SAP Transaction OMJX

GR Field Selection From Procurement

The transaction OMJX (GR Field Selection From Procurement) is a standard transaction in SAP ERP and is part of the package MB0C. It is a Parameter / Variant Transaction .

Transactions in SAP ERP are used to execute functionality by calling programs, function modules, object methods or other transactions. Their transaction code is entered by the user in the action box of the SAP Gui, but they can be also executed from ABAP programs with the CALL TRANSACTION command. ABAP developers distinguish between several types of transactions.

All types of transactions can be created by using the ABAP workbench object navigator (transaction SE80) or with the dedicated maintenance transaction SE93. Below, a summary of technical data for this transaction can be found.

Technical Information

Transaction OMJX
Short Text GR Field Selection From Procurement
Package MB0C
Transaction Type Parameter / Variant Transaction