

Datensatz Leistungswesen einer Entgeltersatzleistungsmeldung

The table P01EE_DSLW (Datensatz Leistungswesen einer Entgeltersatzleistungsmeldung) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package P01S.

Technical Information

Table P01EE_DSLW
Short Text Datensatz Leistungswesen einer Entgeltersatzleistungsmeldung
Package P01S
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table P01EE_DSLW

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
GUID Unique Key for Identification of Notification P01_SVGUID CHAR 32
VF Procedure for Which Data Record Is Intended P01_SV_EE_VF CHAR 5
BBNRAB Company Number of Creator P01_SV_EE_BBNRAB CHAR 15
BBNREP Company Number of Recipient P01_SV_EE_BBNREP CHAR 15
VERNR Version Number P01_SV_EE_VERNR NUMC 2
ED Creation Date and Time of the Data Record P01_SV_EE_ED NUMC 20
FEKZ Error Indicator P01_SV_EE_FEKZ NUMC 1
FEAN Number of Errors in Data Record P01_SV_EE_FEAN NUMC 1
VSNR Pension Insurance Number P01_SV_EE_VSNR CHAR 12
GBDT Birth Date of Insured Person P01_SV_EE_GBDT DATS 8
BBNRVU Company Number of Notifying Employer P01_SV_EE_BBNRVU CHAR 15
AZVU Reference of Notifying Employer P01_SV_EE_AZVU CHAR 20
DSID Identification Number of the Data Record P01_SV_EE_DSID CHAR 20
BBNRKK Company Number of Health Insurance Fund P01_SV_EE_BBNRKK CHAR 15
AKZ Health Insurer Reference P01_SV_EE_AKZ CHAR 20
BBNRST Company No. of Accounting Office P01_SV_EE_BBNRST CHAR 15
ANRAP Form of Address for Contact Person (Mr., Mrs...etc) P01_SV_EE_ANRAP CHAR 1
NAMEAP Name of Contact Person P01_SV_EE_NAMEAP CHAR 30
TELAP Telephone Number of Contact Person P01_SV_EE_TELAP CHAR 20
FAXAP Fax Number of Contact Person P01_SV_EE_FAXAP CHAR 20
EERUECK Indicator Confirmation of Compensation Benefits (EEL) P01_SV_EE_RUECKM CHAR 1
ABGRD Submission Reason for Notif. for Compensation Benefits (EEL) P01_SV_EE_ABGRD NUMC 2
KENNZST Reversal Indicator P01_SV_EE_KENNZST CHAR 1
MMNA DBNA Data Module (Name) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMNA CHAR 1
MMAN DBAN Data Module (Address) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMAN CHAR 1
MMAL DBAL Data Module (General) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMAL CHAR 1
MMAE DBAE Data Module (Remuneration) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMAE CHAR 1
MMZA DBZA Data Module (Working Time) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMZA CHAR 1
MMZE DBZE Data Module (Working Time for Illness of Child) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMZE CHAR 1
MMAW DBAW (Absences Without Remuneration) Data Module Exists P01_SV_EE_MMAW CHAR 1
MMFR DBFR Data Module (Rel. fr Work fr Care of Sick Child) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMFR CHAR 1
MMUN DBUN Data Module (Work/School Accident) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMUN CHAR 1
MMMU DBMU Data Module (Maternity Pay) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMMU CHAR 1
MMAV DBAV Data Module (Request for Preexisting Conds) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMAV CHAR 1
MMVO DBVO Data Module (Periods of Preexisting Conditions) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMVO CHAR 1
MMHE DBHE Data Module (Amount of Compensation Benefit) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMHE CHAR 1
MMBE DBBE Data Module (Amount of Income Liable for Contr.) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMBE CHAR 1
MMLT DBLT Data Module (Benefits for Participation) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMLT CHAR 1
MMSF DBSF Data Module (Sailors) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMSF CHAR 1
MMTK DBTK Data Module (Transfer Reduced Hours Comp.) Exists P01_SV_EE_MMTK CHAR 1