SAP Table TC35A

Definition of period pattern

The table TC35A (Definition of period pattern) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package CR.

Technical Information

Table TC35A
Short Text Definition of period pattern
Package CR
Table Type Pooled Table

Fields for Table TC35A

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ZRAST Period pattern key for available capacity CR_ZRAST CHAR 10 TC35
NR Segment in the period pattern CR_ZRASTNR NUMC 2
PAANZ Number of periods CR_PEANZ NUMC 3
PEDAU Length of a period CR_PEDAU NUMC 3
PEART Unit in which the period duration is specified (day, week..) DAPER CHAR 1
PEBEG Start of period for period type month or year CR_PEBEG CHAR 1