SAP Table TCA41

Default values for standard networks and profiles

The table TCA41 (Default values for standard networks and profiles) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package CN_NET_STD.

Technical Information

Table TCA41
Short Text Default values for standard networks and profiles
Package CN_NET_STD
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TCA41

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PLNAW Application of the task list PLNAW CHAR 1 TCA09
FLG_ERF_H Activate/deactivate entry tool FLG_ERF_H CHAR 1
ESOKZ Purchasing info record category ESOKZ CHAR 1
EKORG Purchasing Organization EKORG CHAR 4 T024E
KSTAR_FRMD Cost element for external processing KSTAR_FRMD CHAR 10 CSKA
STEUS_WORK Control key for internal activities STEUS_WORK CHAR 4 T430
STEUS_FRMD Control key for external services STEUS_FRMD CHAR 4 T430
STEUS_PRIM Control key for costs STEUS_PRIM CHAR 4 T430
KSTAR_COST Cost element for general costs activities KSTAR_COST CHAR 10 CSKA
DAUNE Normal duration/unit DAUNORE UNIT 3 T006
ARBEH Unit for work ARBEITE UNIT 3 T006
SLWID Key word ID for user-defined fields SLWID CHAR 7 TCN00
LVARI Variant of an object overview LVARI CHAR 2 TCA14
INDET Key for calculation INDET CHAR 1
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 T001
AOB_KEY Key: View of relationships AOB_KEY CHAR 1
VORNR_DEL Increment for automatic operation/activity numbering DEL_VORNR CHAR 4
WERKS Predefined plant VOR_WERK CHAR 4 T001W
NETSTUFE Level of detail for (standard) networks NETSTUFE NUMC 2
PLNME Task list unit of measure PLNME UNIT 3 T006
VERWE Task list usage PLN_VERWE CHAR 3 T411
UMREN Denominator for conversion to base units of measure UMREN DEC 5
UMREZ Numerator for Conversion to Base Units of Measure UMREZ DEC 5
ZERMA Type of standard value calculation DZERMA CHAR 5 T429
ESKOZ Purchasing info record category ESOKZ CHAR 1
BMSCH Base Quantity BMSCH QUAN 13
STEUS Control key STEUS CHAR 4 T430
QMKDELTA Increment for Insp. Characteristic Number in Inspection Plan QINKR_MK NUMC 4
QMWDELTA Increment for Assignment Number in Inspection Plan QINKR_MW NUMC 4
QMKEF Insert Increment for Characteristic Number in Insp. Plan QINKR_MKEF NUMC 4
QMWEF Insert Increment for Allocation Number in Inspection Plan QINKR_MWEF NUMC 4
QPROBEMGEH Sample Unit of Measure QPROBME UNIT 3 T006
QPRUEFEINH Sample Quantity Factor for Sample(Mult. Sample Unit of Msr.) QPROBEFAK DEC 5
CF_PSNINC Item number increment for production resources/tools CF_PSNINC NUMC 4
RSCHL_OFER Sequence key for internal operations or activities RSCHL_OFER CHAR 6 TCA60
RSCHL_OFRD Sequence key for external operations or activities RSCHL_OFRD CHAR 6 TCA60
RSCHL_UFER Sequence key for internal sub-operations or elements RSCHL_UFER CHAR 6 TCA60
RSCHL_UFRD Sequence key for external sub-operations or elements RSCHL_UFRD CHAR 6 TCA60
GRPRF_GRUP Profile group (sort graphics profiles) NETPRFGRUP CHAR 4 TCNG
GRPRF_NAME Name of graphic profile in Network/Hierarchy Graphics NETPRFNAME CHAR 12
RSCHL_UCST Activity element sequence key for general costs activities RSCHL_UCST CHAR 6 TCA60
RSCHL_OCST Activity sequence key for general costs activities RSCHL_OCST CHAR 6 TCA60
LVARI_TERM Object overview variants for scheduling CP_LVARI_T CHAR 2 TCA14
FTNR_INC Increment for automatic process instruction numbering FTNR_INC CHAR 4
FVNR_INC Increment for automatic PI characteristic numbering FVNR_INC CHAR 4
AOB_DARST Relationship display AOB_DARST CHAR 1
VRG_DARST Operation display in graphic VRG_DARST CHAR 1
PHS_DARST Display of phase in graphics PHS_DARST CHAR 1
KSTAR_SERV Cost element for services KSTAR_SERV CHAR 10 CSKA
STEUS_SERV Control key for services STEUS_SERV CHAR 4 T430
MATKL Material Group MATKL CHAR 9 T023
LSTVAR Variable overviews: Overview variant CNL_LSTVAR CHAR 12 TCNVL
LSTVAR_T Object overview variant for scheduling CP_LSTVAR CHAR 12 TCNVL
EKGRP Purchasing group for external processing VG_EKGRP CHAR 3 T024
LIFNR Account Number of Vendor or Creditor LIFNR CHAR 10 LFA1
NT_SEARCH1 Number of the first text used for the search. CN_SEARCH1 CHAR 2
NT_SEARCH2 Number of the second text used for the search. CN_SEARCH2 CHAR 2
NT_SEARCH3 Number of the third text used for the search. CN_SEARCH3 CHAR 2
CCOAA Change Type for Object CCOAA NUMC 3 TCC13
VGWTS Standard value key VORGSCHL CHAR 4 TC21
PRES Type of Process Instruction Maintenance PRES CHAR 1 CPS_PRES