

Construction Industry Social Fund: Employee Statement

The table PDBKNW (Construction Industry Social Fund: Employee Statement) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package P01B.

Technical Information

Short Text Construction Industry Social Fund: Employee Statement
Package P01B
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table PDBKNW

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PERNR Personnel Number PERNR_D NUMC 8
INPER In-Period for Evaluation for Social Fund Procedure P01B_BKINP ACCP 6
FPPER For-Period for Evaluation for Social Fund Procedure P01B_BKFUP ACCP 6
SEQNO Key Field Sequence Number for SFP Data Records P01B_BKSEQ NUMC 2
KENID Identifier of Record P01B_BKSID CHAR 5
ZVKAN Employee Number at a Construction Social Insurance Fund P01B_BKANR NUMC 13
BNRSK Company Number at a Social Fund - Construction Industry P01B_BKBNR NUMC 8
BEGDA Start of Notification Period P01B_BKBEG DATS 8
ENDDA End of Notification Period P01B_BKEND DATS 8
RVJUT Number of Leave Days P01B_BKUTG DEC 2
RVJUV Leave Remuneration P01B_BKUVG CURR 7
RVJGT Number of Leave Days P01B_BKUTG DEC 2
RVJGV Leave Remuneration P01B_BKUVG CURR 7
RVJVT Number of Leave Days P01B_BKUTG DEC 2
RVJVV Leave Remuneration P01B_BKUVG CURR 7
BTAGE Employment Days for Employee Statement P01B_BKBTA DEC 3
BLOHN Gross Wage for Employee Statement P01B_BKBLN CURR 9
PSATZ Percentage for Leave Remuneration P01B_BKPRS NUMC 4
UVERG Leave Remuneration P01B_BKUVG CURR 7
AGLST Number of Lost Hours P01B_BKANS DEC 6
AGLBT Adjustment Amount P01B_BKAGB CURR 7
ULJUT Number of Leave Days P01B_BKUTG DEC 2
ULJUV Leave Remuneration P01B_BKUVG CURR 7
ULJGT Number of Leave Days P01B_BKUTG DEC 2
ULJGV Leave Remuneration P01B_BKUVG CURR 7
ULJVT Number of Leave Days P01B_BKUTG DEC 2
ULJVV Leave Remuneration P01B_BKUVG CURR 7
LAGBT Leave Remuneration P01B_BKUVG CURR 7
ULJRT Number of Leave Days P01B_BKUTG DEC 2
ULJRV Leave Remuneration P01B_BKUVG CURR 7
WAERS Currency Key CURCY CUKY 5 *
MSCHL Notification Key for Data Record ANMEL P01B_BKMSA NUMC 4
BTAGE_VAG Employment Days for Employee Statement (Prev.ER, Current Yr) P01B_BKBTA_VAG DEC 3
BLOHN_VAG Gross Wage for Employee Statement (Prev. ER, Current Year) P01B_BKBLN_VAG CURR 9
PSATZ_VAG Percentage for Leave Remuneration (Prev. ER, Current Year) P01B_BKPRS_VAG NUMC 4
ULJUT_VAG Number of Leave Days (Previous Employer, Current Year) P01B_BKUTG_VAG DEC 2
ULJUV_VAG Leave Remuneration (Previous Employer, Current Year) P01B_BKUVG_VAG CURR 7
AGLST_VAG Number of Lost Hours (Previous Employer, Current Year) P01B_BKANS_VAG DEC 6
AGLBT_VAG Adjustment Amount (Previous Employer, Current Year) P01B_BKAGB_VAG CURR 7
ULJRT_VAG Remaining Leave Days (Previous Employer, Current Year) P01B_BKUTR_VAG DEC 2
ULJRV_VAG Remaining Leave Remunation (Previous Employer, Current Year) P01B_BKUVR_VAG CURR 7
RVJUT_VAG Leave Days from Previous Year from Previous Employer P01B_BKRVT_VAG DEC 2
RVJUV_VAG Leave Remuneration from Previous Year from Previous Employer P01B_BKRVV_VAG CURR 7
RVJGT_VAG Leave Days Granted in Previous Year by Previous Employer P01B_BKRGT_VAG DEC 2
RVJGV_VAG Leave Remuneration Granted in Previous Year by Previous ER P01B_BKRGV_VAG CURR 7
DATUM_VAG Date for Infotype 0190 P01B_DATUM_VAG DATS 8
BTAGE_INSG Employment Days Current Year (PER + Current Work Relations.) P01B_BTAGE_INSG DEC 3
BLOHN_INSG Gross Wage Current Year (PER + Current Working Relationship) P01B_BLOHN_INSG CURR 9
ULJUT_INSG Leave Days Entitlement (PER Curr. Yr + Curr. ER in Curr. Yr) P01B_BKUTG_G_LF DEC 2
ULJUV_INSG Leave Remuneration Entitl. (PER Curr. Year + CER Curr. Year) P01B_BKUVG_G_LF CURR 7
ULJRT_NVG_LFD Total Available Leave Days Entitlement Current Year P01B_BKUTR_G_LF DEC 2
ULJRV_NVG_LFD Available Total Entitlement Leave Remuneration in Current Yr P01B_BKUVR_G_LF CURR 7
VA_T_VJ_LFDJ Total Available Leave Days Entitlement (Prev. + Curr. Years) P01B_BKUTG_VJ_LFDJ DEC 2
VA_V_VJ_LFDJ Total Available Entitlement to Leave Remuneration (PY + CY) P01B_BKUTV_VJ_LFDJ CURR 7
UDIVI Divisor: Leave Accrual P01B_UDIVI DEC 4
UDIVI_VAG Divisor: Leave Accrual Previous Employer P01B_UDIVI_VAG DEC 4
UVERG_VAG Leave Remuneration from Gross Pay All Prev. ERs Current Year P01B_BKUVERG_VAG CURR 7
ULJGT_VAG Leave Days Granted (Previous Employer, Current Year) P01B_BKUGT_VAG DEC 2
ULJGV_VAG Leave Remuneration Granted (Previous Employer, Current Year) P01B_BKUGV_VAG CURR 7
ULJGT_INSG Leave Days Granted (PER Current Year + Current in Curr. Yr) P01B_BKUGT_G_LF DEC 2
ULJGV_INSG Leave Remuneration Granted (Prev. ER Curr. Year + Curr. Yr.) P01B_BKUGV_G_LF CURR 7
BEGDA_AUSB Start Date of Traineeship P01B_BEG_AUSB DATS 8
ENDDA_AUSB End Date of Traineeship P01B_END_AUSB DATS 8
BEGDA_DPFL Start Date of Statutory Official Duty P01B_BEG_GDPFL DATS 8
ENDDA_DPFL End Date of Statutory Official Duty P01B_END_GDPFL DATS 8
BNRSK_VAG Previous Employer's Company Number at CI Social Fund P01B_BKBNR_VAG NUMC 8
MKLJA MLR from Illness, Current Year, Entitlement P01B_MKLJA CURR 7
MKLJS MLR from Illness, Current Year, Lost Hours P01B_MKLJS DEC 6
MSLJA MLR from SRHC, Current Year, Entitlement P01B_MSLJA CURR 7
MSLJS MLR from SRHC, Current Year, Lost Hours P01B_MSLJS DEC 5
MKLJA_VAG MLR from Illness, Current Year, Entitlement Previous ER P01B_MKLJA_VAG CURR 7
MKLJS_VAG MLR from Illness, Current Year, Lost Hours Previous ER P01B_MKLJS_VAG DEC 6
MSLJA_VAG MLR from SRHC, Current Year, Entitlement Previous ER P01B_MSLJA_VAG CURR 7
MSLJS_VAG MLR from SRHC, Current Year, Lost Hours Previous ER P01B_MSLJS_VAG DEC 5
MKVJA MLR from Illness, Previous Year, Entitlement P01B_MKVJA CURR 7
MSVJA MLR from SRHC, Previous Year, Entitlement P01B_MSVJA CURR 7
MKVJA_VAG MLR from Illness, Previous Year, Entitlement Previous ER P01B_MKVJA_VAG CURR 7
MSVJA_VAG MLR from SRHC, Previous Year, Entitlement Previous ER P01B_MSVJA_VAG CURR 7
MKVVA MLR from Illness, 2 Years Ago, Entitlement P01B_MKVVA CURR 7
MKVVA_VAG MLR from Illness, 2 Years Ago, Entitlement, Previous ER P01B_MKVVA_VAG CURR 7