SAP Table T149C

Global Valuation Categories

The table T149C (Global Valuation Categories) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MR0C.

Technical Information

Table T149C
Short Text Global Valuation Categories
Package MR0C
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T149C

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BWTTY Valuation Category BWTTY_D CHAR 1
VBWAF Default: valuation type "external procurement" VBWAF CHAR 10 T149D
KZVBF Valuation type "external procurement" mandatory KZVBF CHAR 1
VBWAE Default: valuation type "in-house production" VBWAE_D CHAR 10 T149D
KZVBE Valuation type "in-house production" mandatory KZVBE CHAR 1
KZBAA Indicator: valuation type is set automatically KZBAA CHAR 1
VBWAA Proposal: valuation type "Promotion" VBWAA CHAR 10 T149D
KZVBA Valuation type "Promotion" mandatory KZVBA CHAR 1
RSTBW Retail Standard Valuation Category RSTBW CHAR 1