The package STRP (Processes for Translation Control) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | STRP |
Short Text | Processes for Translation Control |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package STRP contains 28 function groups.
0SL1 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
LANG | Language conversions |
LCTA | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
LCTB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
LCTC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SKTN | Short Text Modules for Translation |
SLCT | Language & customizing transports |
SLDS | Translation: Documentation Support |
SLLS | FMs for WL Statistics and Environment |
SLTG | Translation Graphs: Maintenance + Checks |
SLW_OTR1 | Connection to the OTR |
SLW_TRAN1 | Translation Environment Administration 1 |
SLW_TRAN2 | Translation Environment Administration 2 |
SLW_TRAN3 | Translation Environment Administration 2 |
SLW_TRAN4 | Translation Environment Administration 4 |
SLW_TRAN5 | Translation environment administration 5 |
SLW_WL1 | Worklists Part 1 |
SLW_WL2 | Worklists Part 2 |
SLW_WL3 | Worklists Part 3 |
SLW_WL4 | Worklists Part 4 |
SLW_WL5 | Worklists - Various Displays |
SLW_WL6 | Proposal Pool Usage Counter |
SLWC | Translation Tools: Worklists |
SLWL | Work Lists: Scheduler etc. |
SLWX | FMs in SLW* Translation Environment |
SLWY | Translation FMs |
STOS | Resolver for language resolution |
TTRANS | Translation transports |
SAP Package STRP contains 6 transactions.
SLLS | Translation Statistics |
SLLT | Translation Performance Statistics |
SLW3 | Worklist Scheduler |
SLW4 | Translation: Application Hierarchy |
SLWA | Translation Environment Admin. |
SLWB | Translation Environment Scheduler |
SAP Package STRP contains 70 database tables.
APP_FCTR | Application ID Node Number |
DEVC_APP | Development Class Within the Application Hierarchy |
DEVC_APX | Changes Within the Translation Hierarchy (DEVC_APP) |
LANG_FTTEC | Technical attributes - pseudo continuous text |
LANG_LEXPT | Local Supplement for Exceptions: Translation |
LANG_LOCK | Table to lock runtime-intensive program sections |
LANG_MANDT | Obsolete table, do not use |
LANG_PEXPT | Translation exception |
LANGGRU | Translation Object Groups |
LANGGRUT | Short text for table LANGGRU |
LANGOBJ | SE63 objects that can be translated |
LANGOBJT | Texts for table LANGOBJ |
LANGTR1 | Assignment: Language - translator - development class |
LANGTR2 | Translation exclusions |
LANGUMS | Conversion R3trans - SE63 - Objects |
LANGUSR | Obsolete table -> do not use |
LANGZUG | Assignment of groups to objects |
LANGZUS | Assignment: Language - group - date |
LCOLOBJ | Directory of R/3 members |
LSELCONDS | Selection conditions for translation (by type) |
LTABEXITS | Technical data for object types (translation) |
LTCONV | Conversion table, object type - TADIR object |
LTYPESTECH | Technical data for object types (translation) |
LWRKKEY | Key for Worklists |
LWRKLID | Work list ID for individual translator work lists |
LWRKOBJ | Object lists for worklists |
LWRKSTAOTR | Translation statistics |
LWRKSTASOU | SLLS: Source Languages for OTR Translation Statistics |
LWRKSTAT | Translation statistics |
LWRKTRANS | Translator performance |
NOTRA | Tables Excluded from Translation Process |
RSNTR | Table not Taken into Account for Language Entries |
TGRAPH | Translation Graphs: General |
TGRAPHDEVC | Translation Graphs: General |
TRACOLH | Request list of transport collector (header) |
TRACOLR | Restart control, work list generator |
TRACOLSYST | Parameters for transport collector |
TRACOLT | Texts for work list builder |
TRELTABS | Log: Tables Relevant for Translation |
TRNL_AUTH | Translation Authorizations |
TRNL_AUTHT | Texts for Translation Authorizations |
TRNL_AV | Translation Evaluations |
TRNL_BTC_H | Analysis batch job parameters |
TRNL_DC_2 | Package Lists |
TRNL_DC_2H | Header Data for Groups of Development Classes |
TRNL_DIS_O | Group Selection for Automatic Distribution |
TRNL_E071 | local extras for translation transport analysis |
TRNL_FB | Function Modules for Determining Transports |
TRNL_FB_DC | Function modules to ge DCs |
TRNL_LA_CL | Translation Environment: Target Languages and Attributes 2 |
TRNL_LA_DR | Derived Status Selection for Translation |
TRNL_LANG | Translation Environment: Target Languages and Attributes 1 |
TRNL_OL | Translation Object Lists |
TRNL_OTR | Settings for OTR |
TRNL_OTR_S | Settings for OTR |
TRNL_PROF | Translation Authorization Profiles |
TRNL_PROFV | Values for Translation Authorization Profiles |
TRNL_SSYS | Source Systems for Worklist Runs |
TRNL_TR | Transport groups |
TRNL_USER | Translators |
TRNL_WL | Worklists of Translation (Header Data) |
TRNL_WLI | Worklists: Control Entries |
TRNL_WLII | Worklists: Control Entries 2 |
TRNL_WLIII | Worklists: Control Entries 3 |
TRNL_WLIV | Worklist Control Entries 4 |
TSLLT | SLLT (translation accounting) settings |
TSTPH | SAP Relesae for Translation Statistics |
TTABSPLIT | Control data for splitting special tables |
TTOBJECTS | Transport Objects According to Relevance for Translation |
TTOBJHIER | Transport Objects According to Relevance for Translation |
SAP Package STRP contains 2 views.
DOKVL | Special view on DOKIL and DOKHL |
V_LANG_OBJ | Test |
SAP Package STRP contains 22 structures.
DOC_LINE | Documentation: Text line with format specification |
DOC_TEXTS | Text lines for doc.modules |
FIELDLIST | Table fields with attributes |
LOBJDEF | Def. of translation-dependent objects |
LTFILL | Language tool fill |
LTRAN_SHOW | Accounting information display structure |
MSAGLIST | Mask for listing messages |
STASOU_S | Display Structure: Optional Source Language Selection (SLLS) |
TABLIN | Table Lines for Short Text Translation |
TABLIST | Tables with attributes |
TE071 | Transport Object Plus Development Class and Original Lang. |
TGRAPHFUNC | Function Part: Translation Graphs |
TGRAPHKEY | Key: Translation Graph Without Development Class |
TRANSL132 | Template for reading translation memory |
TRANSL20 | Template for reading translation memory |
TRANSL255 | Template for reading translation memory |
TRANSL60 | Template for reading translation memory |
TRANSL80 | Template for reading translation memory |
TRANSLMSAG | Error list template for tables |
TRANSLTXT | Text structure, translation |
TRCOLSYS | Program for collecting transports, source systems |
VALUEREC | Internal Line Type for Translation Environment |
SAP Package STRP contains 19 programs.
RS_DOWNLOAD_SLLT | Program to Save all Translation Performance Data to File |
RS_TRANSLATION_CLEANUP | Cleanup analysis by assignment and exceptions, etc. |
RS_TRANSLATION_CREATE_PROFILES | Create Sample Translator Profiles |
RS_TRANSLATION_INIT | Initialization of Translation Environment |
RS_TRANSLATION_MAIN | Translation Evaluation |
RS_TRANSLATION_SWITCH_PROFILE | Translator Profiles: Global Swap |
RS_TRANSLATION_TABLE_OF_PRFILS | Translator profiles and their authorizations |
RS_TRANSLATION_UNIT | Translation Evaluation (Level, Target Language, Source Lang., Channel) |
RS_UPLOAD_SLLT | Program to load LWRKTRANS information file |
RSLANST1 | Creation of Translation Statistics |
SAPMSLLT | Display of Translation Performance Statistics |
SAPMSLW6 | Overview of Target language |
SAP Package STRP contains 2 message classes.
SLCT | NAchrichtenklasse für Funktionsgruppe SLCT |
TRANSLATION | Übersetzungstools |