
SAP Table DD20L

Matchcode objects

The table DD20L (Matchcode objects) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SMAC.

Technical Information

Table DD20L
Short Text Matchcode objects
Package SMAC
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table DD20L

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
MCONAME Name of a matchcode object MCONAME CHAR 10
AS4LOCAL Activation Status of a Repository Object AS4LOCAL CHAR 1
AS4VERS Version of the entry (not used) AS4VERS NUMC 4
APPLCLASS Application class for DD objects (not used) APPLCLASS CHAR 4 TAPPL
VIEWNAME Name of SAP table view VIEWNAME CHAR 30 *
ROOTTAB Primary table of an aggregate ROOTTAB CHAR 30 *
POOL Pool in which matchcodes of a MC object are stored MCPOOL CHAR 10 *
AS4USER Last Changed by AS4USER CHAR 12
AS4DATE Date of Last Change AS4DATE DATS 8
AS4TIME Last changed at AS4TIME TIMS 6
ACTFLAG Activation flag ACTFLAG CHAR 1
MASTERLANG Original Language in Repository objects MASTERLANG LANG 1 T002