
SAP Table PA0650

Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0650

The table PA0650 (Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0650) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package P01W_DE.

Technical Information

Table PA0650
Short Text Personal-Stammsatz Infotyp 0650
Package P01W_DE
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table PA0650

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PERNR Personnel number PERSNO NUMC 8 PA0003
OBJPS Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
SPRPS Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record SPRPS CHAR 1
SEQNR Number of Infotype Record with Same Key SEQNR NUMC 3
UNAME Name of Person Who Changed Object AENAM CHAR 12
HISTO Historical Record Flag HISTO CHAR 1
ITXEX Text Exists for Infotype ITXEX CHAR 1
REFEX Reference Fields Exist (Primary/Secondary Costs) PRFEX CHAR 1
ORDEX Confirmation Fields Exist ORDEX CHAR 1
ITBLD Infotype Screen Control ITBLD CHAR 2
PREAS Reason for Changing Master Data PREAS CHAR 2 T530E
FLAG1 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG2 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG3 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG4 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
RESE1 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2 CHAR 2
RESE2 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2 CHAR 2
GRPVL Grouping Value for Personnel Assignments PCCE_GPVAL CHAR 4
BFSCR Temporary Work Relationship Agreed in Writing P01W_BFSCR CHAR 1
KDSCR Written Notice P01W_KDSCR CHAR 1
KDGAM Termination On P01W_KDGAM DATS 8
KDZUM Termination On P01W_KDZUM DATS 8
KDGRD Termination Reason P01W_KDGRD CHAR 30
KDZUS Termination: Additional Agreements P01W_KDZUS CHAR 1
KDWID Termination: Contract Violations P01W_KDWID CHAR 1
KDWIT Termination: Due to Long-Term Weather Conditions P01W_KDWIT CHAR 1
KDSCH Termination: Details P01W_KDSCH CHAR 70
KDONO Ordinary Notice of Dismissal P01W_KDONO CHAR 1
KDOGR Exception Reasons for Termination P01W_KDOGR CHAR 30
KDOAF Ordinary Notice of Dismissal vs. Severance Pay P01W_KDOAF CHAR 1
GEFUE Managing Director P01W_GEFUE CHAR 1
KPATL Capital Amount P01W_KPATL DEC 5
SPMIN Blocking Minority P01W_SPMIN CHAR 1
FBEG1 Absence: From P01W_FEBEG DATS 8
FEND1 Absence To P01W_FEEND DATS 8
FGRD1 Absence Time: Reason P01W_FEGRD CHAR 30
FBEG2 Absence: From P01W_FEBEG DATS 8
FEND2 Absence To P01W_FEEND DATS 8
FGRD2 Absence Time: Reason P01W_FEGRD CHAR 30
FBEG3 Absence: From P01W_FEBEG DATS 8
FEND3 Absence To P01W_FEEND DATS 8
FGRD3 Absence Time: Reason P01W_FEGRD CHAR 30
BVAVH Work/Employment Relationship P01W_BVAVH CHAR 1
BVAVG Work/Employment Relationship: Reasons P01W_BVAVG CHAR 70
ABPRF Final Exam Passed? P01W_ABPRF CHAR 1
APDAT Date of Audit P01W_APDAT DATS 8
HAURJ Homeworker: Vacation per Year P01W_HAURJ NUMC 3
HAURB Homeworker: Statemented Vacation Days P01W_HAURB NUMC 3
HAURE Homeworker: Vacation Pay Included in Gross Remuneration P01W_HAURE CURR 13
HABEZ Homeworker: Payment Type/Vacation Pay P01W_HABEZ CHAR 1
ABEG1 Deviations - Weekly Working Time: Start Date P01W_AWBEG DATS 8
AEND1 Deviations - Weekly Working Time: End Date P01W_AWEND DATS 8
ASTW1 Deviations - Weekly Working Time: Hours/Week P01W_AWSTW DEC 5
ABEG2 Deviations - Weekly Working Time: Start Date P01W_AWBEG DATS 8
AEND2 Deviations - Weekly Working Time: End Date P01W_AWEND DATS 8
ASTW2 Deviations - Weekly Working Time: Hours/Week P01W_AWSTW DEC 5
AZGRD Deviations - Weekly Working Time: Reason P01W_AZGRD CHAR 70
VVOLL Working Time of Comparable Full-Time Employee P01W_VVOLL DEC 5
ZULEI Entitlement to Other Benefits P01W_ZULEI NUMC 1
ZLGRD Reason for Unknown Supplementary Benefits P01W_ZLGRD CHAR 40
WEIAE Continued Remuneration P01W_WEIAE CHAR 1
WADAT Continued Remuneration To P01W_WADAT DATS 8
VRUGD Early Retirement Pension P01W_VRUGD CHAR 1
VRBEG Early Retirement Pension: Start of Payment P01W_VRBEG DATS 8
VRPRZ Early Retirement Pension: Rate P01W_VRPRZ DEC 5
HWAA1 Further Notes P01W_WHWAA CHAR 50
HWAA2 Further Notes P01W_WHWAA CHAR 50
HWAA3 Further Notes P01W_WHWAA CHAR 50
HWAA4 Further Notes P01W_WHWAA CHAR 50
ASNAM Applicant: Last Name P01W_ASNAM CHAR 25
ASVNM Applicant: First Name P01W_ASVNM CHAR 25
ASKNR Applicant: Customer Number P01W_ASKNR CHAR 15
ASARA Federal Employment Office - Branch Office P01W_ASARA CHAR 30
WAERS Currency Key P01W_WAERS CUKY 5 T500W
TAEUU HR-DBW: Standard Pay upon Transfer to Work Relationship P01W_TAEUU CURR 13
TWZUU HR-DBW: Working Time upon Transfer to Work Relationship P01W_TWZUU DEC 5
TEZUU HR-DBW: NrPs upon Transfer to Work Relationship P01W_TEZUU CURR 13
BBKDG Dismissal for Operational Reasons P01W_BBKDB CHAR 1
KDGSK Claim for Unlawful Dismissal P01W_KDGSK CHAR 1
DATFR Date of Temporary Work Relationship P01W_DATFR DATS 8
NRBDG HR-DBW: Number of Cohabitation P01W_NRBDG CHAR 14
CSBFA HR-DBW: Confirmation by Clearing Center of BfA P01W_CSBFA CHAR 1
QPROJ HR-DBW: Participation in Qualification Project P01W_QPROJ CHAR 1
AMDAT Date of Written Warning P01W_AMDAT DATS 8
KDGZS Communication Type of Termination P01W_KDGSZ CHAR 40
KDGZG HR-DBW: Arrival of Termination P01W_KDGZG DATS 8
AVVRL Extension of Employment Contract P01W_AVVRL DATS 8
MIND6 HR-DBW: Fixed-Term Employment for at Least 6 Months P01W_MIND6 CHAR 1
WBSCH HR-DBW: Possibility of Continued Employment P01W_WBSCH CHAR 1
ABF05 Amount of Severance Pay P01W_ABF05 CHAR 1
BVAVZ Work Relationship and Employment Relationship: Period P01W_BVAVZ CHAR 70
UNBET HR-DBW: Equity Holding P01W_UNBET CHAR 1
AUFBE Termination Contract: Ben. Even in Event of Termin. P01W_AUFBE CHAR 1
KBNAM Name of Person Entitled to Child Allowance P01W_KBNAM CHAR 40
KBVNM First Name of Person Entitled to Child Allowance P01W_KBVNM CHAR 40
KGNUM Child Allowance Number P01W_KGNUM CHAR 11
ADRS1 Address line LINES CHAR 80
ADRS2 Address line LINES CHAR 80
ADRS3 Address line LINES CHAR 80
FMEZ1 Month in Which Non-Recurring Payment Is Due P01_FLMEZ CHAR 2
FJEZ1 Year in Which Non-Recurring Payment is Due P01_FLJEZ NUMC 4
EART1 Wage Type LGART CHAR 4 T512T
FMEZ2 Month in Which Non-Recurring Payment Is Due P01_FLMEZ CHAR 2
FJEZ2 Year in Which Non-Recurring Payment is Due P01_FLJEZ NUMC 4
EART2 Wage Type LGART CHAR 4 T512T
HKDAM Employer Would Have Terminated Work Relationship On P01_HKDAM DATS 8
HKDZM ER Would Have Terminated Work Relationship Starting From P01_HKDZM DATS 8
HKDBB ER Would Have Terminated Work Relationship: Operat. Reasons P01_HKDBB CHAR 1
HKDVW ER Would Have Terminated Wrk Rel.:Behavior Violates Contract P01_HKDVW CHAR 1
TFHOE Activity to Be Continued: Amount of Secondary Income P01_TFHOE CHAR 1
TFBTG Activity to Be Continued: Amount of Secondary Income P01_TFBTG CURR 13
TFZTR Activity to Be Continued: Period for Amount P01_TFZTR CHAR 1
HAAUS Working from Home: Output Date P01_HAAUS DATS 8
HAABL Working from Home: Delivery Date P01_HAABL DATS 8
KUGJN Reduced Hours Compensation at Other Company P01_KUGJN CHAR 1
KUGFA Reduced Hours Compensation at Other Company: Name, HQ P01_KUGFA CHAR 40
BSBEG Start of Agreement to Preserve Employment P01_BSBEG DATS 8
BSEND End of Agreement to Preserve Employment P01_BSEND DATS 8
BSAZT Working Time with No Agreement to Preserve Employment P01_BSAZT DEC 5
BTAUS Company Training Relationship P01_BTAUS CHAR 1