
SAP Table T066K

Window Coordinates, Invoice Verification/Valuation

The table T066K (Window Coordinates, Invoice Verification/Valuation) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MR.

Technical Information

Table T066K
Short Text Window Coordinates, Invoice Verification/Valuation
Package MR
Table Type Pooled Table

Fields for Table T066K

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
MPOOL Program Name PROGN CHAR 40
DYNNR Number of the following screen DYNNR CHAR 4
SPLKS X-coordinate 1 (left) of window WINX1 DEC 2
SPREC X-coordinate 2 (right) of window WINX2 DEC 2
ZEILO Y-coordinate 1 (above) of window WINY1 DEC 2
ZEILU Y-coordinate 2 (below) of window WINY2 DEC 2