Correlation Data Mapping

The table DB2QWHCT (Correlation Data Mapping) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package STU3.

Technical Information

Short Text Correlation Data Mapping
Package STU3
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table DB2QWHCT

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
MEMBNM DB2 member name in data sharing environment DB2MEMN CHAR 8
QWHCCV Field type char, length 12 DB2CHAR12 CHAR 12
QWHCCN Field type char, length 8 DB2CHAR08 CHAR 8
QWHCLEN Small integer DB2INT2AA INT2 5
QWHCTYP Field type numc, length 3, 1 byte DB2NUMC03 NUMC 3
QWHCRES Field type char, length 1, reserved DB2RES01 CHAR 1
QWHCAID Field type char, length 8 DB2CHAR08 CHAR 8
QWHCPLAN Field type char, length 8 DB2CHAR08 CHAR 8
QWHCOPID Field type char, length 8 DB2CHAR08 CHAR 8
QWHCATYP Field Type DEC, Length 10 DB2DEC10 DEC 10
QWHCTOKN Field type char, length 22 DB2CHAR22 CHAR 22
QWHCRES1 Field type char, length 2, reserved DB2RES02 CHAR 2
QWHCEUID The end user's work station user ID DB2WHCEUID CHAR 128
QWHCEUTX Transaction or application the end user is running DB2WHCEUTX CHAR 32
QWHCEUWN The end user's workstation name DB2WHCEUWN CHAR 18
QWHCRES2 Field type char, length 2, reserved DB2RES02 CHAR 2