

Node Type for DRP Network

The table MDRP_NODT (Node Type for DRP Network) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MDRP.

Technical Information

Short Text Node Type for DRP Network
Package MDRP
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table MDRP_NODT

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
NODETYPE Node type: supply chain network NODETYPE CHAR 3
ICONBIG Icon in text fields (substitute display, alias) ICON_D CHAR 4 *
ICONMIDDLE Icon in text fields (substitute display, alias) ICON_D CHAR 4 *
ICONSMALL Icon in text fields (substitute display, alias) ICON_D CHAR 4 *
PLANTFLG Indicator: node = plant PLANTFLG CHAR 1
SUPPFLG Indicator node = vendor SUPPFLG CHAR 1
CUSTFLG Indicator: node = customer CUSTFLG CHAR 1
STOCKFLG Indicator: node = warehouse STOCKFLG CHAR 1