Organizational Unit: Shipping Points

The table TVST (Organizational Unit: Shipping Points) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package VS0C.

Technical Information

Table TVST
Short Text Organizational Unit: Shipping Points
Package VS0C
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table TVST

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
VSTEL Shipping Point/Receiving Point VSTEL CHAR 4
FABKL Factory calendar key FABKL CHAR 2 TFACD
VTRZT Rounding-up period for delivery scheduling (in days) VTRZT DEC 5
ALAND Departure country (country from which the goods are sent) ALAND CHAR 3 T005
AZONE Departure zone AZONE CHAR 10 TZONE
TXNAM_ADR Text name for form text module short address TXNAM_ADR CHAR 16
TXNAM_KOP Text name for form text module letter header TXNAM_KOP CHAR 16
TXNAM_FUS Text name for formula text module footer lines TXNAM_FUS CHAR 16
TXNAM_GRU Text name for form text module: Greeting TXNAM_GRU CHAR 16
KSCHL Output Type NA_KSCHL CHAR 4 T685
SPRAS Message language NA_SPRAS LANG 1 T002
ANZAL Number of messages (original + copies) NA_ANZAL DEC 2
VSZTP Dispatch time NA_VSZTP CHAR 1
NACHA Message transmission medium NA_NACHA CHAR 1
LAZBS Determine loading time LAZBS CHAR 1
RIZBS Determine pick/pack time RIZBS CHAR 1
LAZZT Default loading time LAZZT DEC 5
RIZZT Default pick/pack time RIZZT DEC 5
KOQUI Subject to pick confirmation KOQUI_TVST CHAR 1
KOMSU Picking subsystem KOMSU CHAR 10
IMESS Display information messages in collective processing log IMESS CHAR 1
TXNAM_SDB Text names for layout-set module SDS sender TXNAM_SDB CHAR 16
ALW_SW Switch: use route schedules ALW_SW CHAR 1
LOADTG Gross loading time (ignoring work times) LOADTG DEC 11
LOADTN Loading time in working hours LOADTN DEC 11
PIPATG Pick/pack time in workdays PIPATG DEC 11
PIPATN Pick/pack time in work hours PIPATN DEC 11
TSTRID Working time from sales view TSTRIDSD CHAR 10 TTSTRSD
ROUNDG Rounding period for shipping scheduling ROUNDG DEC 11
ROUNDN Rounding period in work hours ROUNDN DEC 11