

Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCOR

The table DB2CCACCOR (Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCOR) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package STU2.

Technical Information

Short Text Parameters of Control Center stored procedure DSNACCOR
Package STU2
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table DB2CCACCOR

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PROFILE Name of profile, so different configurations are supportable CHAR 8
FCUPDPGS Full/Inc. Copy: Updated pages in percent of preformatted pag DB2CCUPDPG INT4 10
FCCHGPCT Full/Inc. Copy: Changed rows in percent DB2CCCCHGS INT4 10
FCDAYSCOPY Full Copy: Number of days since last COPY DB2CCCDAYS INT4 10
ICUPDPGS Full/Inc. Copy: Updated pages in percent of preformatted pag DB2CCUPDPG INT4 10
ICCHGPCT Full/Inc. Copy: Changed rows in percent DB2CCCCHGS INT4 10
FCINDEXSIZ Full Copy: Minimum size of index in pages (NACTIVE) DB2CCISIZE INT4 10
RTINSDELUP REORG TS/IX: Changed rows in percent DB2CCRCHGS INT4 10
RTUNCLUST REORG TS: Unclustered inserts in percent DB2CCUNCLU INT4 10
RTLOBPCT REORG TS: Disorganized LOBs in percent DB2CCLOB INT4 10
RTMASSDEL REORG:Number of mass del. (seg./LOB) / tabledrops (non-seg.) DB2CCRMASS INT4 10
RTINDREF REORG TS: Indirect references (overflow records) in percent DB2CCIND INT4 10
RIINSDEL REORG TS/IX: Changed rows in percent DB2CCRCHGS INT4 10
RIAPPINS REORG Index: Appended rows (with greater key) in percent DB2CCAPP INT4 10
RIPSEUDODE REORG Index: Pseudo deletes in percent DB2CCPSEUD INT4 10
RIMASSDEL REORG:Number of mass del. (seg./LOB) / tabledrops (non-seg.) DB2CCRMASS INT4 10
RILEAFLIM REORG Indx: Pages phys. far away (INDEXPART.LEAFFAR) percent DB2CCLEAF INT4 10
RINUMLEVEL REORG Index: Change to number of index tree levels absolute DB2CCLEVEL INT4 10
STINSDELP RUNSTATS TS/IX: Changed rows in percent DB2CCSCHGS INT4 10
STINSDELA RUN.:Changed rows (insert, delete or update) absolute number DB2CCCHGA FLTP 16
STMASSDEL RUNST:Number of mass del. (seg./LOB) / tabledrops (non-seg.) DB2CCSMASS INT4 10
SIINSDELP RUNSTATS TS/IX: Changed rows in percent DB2CCSCHGS INT4 10
SIINSDELA RUN.:Changed rows (insert, delete or update) absolute number DB2CCCHGA FLTP 16
SIMASSDEL RUNST:Number of mass del. (seg./LOB) / tabledrops (non-seg.) DB2CCSMASS INT4 10
EXTENTS Number of allowable dataset extents DB2CCEXT INT4 10
RTINSDELUPABS REO.:Changed rows (insert, delete or update) absolute number DB2CCRCHGA INT4 10