
SAP Table PA0881

HR Master Record: Infotype 0881

The table PA0881 (HR Master Record: Infotype 0881) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PB41.

Technical Information

Table PA0881
Short Text HR Master Record: Infotype 0881
Package PB41
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table PA0881

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PERNR Personnel number PERSNO NUMC 8 PA0003
OBJPS Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
SPRPS Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record SPRPS CHAR 1
SEQNR Number of Infotype Record with Same Key SEQNR NUMC 3
UNAME Name of Person Who Changed Object AENAM CHAR 12
HISTO Historical Record Flag HISTO CHAR 1
ITXEX Text Exists for Infotype ITXEX CHAR 1
REFEX Reference Fields Exist (Primary/Secondary Costs) PRFEX CHAR 1
ORDEX Confirmation Fields Exist ORDEX CHAR 1
ITBLD Infotype Screen Control ITBLD CHAR 2
PREAS Reason for Changing Master Data PREAS CHAR 2 T530E
FLAG1 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG2 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG3 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG4 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
RESE1 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2 CHAR 2
RESE2 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2 CHAR 2
GRPVL Grouping Value for Personnel Assignments PCCE_GPVAL CHAR 4
DPT01 Subtype SUBTY CHAR 4
OBJ01 Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
NAM01 Expense amount info from NTS PKR_NTSAM CURR 10
OAM01 Expense amount info from other source PKR_OTHAM CURR 10
CUR01 Expense currency key PKR_EXCUR CUKY 5 *
DPT02 Subtype SUBTY CHAR 4
OBJ02 Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
NAM02 Expense amount info from NTS PKR_NTSAM CURR 10
OAM02 Expense amount info from other source PKR_OTHAM CURR 10
CUR02 Expense currency key PKR_EXCUR CUKY 5 *
DPT03 Subtype SUBTY CHAR 4
OBJ03 Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
NAM03 Expense amount info from NTS PKR_NTSAM CURR 10
OAM03 Expense amount info from other source PKR_OTHAM CURR 10
CUR03 Expense currency key PKR_EXCUR CUKY 5 *
DPT04 Subtype SUBTY CHAR 4
OBJ04 Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
NAM04 Expense amount info from NTS PKR_NTSAM CURR 10
OAM04 Expense amount info from other source PKR_OTHAM CURR 10
CUR04 Expense currency key PKR_EXCUR CUKY 5 *
DPT05 Subtype SUBTY CHAR 4
OBJ05 Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
NAM05 Expense amount info from NTS PKR_NTSAM CURR 10
OAM05 Expense amount info from other source PKR_OTHAM CURR 10
CUR05 Expense currency key PKR_EXCUR CUKY 5 *
DPT06 Subtype SUBTY CHAR 4
OBJ06 Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
NAM06 Expense amount info from NTS PKR_NTSAM CURR 10
OAM06 Expense amount info from other source PKR_OTHAM CURR 10
CUR06 Expense currency key PKR_EXCUR CUKY 5 *
DPT07 Subtype SUBTY CHAR 4
OBJ07 Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
NAM07 Expense amount info from NTS PKR_NTSAM CURR 10
OAM07 Expense amount info from other source PKR_OTHAM CURR 10
CUR07 Expense currency key PKR_EXCUR CUKY 5 *
DPT08 Subtype SUBTY CHAR 4
OBJ08 Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
NAM08 Expense amount info from NTS PKR_NTSAM CURR 10
OAM08 Expense amount info from other source PKR_OTHAM CURR 10
CUR08 Expense currency key PKR_EXCUR CUKY 5 *
DPT09 Subtype SUBTY CHAR 4
OBJ09 Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
NAM09 Expense amount info from NTS PKR_NTSAM CURR 10
OAM09 Expense amount info from other source PKR_OTHAM CURR 10
CUR09 Expense currency key PKR_EXCUR CUKY 5 *
HAN01 Indicator for the handicapped insurance PKR_HNDIS CHAR 1
ELV01 Dependant's education level PKR_EDULV CHAR 1
HAN02 Indicator for the handicapped insurance PKR_HNDIS CHAR 1
ELV02 Dependant's education level PKR_EDULV CHAR 1
HAN03 Indicator for the handicapped insurance PKR_HNDIS CHAR 1
ELV03 Dependant's education level PKR_EDULV CHAR 1
HAN04 Indicator for the handicapped insurance PKR_HNDIS CHAR 1
ELV04 Dependant's education level PKR_EDULV CHAR 1
HAN05 Indicator for the handicapped insurance PKR_HNDIS CHAR 1
ELV05 Dependant's education level PKR_EDULV CHAR 1
HAN06 Indicator for the handicapped insurance PKR_HNDIS CHAR 1
ELV06 Dependant's education level PKR_EDULV CHAR 1
HAN07 Indicator for the handicapped insurance PKR_HNDIS CHAR 1
ELV07 Dependant's education level PKR_EDULV CHAR 1
HAN08 Indicator for the handicapped insurance PKR_HNDIS CHAR 1
ELV08 Dependant's education level PKR_EDULV CHAR 1
HAN09 Indicator for the handicapped insurance PKR_HNDIS CHAR 1
ELV09 Dependant's education level PKR_EDULV CHAR 1
HAE01 Indicator for the handicapped education PKR_HNDED CHAR 1
HAE02 Indicator for the handicapped education PKR_HNDED CHAR 1
HAE03 Indicator for the handicapped education PKR_HNDED CHAR 1
HAE04 Indicator for the handicapped education PKR_HNDED CHAR 1
HAE05 Indicator for the handicapped education PKR_HNDED CHAR 1
HAE06 Indicator for the handicapped education PKR_HNDED CHAR 1
HAE07 Indicator for the handicapped education PKR_HNDED CHAR 1
HAE08 Indicator for the handicapped education PKR_HNDED CHAR 1
HAE09 Indicator for the handicapped education PKR_HNDED CHAR 1
CDM01 Expense in Certificated Medical Center PKR_CADME CHAR 1
CDM02 Expense in Certificated Medical Center PKR_CADME CHAR 1
CDM03 Expense in Certificated Medical Center PKR_CADME CHAR 1
CDM04 Expense in Certificated Medical Center PKR_CADME CHAR 1
CDM05 Expense in Certificated Medical Center PKR_CADME CHAR 1
CDM06 Expense in Certificated Medical Center PKR_CADME CHAR 1
CDM07 Expense in Certificated Medical Center PKR_CADME CHAR 1
CDM08 Expense in Certificated Medical Center PKR_CADME CHAR 1
CDM09 Expense in Certificated Medical Center PKR_CADME CHAR 1
PNSTY Secondary Category of Expense PKR_PNSTY CHAR 2
INSNM Name of Pension/Saving Institution PKR_INSNM CHAR 30
ACCNO Account Number PKR_ACCNO CHAR 20
PREIN Previous Company PKR_PREIN CHAR 1
PREBN Previous Company / Taxpayer Association Business Number PKR_BIZNO CHAR 12 *
FINCO Institution's Financial Code PKR_FINCO NUMC 3 T7KR5D
RCBEG Rental Contract Begin Date PKR_RCBEG DATS 8
RCEND Rental Contract End Date PKR_RCEND DATS 8
STY01 Expense Category PKR_EXSTY CHAR 1
STY02 Expense Category PKR_EXSTY CHAR 1
STY03 Expense Category PKR_EXSTY CHAR 1
STY04 Expense Category PKR_EXSTY CHAR 1
STY05 Expense Category PKR_EXSTY CHAR 1
STY06 Expense Category PKR_EXSTY CHAR 1
STY07 Expense Category PKR_EXSTY CHAR 1
STY08 Expense Category PKR_EXSTY CHAR 1
STY09 Expense Category PKR_EXSTY CHAR 1
LDNAM Name of Landlord PKR_LDNAM CHAR 20
LDREG Korean Registration Number PKR_REGNO CHAR 13
ADDRE Address of Rented Apartment or House PKR_ADDRR CHAR 100