SAP Table TQ05

QM certificate categories for procurement

The table TQ05 (QM certificate categories for procurement) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package QB.

Technical Information

Table TQ05
Short Text QM certificate categories for procurement
Package QB
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TQ05

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ZGTYP Certificate Type QZGTYP CHAR 4
WEPRF Certificate Required for Each Purchase Order Item QWEPRF CHAR 1
ZGLIEF Certificate Required for Each Delivery QZGLIEF CHAR 1
ZGPRUEF Explicit Inspection of GR Certificate Necessary QZGPRUEF CHAR 1
MSGART Control if Certificate Is Not Available QMSGZG CHAR 1
STSMA Status Profile J_STSMA CHAR 8 TJ20
QCPRACT Enhanced Certificate Processing Active QCPRACT CHAR 1
QGRPOP Prevent Certificate Confirmation at GR QCGRPOP CHAR 1
QREMIND Reminder Deadline (Days) QCREMIND NUMC 4
QESCAL Escalation Deadline (days) After Sending Reminder QCESCAL NUMC 4