

Overall, collection and transfer status of service sessions

The table BDLSTATUS (Overall, collection and transfer status of service sessions) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package BDL3.

Technical Information

Short Text Overall, collection and transfer status of service sessions
Package BDL3
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table BDLSTATUS

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SESSNO Character Field Length = 10 CHAR10 CHAR 10
CLIENT 3-Byte field CHAR3 CHAR 3
SESS_STAT Character length 4 BDLCHAR4 CHAR 4
DATA_STAT Character length 4 BDLCHAR4 CHAR 4
DATA_MANU Status of data transfer BDL_TRANS CHAR 1
SEND_STAT Character length 4 BDLCHAR4 CHAR 4
SEND_MANU Status of data transfer BDL_TRANS CHAR 1
STATUS Status of data transfer BDL_TRANS CHAR 1