

Path ID for backup and authorization

The table SPTH (Path ID for backup and authorization) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SABP.

Technical Information

Table SPTH
Short Text Path ID for backup and authorization
Package SABP
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table SPTH

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PATH Path in file system FS_PATH CHAR 86
SAVEFLAG Flag for backing up file system SAVEFLAG CHAR 1
FS_NOREAD No read flag in file system FS_NOREAD CHAR 1
FS_NOWRITE Read-only flag in file system FS_NOWRITE CHAR 1
FS_BRGRU Authorization group for ABAP/4 access to file system FS_BRGRU CHAR 4 SPTHB