SAP Table TCN41

Network Defaults

The table TCN41 (Network Defaults) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package CN_NET_OPR.

Technical Information

Table TCN41
Short Text Network Defaults
Package CN_NET_OPR
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TCN41

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PLNAW Application of the task list PLNAW CHAR 1 TCA09
FLG_ERF_H Activate/deactivate entry tool FLG_ERF_H CHAR 1
ESOKZ Purchasing info record category ESOKZ CHAR 1
EKORG Purchasing Organization EKORG CHAR 4 T024E
KSTAR_FRMD Cost element for external processing KSTAR_FRMD CHAR 10 CSKA
STEUS_WORK Control key for internal activities STEUS_WORK CHAR 4 T430
STEUS_FRMD Control key for external services STEUS_FRMD CHAR 4 T430
STEUS_PRIM Control key for costs STEUS_PRIM CHAR 4 T430
KSTAR_COST Cost element for general costs activities KSTAR_COST CHAR 10 CSKA
KSTAR_SERV Cost element for services KSTAR_SERV CHAR 10 CSKA
STEUS_SERV Control key for services STEUS_SERV CHAR 4 T430
DAUNE Normal duration/unit DAUNORE UNIT 3 T006
ARBEH Unit for work ARBEITE UNIT 3 T006
SLWID Key word ID for user-defined fields SLWID CHAR 7 TCN00
LVARI Variant of an object overview LVARI CHAR 2 TCA14
INDET Key for calculation INDET CHAR 1
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 T001
AOB_KEY Key: View of relationships AOB_KEY CHAR 1
VORNR_DEL Increment for automatic operation/activity numbering DEL_VORNR CHAR 4
TERKZ Scheduling type TERMKZ CHAR 1 T482
DISPO MRP controller for the order CO_DISPO CHAR 3 T024D
RSCHL_OFER Sequence key for internal processing of activity RSCHL_OFEA CHAR 6 TCO60
RSCHL_OFRD Sequence key for activity in external processing RSCHL_OFRA CHAR 6 TCO60
RSCHL_UFER Sequence key for internally processed activity element RSCHL_UFEA CHAR 6 TCO60
RSCHL_UFRD Sequence key for externally processed activity element RSCHL_UFRA CHAR 6 TCO60
RSCHL_OCST Activity sequence key in general costs activities RSCHL_OCSA CHAR 6 TCO60
RSCHL_UCST Activity element sequence key for general costs activities RSCHL_UCSA CHAR 6 TCO60
GR_PRF_GR Profile group (sort graphics profiles) NETPRFGRUP CHAR 4 TCNG
GR_PRF_NAM Name of graphic profile in Network/Hierarchy Graphics NETPRFNAME CHAR 12
FHORI Scheduling Margin Key for Floats FHORI CHAR 3 T436A
NETSTUFE Level of detail for (standard) networks NETSTUFE NUMC 2
VAGRP Responsible planner group/department VAGRP CHAR 3 T024A
MSGTY Type of checking during top-down time scheduling PS_MSGTY CHAR 1
AOB_DARST Relationship display AOB_DARST CHAR 1
VRG_DARST Activity display in the graphic ACT_DARST CHAR 1
NO_DISP Effective for Materials Planning NO_DISP_PLUS CHAR 1
COLKZ_ELEM Color for indicator: Activity element exists COLKZ_ELEM CHAR 11 TWCOL
COLKZ_TEIL Color for indicator: Subnetwork exists COLKZ_TEIL CHAR 11 TWCOL
COLKZ_MLST Color for indicator: Milestone exists COLKZ_MLST CHAR 11 TWCOL
COLKZ_DOKU Color for indicator: Document exists COLKZ_DOKU CHAR 11 TWCOL
COLKZ_MAT Color for indicator: Material exists COLKZ_MAT CHAR 11 TWCOL
VSPRF Version profile VER_PROFIL CHAR 7 TCN51
CLASF Ind.: Take Activity Into Account for Project Summarization CLASF CHAR 1
PROFILE_ID Overall profile for capacity leveling CY_GESPROF CHAR 10 TCY30
BALK_PROF Profile for project planning board BPPROFILE CHAR 12 TCBP
KBED Ind: do not create capacity requirements KBED_D CHAR 1
KKALKR Indicator: Components will not be costed COMP_CALC CHAR 1
LSTVAR Variable overviews: Overview variant CNL_LSTVAR CHAR 12 TCNVL
MATKL Material Group MATKL CHAR 9 T023
MATEXIT Ind.: User exit for components replaces standard overview MATEXIT CHAR 1
EKGRP Purchasing Group EKGRP CHAR 3 T024
MATKL_FRMD Material Group MATKL CHAR 9 T023
EKGRP_FRMD Purchasing Group EKGRP CHAR 3 T024
POSNR_MAT Item number increment for material components POSNR_MAT NUMC 4
SCHED_END Scheduling aligned with activity finish date SCHED_END CHAR 1
SCEND_ACT Ind.: Purchase requisition at activity finish date SCEND_ACT CHAR 1
NT_SEARCH1 Number of the first text used for the search. CN_SEARCH1 CHAR 2
NT_SEARCH2 Number of the second text used for the search. CN_SEARCH2 CHAR 2
NT_SEARCH3 Number of the third text used for the search. CN_SEARCH3 CHAR 2
MFLIC Procurement indicator CN_MFLIC CHAR 3 TCNMF
MEINH_FRMD Purchase order unit for external processing MEINH_FRMD UNIT 3 T006
MEINH_SERV Purchase order unit for a service MEINH_SERV UNIT 3 T006
KSTAR_MATVORPL Cost element for material planning (int.processed activity) KSTAR_MATVORPL CHAR 10 CSKA
KZERB Indicator: Project summarization via master data charact. PS_KZERB CHAR 1
VALID Validation VALID CHAR 7 GB93
SUBST Substitution name SUBST_ID CHAR 7 GB92
SUBST_VG Substitution name SUBST_ID CHAR 7 GB92
FPART Billing/Invoicing Plan Type FPART CHAR 2 *
IPPS iPPE Relationship with a Project PS_IPPS CHAR 1
TEMPLATE_KEY Standard text key KTSCH CHAR 7 *
PSACL ACL tab activated for project and network profile PS_ACL_DELE CHAR 1
PSACLH ACL tab activated for project and network profile PS_ACLH_DELE CHAR 1