
SAP Table T7VE01

Additional Company Data

The table T7VE01 (Additional Company Data) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PB17.

Technical Information

Table T7VE01
Short Text Additional Company Data
Package PB17
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T7VE01

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 T001
ACTIV Main Company Activity PVE_ACTIV CHAR 40
SERVC Service Company Indicator PVE_SERVC CHAR 1
RIFID Company Tax Roll Number (RIF) PVE_RIFID CHAR 15
NITID Company Fiscal Identity Number (NIT) PVE_NITID CHAR 15
SSOID Statutory Social Insurance Number for Company PVE_SSOID CHAR 15
ORDNU Company Order Number PVE_ORDNU CHAR 10
FODAT Establishment of Company Date PVE_FODAT DATS 8
ESTNU Comany number according to the Ministry of Labor PVE_ESTNU CHAR 10
NILID Company NIL number PVE_NILID CHAR 15