
SAP Table T608L

Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - List Type

The table T608L (Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - List Type) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package VEI.

Technical Information

Table T608L
Short Text Legal Control: Sanctioned Party Lists - List Type
Package VEI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T608L

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SLCAT List type for sanctioned party list in legal control SLCAT CHAR 5
GEGRU Legal regulation for legal control GEGRU CHAR 2 T606G
SLBHO Authorities responsible for relevant sanctioned party list SLBHO CHAR 10 T610O
SLLAW Relevant law for sanctioned party list SLLAW CHAR 60
SLLAW2 Relevant law for sanctioned party list SLLAW CHAR 60
SLLAW3 Relevant law for sanctioned party list SLLAW CHAR 60
SLNKN Max. no. of key words for names of the Sanct. Party List SLNKN DEC 4
SLNKA Max. no. of key words for addresses of the Sanct. Party List SLNKA DEC 4
SLLKN Min. length of a key word from names of Sanct. Party List SLLKN DEC 2
SLLKA Min. length of a key word from address of Sanct. Party List SLLKA DEC 2
SLPRZ Min. matching percentage rate for Sanct. Party List SLPRZ DEC 5