

Alert: MTE-specific Customizing: message container

The table ALMTCUSMSC (Alert: MTE-specific Customizing: message container) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SMOI.

Technical Information

Short Text Alert: MTE-specific Customizing: message container
Package SMOI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table ALMTCUSMSC

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
MTMCNAME Alert: Name of Monitoring Context ALMCNAME CHAR 40
MTNUMRANGE Alert: monitoring type number range (perm., temp, ...) ALTIDNUMRG CHAR 3
MTUID ALert: Unique Identifier for Monitoring Types (used in TID) ALTIDUID CHAR 10
MTCLASS Alert: monitoring type class (perf., single msg.,...) ALTIDMTCL CHAR 3
SETNAME Alert: Name of monitoring properties variant ALCUSSETNM CHAR 20
MTINDEX Alert: internal handle for TID ALTIDINDEX CHAR 10
EXTINDEX Alert: internal handle for TID ALTIDINDEX CHAR 10
OBJECTNAME Alert: Name of Monitoring Object ALMOBJECT CHAR 40
MTNAMESHRT Alert: Short Name of Monitoring Type ALMTNAMESH CHAR 40
DBSTATUS Alert: Status Customizing Daten in der DB (perm/temp) ALCUSDBSTS CHAR 1
RAISEVALUE Alert: alert value (1 = green, 2 = yellow, ....) ALVALUE INT4 10
RAISESEVER Alert: severity (alerts, monitoring type custom..) ALSEVERITY INT4 10
ACTMSGMODE Alert: Current log attribute value as: ... ALMSCACTU INT4 10
ACTMSGMAXS Alert: MSG cont.: No. "max. value of the last" seconds ALMAXCNTMS INT4 10
ACTMSGUNIT ALert: Unit for Perfomance Values ALUNIT CHAR 4
MAXALPROID Alert: MTE Cus: Maximum number of alerts to keep ALKEEPALMX INT4 10
KEEPLINTYP Alert: MSG Container: Keep lines type ALKEEPLNTY INT4 10
KEEPLINMAX Alert: MSG-Container: Max. number of lines to keep ALKEEPLNMX INT4 10
FILTERTYPE Alert: Message container filter type (SLOG/T100/XMI) ALFILTYPE CHAR 1
CRTBYASSI Alert: Name of Customization Assistant ALASSIST CHAR 40
CHG_USER Alert: Last Changed By ALCHGUSER CHAR 12
CHG_DATE Alert: Date of last change ALCHGDATE DATS 8
CHG_TIME Alert: Time of last change ALCHGTIME TIMS 6