

KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (RFC)

The table CREP_RFC (KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (RFC)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SCMS.

Technical Information

Short Text KPRO CMS: Content Repositories (RFC)
Package SCMS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table CREP_RFC

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
CREP_ID Storage Repository for Physical Objects SCMS_CREP CHAR 30 *
VERSION CMS interface version (RFC) SCMS_CRVRF CHAR 4
FE_PROT SAP ArchiveLink: Storage connection protocol SAEPROTOKO CHAR 8
ARCHIVPATH SAP ArchiveLink: Standard archive path SAEARCPATH CHAR 70
BASICPATH SAP ArchiveLink: Basic path for storage server on R/3 server SAEBASPATH CHAR 70
SPOOL_DEV Spool: Output device RSPOPNAME CHAR 4 *
RFC_DEST RFC destination for content server SCMS_RFCDE CHAR 32 *