SAP Table TCN54

Simualtion control

The table TCN54 (Simualtion control) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package CNVS.

Technical Information

Table TCN54
Short Text Simualtion control
Package CNVS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TCN54

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
VER_PROFIL Simulation profile SIM_PROFIL CHAR 7
FLG_PD Indicator: Project definition in a version VSFLG_PD CHAR 1
FLG_PR Indicator: WBS element in a version VSFLG_PR CHAR 1
FLG_NP Indicator: Networks in a version VSFLG_NP CHAR 1
FLG_NV Indicator: Activity from network is in a version VSFLG_NV CHAR 1
FLG_OF Indicator: PRT in a version VSFLG_OF CHAR 1
FLG_OK Indicator: Components in a version VSFLG_OK CHAR 1
FLG_NR Indicator: Relationship in a version VSFLG_NR CHAR 1
FLG_EL Indicator: Activity elements in a version VSFLG_EL CHAR 1
FLG_TX Indicator: PS texts in a version VSFLG_TX CHAR 1
FLG_MS Indicator: Milestone in a version VSFLG_MS CHAR 1
FLG_KB Indicator: Capacity requirements in a version VSFLG_KB CHAR 1
FLG_CO Indicator: Costs in a version VSFLG_CO CHAR 1
FLG_SD Indicator: Sales order in a version VSFLG_SD CHAR 1
FLG_EV Earned values in a version VSFLG_EV CHAR 1
FLG_2 Version is MTA-Relevant VSFLG_MTA CHAR 1
FLG_3 Placeholder for future indicator in structure VSFLG_PH CHAR 1
FLG_4 Placeholder for future indicator in structure VSFLG_PH CHAR 1
FLG_5 Placeholder for future indicator in structure VSFLG_PH CHAR 1
FLG_6 Placeholder for future indicator in structure VSFLG_PH CHAR 1
FLG_LT Indicator: Long text in a simulation VSFLG_LT CHAR 1
FLG_DK Indicator: Documents in a simulation VSFLG_DK CHAR 1
ACT_ALLOC Adjust network assignment when moving activities PS_ACT_ALLOC CHAR 1