
SAP Table T811IA

Allocations: Customizing

The table T811IA (Allocations: Customizing) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package KALC.

Technical Information

Table T811IA
Short Text Allocations: Customizing
Package KALC
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T811IA

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
TAB Table Name DBNAM CHAR 30 *
CYCLE Allocation/cycle CYCLE CHAR 10
ALART Type of allocation ALART CHAR 1
IPKNZ Actual/plan indicator IPKNZ CHAR 1
FIELD DB field name FDNAM CHAR 30 *
CACT Is the allocation field active in the cycle? CYACTIV CHAR 1
SCACT Is the allocation field active in the sender tracing factor? SCACTIV CHAR 1
SACT Is the allocation field active in the sender? SEACTIV CHAR 1
RACT Is the allocation field active in the receiver? RACTIV CHAR 1
RCACT Is the allocation field active in receiver tracing factor? RCACTIV CHAR 1
CSET Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as group CSET CHAR 1
SCSET Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as group CSET CHAR 1
SSET Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as group CSET CHAR 1
RSET Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as group CSET CHAR 1
RCSET Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as group CSET CHAR 1
CSING Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as single value CSING CHAR 1
SCSING Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as single value CSING CHAR 1
SSING Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as single value CSING CHAR 1
RSING Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as single value CSING CHAR 1
RCSING Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as single value CSING CHAR 1
CINT Indicator:Allocation field is ready for input as an interval CINT CHAR 1
SCINT Indicator:Allocation field is ready for input as an interval CINT CHAR 1
SINT Indicator:Allocation field is ready for input as an interval CINT CHAR 1
RINT Indicator:Allocation field is ready for input as an interval CINT CHAR 1
RCINT Indicator:Allocation field is ready for input as an interval CINT CHAR 1
CSCACT Is the allocation field active in cycle sender control? CSCACTIV CHAR 1
CSCSET Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as group CSET CHAR 1
CSCSING Indicator: Allocation field ready for input as single value CSING CHAR 1
CSCINT Indicator:Allocation field is ready for input as an interval CINT CHAR 1