

copy of GV$MANAGED_STANDBY (currently not provided w. snaps)

The table GVD_MANGD_STANBY (copy of GV$MANAGED_STANDBY (currently not provided w. snaps)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package STUN.

Technical Information

Short Text copy of GV$MANAGED_STANDBY (currently not provided w. snaps)
Package STUN
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table GVD_MANGD_STANBY

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SNAPSHOT_ID Oracle monitor: snapshot ID ORA_SNAPSHOT_ID NUMC 10 *
INST_ID Oracle monitor: Instance ID ORA_INST_ID DEC 22
PROCESS Oracle monitoring: OS Process Id ORA_PROCESS CHAR 12
PID Oracle monitoring: PID ORA_PID DEC 22
STATUS Oracle monitoring: Current process status ORA_STATUS CHAR 12
CLIENT_PROCESS Oracle monitoring: Primary database process ORA_CLIENT_PROCESS CHAR 8
CLIENT_PID Oracle monitoring: OS process Id of the client process ORA_CLIENT_PID CHAR 40
CLIENT_DBID Oracle monitoring: Database identifier of the primary DB ORA_CLIENT_DBID CHAR 40
GROUP_NBR Oracle monitoring: Standby redo log group ORA_GROUP CHAR 40
THREAD Oracle monitoring: Archived redo log thread number ORA_THREAD DEC 22
SEQUENCE Oracle monitoring: Archived redo log sequence number ORA_SEQUENCE DEC 22
BLOCK Oracle monitoring: Last processed archived redo log block Nr ORA_BLOCK_NBR DEC 22
BLOCKS Oracle monitoring: Size of the archived redo log in 512-byte ORA_BLOCKS DEC 22
DELAY_MINS Oracle monitoring: Archived redo log delay interval in mins ORA_DELAY_MINS DEC 22
KNOWN_AGENTS Oracle monitoring: Total number of standby DB agents ORA_KNOWN_AGENTS DEC 22
ACTIVE_AGENTS Oracle monitoring: Number of active standby db agents ORA_ACTIVE_AGENTS DEC 22