
SAP Table VIWI05

Cost Efficiency Analysis Current Expenditure

The table VIWI05 (Cost Efficiency Analysis Current Expenditure) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FVVI.

Technical Information

Table VIWI05
Short Text Cost Efficiency Analysis Current Expenditure
Package FVVI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table VIWI05

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 *
DATUM Date of Cost Efficiency Analysis VVWBDAT DATS 8
FRKAPTOW1 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom. VVKAPTOW CURR 13
FRKAPTSW1 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPTSW CURR 13
FRKAPTP1 CEA: Repayment % outside capital VVKAPTP DEC 5
FRKAPZOW1 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm VVKAPZOW CURR 13
FRKAPZSW1 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPZSW CURR 13
FRKAPZP1 CEA: Interest % outside capital VVKAPZP DEC 5
FRKAPTOW2 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom. VVKAPTOW CURR 13
FRKAPTSW2 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPTSW CURR 13
FRKAPTP2 CEA: Repayment % outside capital VVKAPTP DEC 5
FRKAPZOW2 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm VVKAPZOW CURR 13
FRKAPZSW2 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPZSW CURR 13
FRKAPZP2 CEA: Interest % outside capital VVKAPZP DEC 5
FRKAPTOW3 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom. VVKAPTOW CURR 13
FRKAPTSW3 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPTSW CURR 13
FRKAPTP3 CEA: Repayment % outside capital VVKAPTP DEC 5
FRKAPZOW3 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm VVKAPZOW CURR 13
FRKAPZSW3 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPZSW CURR 13
FRKAPZP3 CEA: Interest % outside capital VVKAPZP DEC 5
FRKAPTOW4 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom. VVKAPTOW CURR 13
FRKAPTSW4 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPTSW CURR 13
FRKAPTP4 CEA: Repayment % outside capital VVKAPTP DEC 5
FRKAPZOW4 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm VVKAPZOW CURR 13
FRKAPZSW4 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPZSW CURR 13
FRKAPZP4 CEA: Interest % outside capital VVKAPZP DEC 5
FRKAPTOW5 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom. VVKAPTOW CURR 13
FRKAPTSW5 CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPTSW CURR 13
FRKAPTP5 CEA: Repayment % outside capital VVKAPTP DEC 5
FRKAPZOW5 CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm VVKAPZOW CURR 13
FRKAPZSW5 CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation VVKAPZSW CURR 13
FRKAPZP5 CEA: Interest % outside capital VVKAPZP DEC 5
EIKAPZP1 CEA: Interest % own funds VVWBEKPZP DEC 5
EIKAPZOW1 CEA:Interest amount own funds publicly subsid.accomm. VVWBEKPZO CURR 13
EIKAPZSW1 CEA: Interest amount own funds other accommodation VVWBEKPZS CURR 13
EIKAPZP2 CEA: Interest % own funds VVWBEKPZP DEC 5
EIKAPZOW2 CEA:Interest amount own funds publicly subsid.accomm. VVWBEKPZO CURR 13
EIKAPZSW2 CEA: Interest amount own funds other accommodation VVWBEKPZS CURR 13
EEKAPTOW1 CEA: Own substitute - Repayment for pub. auth. accommod. VVWBEEKPTO CURR 13
EEKAPTSW1 CEA: Own substitute - Repayment for other accommod. VVWBEEKPTS CURR 13
EEKAPTP1 CEA: Compensated own fund repayment % VVWBEEKPTP DEC 5
EEKAPZOW1 CEA: Own substitute - Interest for pub. auth. accommod. VVWBEEKPZO CURR 13
EEKAPZSW1 CEA: Own substitute - Interest for other accommod. VVWBEEKPZS CURR 13
EEKAPZP1 CEA: Expenses own substitute insterest % VVWBEEKPZP DEC 5
EEKAPTOW2 CEA: Own substitute - Repayment for pub. auth. accommod. VVWBEEKPTO CURR 13
EEKAPTSW2 CEA: Own substitute - Repayment for other accommod. VVWBEEKPTS CURR 13
EEKAPTP2 CEA: Compensated own fund repayment % VVWBEEKPTP DEC 5
EEKAPZOW2 CEA: Own substitute - Interest for pub. auth. accommod. VVWBEEKPZO CURR 13
EEKAPZSW2 CEA: Own substitute - Interest for other accommod. VVWBEEKPZS CURR 13
EEKAPZP2 CEA: Expenses own substitute insterest % VVWBEEKPZP DEC 5
TSUMME CEA: Repayment amount costs VVWBTILSUM CURR 13
ABSCHREI CEA: Expense depreciation VVWBABSCHR CURR 13
ERBBAUM2 CEA: Expenses ground rights area in AU VVWBEBM2 QUAN 14
ERBBAUBETR CEA: Expenses: Ground rights amount per AU VVWBEBBETR CURR 13
ERBBAUSOW CEA: Expenses ground rights total VVWBEBSUM CURR 13
ERBBAUSSW CEA: Expenses ground rights total VVWBEBSUM CURR 13
ABSGEB_OW CEA: Admin costs depreciation bldg subsidized apartment VVWBLAAGOW CURR 13
ABSGEB_SW CEA: Admin costs depreciation building other apartments VVWBLAAGSW CURR 13
ABSANL_OW CEA: Admin. costs depreciation of grounds/facilities pub. ap VVWBLAAAOW CURR 13
ABSANL_SW CEA: Admin. costs deprec. of grounds & facilities other aps VVWBLAAASW CURR 13
VERW_WOHN CEA: Administration costs number of apartments VVWBLAVWO DEC 3
VERW_WBETR CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAVWOB CURR 13
VERW_GARA CEA: Administration costs Garage no. VVWBLAVGA DEC 3
VERW_GBETR CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAVGAB CURR 13
VERW_WBGES CEA: Administration costs apartments VVWBLAVWBG CURR 13
VERW_WBSOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAVWBO CURR 13
VERW_WBSSW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAVWBS CURR 13
VERW_GBGES CEA: Administration costs garage VVWBLAVGBG CURR 13
VERW_GBSOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAVGBO CURR 13
VERW_GBSSW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAVGBS CURR 13
BETR_GSTOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLABEGO CURR 13
BETR_GSTSW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLABEGS CURR 13
BETR_WM2 CEA: Administration costs/operating costs living area VVWBLABEWM QUAN 14
BETR_WM2BE CEA: Admin costs/operating costs amount per m2/living area VVWBLABEWB CURR 13
BETR_NM2 CEA: Administration costs/operating costs usable area VVWBLABENM QUAN 14
BETR_NM2BE CEA: Admin. costs/operating costs amount per M2 usable area VVWBLABENB CURR 13
BETR_GM2 CEA: Admin costs/operating costs usable area - garage area VVWBLABEGM QUAN 14
BETR_GM2BE CEA: Admin costs/oper. costs amount per M2 usage/garage area VVWBLABEGB CURR 13
BETR_S1OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLABS1O CURR 13
BETR_S1SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLABS1S CURR 13
BETR_S2OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLABS2O CURR 13
BETR_S2SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLABS2S CURR 13
INST_WM2 CEA: Administration costs/maintenance costs living area VVWBLAINWM QUAN 14
INST_WM2BE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAINWB CURR 13
INST_NM2 CEA: Administration and maintenance costs of usage area VVWBLAINNM QUAN 14
INST_NM2BE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAINNB CURR 13
INST_S1OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAIS1O CURR 13
INST_S1SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAIS1S CURR 13
INST_GM2 CEA: Admin costs/maintenance costs usable area or garage VVWBLAIMGM QUAN 14
INST_GM2BE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAINGB CURR 13
INST_S2OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAIS2O CURR 13
INST_S2SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAIS2S CURR 13
MIET_WOGE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMWOG CURR 13
MIET_GAGE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMGAG CURR 13
MIET_GWGE CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMGWG CURR 13
MIET_GWPR CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMGWP DEC 5
MIET_WOAOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMWOO CURR 13
MIET_WOASW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMWOS CURR 13
MIET_GAAOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMGAO CURR 13
MIET_GAASW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMGAS CURR 13
MIET_GWAOW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMGWO CURR 13
MIET_GWASW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLAMGWS CURR 13
SUMME_OW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLASUOW CURR 13
SUMME_SW CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. VVWBLASUSW CURR 13