SAP Table T522N

HR Name Format

The table T522N (HR Name Format) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PBAS.

Technical Information

Table T522N
Short Text HR Name Format
Package PBAS
Table Type Pooled Table

Fields for Table T522N

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
MOLGA Country Grouping MOLGA CHAR 2 T500L
FORMT Format for HR name editing PNAFO NUMC 2
PREFX Prefix for field names (origin) FPRFX CHAR 4
KNZNM Name Format Indicator for Employee in a List KNZNM NUMC 2
LFDNR Sequence Number SEQNP NUMC 2
FNAME Field names for name editing in HR P2FLD CHAR 30 *
FCONV Conversion for field editing NCONV CHAR 2
INFTV Alternative prefix for field names PAD_INFTV CHAR 4