

Collection/Reorganization Schemata for PerfDB

The table ALPFCOLLREORGSCH (Collection/Reorganization Schemata for PerfDB) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SMOI.

Technical Information

Short Text Collection/Reorganization Schemata for PerfDB
Package SMOI
Table Type Transparent Table


Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
POLICYID Name of a CPH Collection and Reorganization Schema ALPFPOLKEY CHAR 40
MIN_DAY_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
MIN_DAY_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
MIN_WEEK_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
MIN_WEEK_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
MIN_XDAY_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
MIN_XDAY_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
MIN_MONTH_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
MIN_MONTH_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
MIN_QUART_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
MIN_QUART_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
MIN_YEAR_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
MIN_YEAR_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
QTR_DAY_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
QTR_DAY_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
QTR_WEEK_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
QTR_WEEK_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
QTR_XDAY_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
QTR_XDAY_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
QTR_MONTH_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
QTR_MONTH_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
QTR_QUART_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
QTR_QUART_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
QTR_YEAR_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
QTR_YEAR_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
HR_DAY_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
HR_DAY_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
HR_WEEK_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
HR_WEEK_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
HR_XDAY_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
HR_XDAY_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
HR_MONTH_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
HR_MONTH_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
HR_QUART_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
HR_QUART_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
HR_YEAR_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
HR_YEAR_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
DAY_DAY_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
DAY_DAY_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
DAY_WEEK_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
DAY_WEEK_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
DAY_XDAY_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
DAY_XDAY_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
DAY_MONTH_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
DAY_MONTH_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
DAY_QUART_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
DAY_QUART_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
DAY_YEAR_K Keep Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFKEEPCNT INT4 10
DAY_YEAR_D Delete Value for PerfDB Reorganization ALPFDELCNT INT4 10
X_VALUE Natural Number INT4 INT4 10
COLLPERIOD Alert: integer used in performance DB ALPFDBNUM INT4 10
AVGMETHOD Alert: type of average ALAVGTYP CHAR 4
WEIGHTSCHEM Name of a CPH Collection and Reorganization Schema ALPFPOLKEY CHAR 40
SFTNAME Name of a CPH Collection and Reorganization Schema ALPFPOLKEY CHAR 40
COLL_METHOD Single-Character Indicator CHAR1 CHAR 1