

Datenbaustein Kündigung/Entlassung (DBKE) ELENA

The table P01EL_DBKE (Datenbaustein Kündigung/Entlassung (DBKE) ELENA) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package P01S.

Technical Information

Table P01EL_DBKE
Short Text Datenbaustein Kündigung/Entlassung (DBKE) ELENA
Package P01S
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table P01EL_DBKE

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
GUID Unique Key for Identification of Notification P01_SVGUID CHAR 32
AVEND End of Employment Relationship P01_SV_EL_AVEND DATS 8
AVBFR Fixed-Term Employment/Work Relationship P01_SV_EL_AVBFR CHAR 1
AVBFSCHR Fixed-Term Contract Was Concluded in Writing P01_SV_EL_AVBFSCHR CHAR 1
AVBFURSP End Date of Fixed-Term Employment Relationship P01_SV_EL_AVBFURSP DATS 8
AVBFABSCHL Conclusion of Fixed-Term Work Contract P01_SV_EL_AVBFABSCHL DATS 8
AVBFABVL Extension of Fixed-Term Work Contract P01_SV_EL_AVBFABVL DATS 8
AVBFRL Fixed Term At Least Two Months P01_SV_EL_AVBFRL CHAR 1
AVKUEAM Date of Dismissal or Termination P01_SV_EL_AVKUEAM DATS 8
AVUWFWZ Irrevocable Release from Work with Continued Pay P01_SV_EL_AVUWFWZ CHAR 1
AVUWFWZBEG Start Date of Irrevocable Release from Work P01_SV_EL_AVUWFWZBEG DATS 8
AVUWFWZEND End Date of Irrevocable Release from Work P01_SV_EL_AVUWFWZEND DATS 8
AVKUEDU Dismissal/Termination of Employment Relationship By P01_SV_EL_AVKUEDU NUMC 1
AVKUESCH Written Notice or Dismissal P01_SV_EL_AVKUESCH CHAR 1
AVKUEBETR Dismissal for Operational Reasons P01_SV_EL_AVKUEBETR CHAR 1
AVKUESCHUKL Dismissal Protection Lawsuit Filed P01_SV_EL_AVKUESCHUKL CHAR 1
AVKUEZUST Communication Type of Termination P01_SV_EL_AVKUEZUST NUMC 1
AVKUEAL Reason for Notice or Dismissal P01_SV_EL_AVKUEAL CHAR 1
AVKUEALAM Written Warning for Reason for Notice P01_SV_EL_AVKUEALAM CHAR 1
AVAMDAT Date of Previous Written Warning P01_SV_EL_AVAMDAT DATS 8
VWIVER Details of Repudiatory Conduct P01_SV_EL_VWIVER CHAR 255
AVKUEZVB Additional Notice Agreements P01_SV_EL_AVKUEZVB CHAR 1
SAW Social Selection Made P01_SV_EL_SAW NUMC 1
SAWPRNA Name of Employment Office for Social Selection Check P01_SV_EL_SAWPRNA CHAR 30
AGKUEAM Date When Employer Would Have Notified EE of Termination P01_SV_EL_AGKUEAM DATS 8
AGKUEZU Date When Termination by Employer Would Have Started P01_SV_EL_AGKUEZU DATS 8
KF Period of Notice P01_SV_EL_KF NUMC 3
KFZE Time Unit for Notice Period P01_SV_EL_KFZE NUMC 1
KFBZ Reference Date/Time of Notice Period P01_SV_EL_KFBZ NUMC 1
KA Excluded from Termination P01_SV_EL_KA CHAR 1
KAU Unlimited Exclusion from Termination P01_SV_EL_KAU CHAR 1
KAUAUG Reason for Canceling Unlimited Exclusion from Termination P01_SV_EL_KAUAUG CHAR 30
KABGG Reason for Limited Exclusion from Termination P01_SV_EL_KABGG CHAR 30
OKGL Ordinary Notice of Dismissal Permitted Only If Special Paymt P01_SV_EL_OKGL CHAR 1
OKGLFG Dismissal w/ Due Notice for Ord.Dismissal with Special Paymt P01_SV_EL_OKGLFG CHAR 1
AVENLZ Benefits Paymt at Termination of Employmt/Work Relationship P01_SV_EL_AVENLZ CHAR 1
AVENLZG Reason for Uncertainty of Benefits Payment P01_SV_EL_AVENLZG CHAR 30
BVEGEN Remuneration/Salary After End of Employment Relationship P01_SV_EL_BVEGEN CHAR 1
BVEGENB Remuneration/Salary After End Employmt/Work Rel. Until Date P01_SV_EL_BVEGENB DATS 8
AVENUAG Leave Compensation for Termination of Employment Relationshp P01_SV_EL_AVENUAG CHAR 1
BVENUR Leave Duration After End of Employment Relationship P01_SV_EL_AVENUR DATS 8
AVENVL Early Retirement Benefit for Termination of Employment Rel. P01_SV_EL_AVENVL CHAR 1
AVENVGB Start of Early Retirement Pension at End of Employment Rel. P01_SV_EL_AVENVGB DATS 8
AVENVG Amount of Early Retiremt Pension As % of Gross Remuneration P01_SV_EL_AVENVG NUMC 5
ABFMONAT Severance Pay up to 0.5 Monthly Salaries P01_SV_EL_ABFMONAT CHAR 1
ABFGEZ If Severance Pay Were to Be Paid P01_SV_EL_ABFGEZ CHAR 1
SAWPRSC Name of Employment Office for Social Selection Check P01_SV_EL_SAWPRSC NUMC 3
KAUAUG_002 Reason for Canceling Unlimited Exclusion from Termination P01_SV_EL_KAUAUG_002 CHAR 1
AVENLZG_002 Reason for Uncertainty of Benefits Payment P01_SV_EL_AVENLZG_002 NUMC 2