

Table for style sheet conversion

The table TTDCF (Table for style sheet conversion) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package STXD.

Technical Information

Short Text Table for style sheet conversion
Package STXD
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TTDCF

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
STYPE Key: 'S' style, 'F' form, 'D' Word document template TTDCFFTYPE CHAR 1
SNAME Name of style, form, or document template (source) TTDCFSNAME CHAR 16
DTYPE Key: 'S' style, 'F' form, 'D' Word document template TTDCFFTYPE CHAR 1
DNAME Name of style, form, or document template (target) TTDCFDNAME CHAR 16
SFTYP Key: character 'S' or paragraph 'P' TTDCFSFTYP CHAR 1
SMARK Character or paragraph tag TTDCFMARK CHAR 3
DMARK1 Character or paragraph tag TTDCFMARK CHAR 3
DMARK2 Character or paragraph tag TTDCFMARK CHAR 3
DMARK3 Character or paragraph tag TTDCFMARK CHAR 3
DMARK4 Character or paragraph tag TTDCFMARK CHAR 3
RTF Possible language-dependent MS Word style sheet terms TTDCWMEANS CHAR 25