

Foreign Trade: Export/Import Header Data

The table EIKP (Foreign Trade: Export/Import Header Data) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package VEI.

Technical Information

Table EIKP
Short Text Foreign Trade: Export/Import Header Data
Package VEI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table EIKP

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
EXNUM Number of foreign trade data in MM and SD documents EXNUM CHAR 10
ALAND Delivering country HLAND CHAR 3 T005
EXPVZ Mode of Transport for Foreign Trade EXPVZ CHAR 1 T618
ZOLLA Customs Office: Office of Exit/Entry for Foreign Trade DZOLLS CHAR 6 T615
ZOLLB Customs office: Office of destination for foreign trade DZOLLB CHAR 6 T615
ZOLL1 Customs office: Customs office 1 for foreign trade DZOLL1 CHAR 6 T615
ZOLL2 Customs office: Customs office 2 for foreign trade DZOLL2 CHAR 6 T615
ZOLL3 Customs office: Customs office 3 for foreign trade DZOLL3 CHAR 6 T615
ZOLL4 Customs office: Customs office 4 for foreign trade DZOLL4 CHAR 6 T615
ZOLL5 Customs office: Customs office 5 for foreign trade DZOLL5 CHAR 6 T615
ZOLL6 Customs office: Customs office 6 for foreign trade DZOLL6 CHAR 6 T615
KZGBE Indicator for means of transport crossing the border KZGBE CHAR 30
KZABE Indicator for the means of transport at departure KZABE CHAR 30
STGBE Origin of Means of Transport when Crossing the Border STGBE CHAR 3 T005
STABE Country of Origin of the Means of Transport at Departure STABE CHAR 3 T005
CONTA ID: Goods cross border in a container CONTA CHAR 1
GRWCU Currency of statistical values for foreign trade GRWCU CUKY 5 TCURC
IEVER Domestic Mode of Transport for Foreign Trade IEVER CHAR 1 T618
SEGAL Exclusion/Inclusion indicator for declara. to authorities SEGAL CHAR 2 T609A
WZOCU Currency of customs values for import procg in foreign trade WZOCU CUKY 5 TCURC
PRONU Invoice: Number of invoice document for import processing PRONU CHAR 25
PRODA Invoice: Date of invoice document for import processing PRODA DATS 8
VORPA Preliminary document: Document type for foreign trade procg VORPA CHAR 10 T610VA
VORDA Preliminary document: Date of preliminary doc.f.import procg VORDA DATS 8
VORNU Preliminary document: No. of preliminary doc.f.import procg VORNU CHAR 25
BEHOE Preliminary doc.: Issuing authority of relevant prelim.doc. VOHOE CHAR 10 T610O
KENNU Preliminary document: Customs office/ID number for import KENNU CHAR 6
VOISO Prelim. doc.: ISO code of ctry issuing the preliminary doc. VOISO CHAR 2
PREFPACOD Preference code for foreign trade ( author., import) PREFPACOD CHAR 3 T604C
PREFA Preference: Preference type for foreign trade PREFA CHAR 10 T610PA
PREFN Preference: Official number of preference document - Import PREFN CHAR 25
PREDU Preference: Date of preference document for import procg PREDU DATS 8
PRISO Preference: ISO code of country issuing the preference doc. PRISO CHAR 2
PRHOE Preference: Issuing authoritiy for relevant preference doc. PRHOE CHAR 10 T610O
PRUEL Preference: Validity date of preference document for import PRUEL DATS 8
NACAR Verification documents: Type of certificate for import NACAR CHAR 10 T610NA
NACNU Verification docs: Official no. of verific. doc. - Import NACNU CHAR 25
NACDA Verification documents: Date of verif.doc. for import procg NACDA DATS 8
NAISO Verification doc: ISO code of ctry supplying verific.doc. NAISO CHAR 2
NAHOE Verification documents: Issuing authority for relev. verif. NAHOE CHAR 10 T610O
NAUEL Verification docs: Validity date of verific.doc. for import NAUEL DATS 8
TEXT1 Comments: Text for foreign trade processing TXTFT CHAR 40
TEXT2 Comments: Text for foreign trade processing TXTFT CHAR 40
TEXT3 Comments: Text for foreign trade processing TXTFT CHAR 40
EXDAR Export document: Export document type for foreign trade EXDAR CHAR 10 T610VA
EXDAA Export document: Official number of export document EXDAA CHAR 25
EXDAB Export document: Valid-to number of export document EXDAB CHAR 25
EXDTA T document: Type of T document for foreign trade EXDTA CHAR 10 T610VA
EXDT2 T document: Official number of T document for foreign trade EXDT2 CHAR 25
EXDTB T doc.: Official no. for next page of T doc. f.foreign trade EXDTB CHAR 25
EXDPA Preference: Preference type for foreign trade EXDPA CHAR 10 T610PA
EXPRE Preference: Official number of preference document - Export EXPRE CHAR 25
EXDT5 CAP: Official number of T5 document for foreign trade EXDT5 CHAR 25
LADEL Place of loading/unloading for foreign trade LADEL CHAR 40
AUSFU Exporter for import processing in foreign trade AUSFU CHAR 10 LFA1
EIOKW Status: Complete document data in foreign trade (user) EIOKW CHAR 1
AUSOK Status: Document data in foreign trade complete (system) AUSOK CHAR 1
LAZL1 Customs office: Country of customs office for foreign trade LAZLS CHAR 3 T005
LAZL2 Customs office: Country of customs office for foreign trade LAZLS CHAR 3 T005
LAZL3 Customs office: Country of customs office for foreign trade LAZLS CHAR 3 T005
LAZL4 Customs office: Country of customs office for foreign trade LAZLS CHAR 3 T005
LAZL5 Customs office: Country of customs office for foreign trade LAZLS CHAR 3 T005
LAZL6 Customs office: Country of customs office for foreign trade LAZLS CHAR 3 T005
AZOLL Customs office: Export customs office for foreign trade AZOLL CHAR 6 T615
AHBAS Basis document category for foreign trade processing AHBAS CHAR 3
REFNR Sales and Distribution Document Number VBELN CHAR 10 *
MABSD Selection date for periodic declarations MABSD DATS 8
BFMAR Foreign Trade: Type of means of transport BFMAR CHAR 6 T612B
CUDCL Customs declaration type for customs processing in FT CUDCL CHAR 3