

File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input

The table MFHM_TMP (File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MGAD.

Technical Information

Short Text File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input
Package MGAD
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table MFHM_TMP

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ID Job ID (direct input) BIJOBID CHAR 32 *
TRANC Transaction counter for data transfer TRANSCOUNT NUMC 10
D_IND Which number within a transaction must be reset? M_DELIND NUMC 10
MATNR Material Number MATNR CHAR 18 *
OBJTY Object types of the CIM resource CR_OBJTY CHAR 2
OBJID Object ID of the resource CR_OBJID NUMC 8 *
ZAEHL Internal counter CIM_COUNT NUMC 8
OBJTY_V Object types of the CIM resource CR_OBJTY CHAR 2
OBJID_V Object ID of the resource CR_OBJID NUMC 8 *
KZKBL Indicator: Create load records for prod. resources/tools KZKBL CHAR 1
STEUF Control key for management of production resources/tools STEUF CHAR 4 *
STEUF_REF Control key cannot be changed CF_STKZR CHAR 1
FGRU1 Grouping key 1 for production resources/tools FGRUA CHAR 4 *
FGRU2 Grouping key 2 for production resources/tools FGRUB CHAR 4 *
PLANV Production resource/tool usage FH_PLANV CHAR 3 *
KTSCH Standard text key for production resources/tools CF_KTSCH CHAR 7 *
KTSCH_REF Reference Key Cannot be Changed CF_KTKZR CHAR 1
BZOFFB Reference date to start of production resource/tool usage BZOFFB CHAR 2 *
BZOFFB_REF Start reference date cannot be changed CF_BBKZR CHAR 1
OFFSTB Offset to start of production resource/tool usage OFFSTB QUAN 5
EHOFFB Offset unit for start of prod. resource/tool usage EHOFFB UNIT 3 *
OFFSTB_REF Offset to start cannot be changed CF_OBKZR CHAR 1
BZOFFE Reference date for end of production resource/tool usage BZOFFE CHAR 2 *
BZOFFE_REF End reference date cannot be changed CF_BEKZR CHAR 1
OFFSTE Offset to finish of production resource/tool usage OFFSTE QUAN 5
EHOFFE Offset unit for end of production resource/tool usage EHOFFE UNIT 3 *
OFFSTE_REF Offset to end cannot be changed CF_OEKZR CHAR 1
MGFORM Formula for calculating the total quantity of PRT CF_MGFORM CHAR 6 *
MGFORM_REF Formula for calculating the total quantity cannot be changed CF_MFKZR CHAR 1
EWFORM Formula for calculating the total usage value of PRT CF_EWFORM CHAR 6 *
EWFORM_REF Formula to calculate entire usage value cannot be changed CF_EFKZR CHAR 1
PAR01 First parameter (for formulas) CF_PAR01 CHAR 6 *
PAR02 Second parameter (for formulas) CF_PAR02 CHAR 6 *
PAR03 Third parameter (for formulas) CF_PAR03 CHAR 6 *
PAR04 Fourth parameter (for formulas) CF_PAR04 CHAR 6 *
PAR05 Fifth parameter (for formulas) CF_PAR05 CHAR 6 *
PAR06 Sixth parameter (for formulas) CF_PAR06 CHAR 6 *
PARU1 Parameter unit CF_PARUNIT UNIT 3 *
PARU2 Parameter unit CF_PARUNIT UNIT 3 *
PARU3 Parameter unit CF_PARUNIT UNIT 3 *
PARU4 Parameter unit CF_PARUNIT UNIT 3 *
PARU5 Parameter unit CF_PARUNIT UNIT 3 *
PARU6 Parameter unit CF_PARUNIT UNIT 3 *
PARV1 Parameter value CF_PARVAL QUAN 9
PARV2 Parameter value CF_PARVAL QUAN 9
PARV3 Parameter value CF_PARVAL QUAN 9
PARV4 Parameter value CF_PARVAL QUAN 9
PARV5 Parameter value CF_PARVAL QUAN 9
PARV6 Parameter value CF_PARVAL QUAN 9