

Copy of DBA_TABLES (currently not provided with snapshots)

The table ORA_DBA_TABLES (Copy of DBA_TABLES (currently not provided with snapshots)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package STUN.

Technical Information

Short Text Copy of DBA_TABLES (currently not provided with snapshots)
Package STUN
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table ORA_DBA_TABLES

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SNAPSHOT_ID Oracle monitor: snapshot ID ORA_SNAPSHOT_ID NUMC 10 *
OWNER Oracle monitoring: Owner of the object ORA_OWNER_30 CHAR 30
TABLE_NAME Oracle monitoring: table name ORA_TABLE_NAME CHAR 30
TABLESPACE_NAME Oracle monitoring: Tablespacename to which objects belong ORA_TABLESPACE_NAME CHAR 30
CLUSTER_NAME Oracle monitoring: cluster name ORA_CLUSTER_NAME CHAR 30
IOT_NAME Oracle monitoring: IOT name ORA_IOT_NAME CHAR 30
PCT_FREE Oracle monitoring:percentage of free space in a block ORA_PCT_FREE DEC 22
PCT_USED Oracle monitoring: percentage of used space in a block ORA_PCT_USED DEC 22
INI_TRANS Oracle monitoring: Initial number of transactions ORA_INI_TRANS DEC 22
MAX_TRANS Oracle monitoring: Maximum number of transactions ORA_MAX_TRANS DEC 22
INITIAL_EXTENT Oracle monitoring: Size of the initial extent in bytes ORA_INITIAL_EXTENT DEC 22
NEXT_EXTENT Oracle monitor: Next extent ORA_NEXT_EXTENT DEC 22
MIN_EXTENTS Oracle monitor: Minimum extent ORA_MIN_EXTENTS DEC 22
MAX_EXTENTS Oracle monitor: Maximum extent ORA_MAX_EXTENTS DEC 22
PCT_INCREASE Oracle monitor. PCT increase ORA_PCT_INCREASE DEC 22
FREELISTS Oracle monitoring: Number of process freelists allocated ORA_FREELISTS DEC 22
FREELIST_GROUPS Oracle monitoring: Number of freelist groups allocated ORA_FREELIST_GROUPS DEC 22
LOGGING Oracle monitoring: Logging attribute ORA_LOGGINGA CHAR 3
BACKED_UP Oracle monitoring: Has table been backed up since last chang ORA_BACKED_UP CHAR 1
NUM_ROWS Oracle monitoring: Number of rows in the table ORA_NUM_ROWS DEC 22
BLOCKS Oracle monitoring: Number of used data blocks in the table ORA_BLOCKS_USED DEC 22
EMPTY_BLOCKS Oracle monitoring: Number of empty (never used) data blocks ORA_EMPTY_BLOCKS DEC 22
AVG_SPACE Oracle monitoring: avg. free space (bytes) in a data block ORA_AVG_SPACE DEC 22
CHAIN_CNT Oracle monitoring: Number of rows in table that are chained ORA_CHAIN_CNT DEC 22
AVG_ROW_LEN Oracle monitoring: Average length of a row in table (bytes) ORA_AVG_ROW_LEN DEC 22
AVG_SPACE_FREE Oracle monitoring: avg. freespace of all blocks on freelist ORA_AVG_SPACE_FREE DEC 22
NUM_FREELIST_BLK Oracle monitoring: number of blocks on the freelist ORA_NUM_FREELIST_BLK DEC 22
DEGREE Oracle monitoring: number of threads per instance for scan ORA_DEGREE DEC 22
INSTANCES Oracle monitoring:inst. across which table is to be scanned ORA_INSTANCES CHAR 10
CACHE Oracle monitoring:Whether the cluster is to be cached in buf ORA_CACHE_DBA CHAR 5
TABLE_LOCK Oracle monitoring: Whether table locking is enabled or disab ORA_TABLE_LOCK CHAR 8
SAMPLE_SIZE Oracle monitoring: Sample size used in analyzing this table ORA_SAMPLE_SIZE DEC 22
LAST_ANALYZED_D Oracle monitoring: Date of last table analysis (date field) ORA_LAST_ANALYZED_D DATS 8
LAST_ANALYZED_T Oracle monitoring: Date of last table analysis (time field) ORA_LAST_ANALYZED_T TIMS 6
PARTITIONED Oracle monitoring: Indicates whether table is partitioned ORA_PARTITIONED CHAR 3
IOT_TYPE Oracle monitoring: IOT type ORA_IOT_TYPE CHAR 12
TEMPORARY_DBA Oracle monitoring: data visible which is placed by this sess ORA_TEMPORARY CHAR 1
SECONDARY Oracle monitoring: Is trigger a secondary object ORA_SECONDARY CHAR 1
NESTED Oracle monitoring: Is the table a nested table? ORA_NESTED CHAR 3
BUFFER_POOL Oracle monitoring: The default buffer pool for the object ORA_BUFFER_POOL CHAR 7
ROW_MOVEMENT Oracle monitoring: partitioned row movement is enabled ? ORA_ROW_MOVEMENT CHAR 8
GLOBAL_STATS Oracle monitoring: Stats collected for whole table or estima ORA_GLOBAL_STATS CHAR 3
USER_STATS Oracle monitoring: Were statistics entered directly by user? ORA_USER_STATS CHAR 3
DURATION Oracle monitoring: duration of a temporary table ORA_DURATION CHAR 15
SKIP_CORRUPT Oracle monitoring: If Oracle ignores blocks marked corrupt ORA_SKIP_CORRUPT CHAR 8
MONITORING Oracle monitoring: table has the MONITORING attribute set ORA_MONITORING CHAR 3
CLUSTER_OWNER Oracle monitoring: Cluster owner ORA_CLUSTER_OWNER CHAR 30
DEPENDENCIES Oracle monitoring: Dependencies ORA_DEPENDENCIES CHAR 8
COMPRESSION Oracle monitoring: Compression ORA_COMPRESSION CHAR 8