help TSTRU |
SH_TTYIO | PAW - Search help for sls_ttype and sls_ttyio |
SH_TTYPE | PAW - Search help for sls_ttype |
SH_TTYPE2 | PAW - Search help for sls_ttype 2 |
SH_TTYPET | PAW - Search help for sls_ttypet |
SH_TTYQUT | PAW - Search help for sls_ttypet |
SH_USR01 | PAW - System User Search Help |
SLS_SAVRID_SH | SLS - Search help for Save ID |
SLS_SHVTSTRU | PAW - Search Help for View SLS_VTSTRU |
SAP Package SIWL contains 1 message classes.
SLS | PAW - Message class |
SAP Package SIWL contains 2 authorization objects.
PAW_LOCID | PAW - Location |
PAW_PRINT | PAW - Authorization object to print Certificates |