
SAP Table T74_BPS08

Benefit request type limit rule variant

The table T74_BPS08 (Benefit request type limit rule variant) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PBEN_BPS.

Technical Information

Table T74_BPS08
Short Text Benefit request type limit rule variant
Package PBEN_BPS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T74_BPS08

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BAREA Benefit area BEN_AREA CHAR 2 T5UB3
RQLIM Benefit request type limit rule variant BPS_RQLIM CHAR 4
RQLIN Benefit request type limit group indicator BPS_RQLIN CHAR 1
SALIN Benefit indicator salary is relevant BEN_SALIN CHAR 1
AGEIN Benefit Age group relevance indicator BEN_AGEIN CHAR 1
LOSIN Benefit indicator seniority is relevant BEN_LOSIN CHAR 1
CRGRP Benefit Parameter Group for Grouping BEN_CRGRP CHAR 4 T5UBY
SALMO Benefit cutoff month for salary group determination BEN_CSALMO CHAR 2
SALDY Benefit cutoff day for salary group determination BEN_CSALDY CHAR 2
AGEMO Benefit cutoff month for age group determination BEN_CAGEMO CHAR 2
AGEDY Benefit cutoff day for age group determination BEN_CAGEDY CHAR 2
SRVMO Benefit cutoff month for seniority group determination BEN_CSRVMO CHAR 2
SRVDY Benefit cutoff day for seniority group determination BEN_CSRVDY CHAR 2
DATTY Benefit point hire date override BPS_DATTY CHAR 2 T548Y
ENDTY Benefit point leaving date override BPS_ENDTY CHAR 2 T548Y
PERUL Calculation process for time specifications PERUL CHAR 4 T525P