This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The Message Class ITS (Nachrichten für den Agenten basierten ITS Monitor) is a standard Message Class in SAP ERP and is part of the package SMOI.
Message Class | ITS |
Short Text | Nachrichten für den Agenten basierten ITS Monitor |
Package | SMOI |
ID | Language | Text |
002 | D | Seit dem Start des Agenten wurden &1 mal Statistikdaten gesammelt |
003 | D | Seit Agentenstart wurde &1 mal die Konfiguration des ITS aufgefrischt |
004 | D | Doppelklick bewirkt Auffrischen des Snapshot Thread cumulative |
005 | D | Doppelklick bewirkt Auffrischen des Snapshot Thread current |
006 | D | Doppelklick bewirkt Auffrischen des Snapshot Session current |
010 | D | |
011 | D | Maximale Anzahl von Thread für diese ITS Instanz |
012 | D | Auslastung der Threads auf dieser ITS Instanz |
013 | D | Maximale Anzahl von Sessions für diese ITS Instanz |
014 | D | Auslastung der Sessions auf dieser ITS Instanz |
015 | D | |
016 | D | |
020 | D | Header aller Prozesse einer ITS Instanz |
021 | D | Header eines Prozesses einer ITS Instanz |
022 | D | |
023 | D | |
024 | D | |
025 | D | |
026 | D | Anzahl der Hits für diesen Process seit Start der ITS Instanz |
027 | D | Anzahl der Hits pro Sekunde für diesen Prozess |
028 | D | Anzahl der Hits pro Sekunde gemittelt über eine Minute für diesen Prozess |
029 | D | Maximale Anzahl der Hits pro Sekunde |
030 | D | Turn Around Time eines Prozesses |
031 | D | Maximale Turn Around Time seit Start der ITS Instance |
032 | D | Anzahl der Threads jedes AGate Prozesses |
033 | D | Anzahl benutzter Threads |
034 | D | Anzahl neu aufgebauter Threads |
035 | D | Anzahl der Transaktionen |
036 | D | Web GUI Render Durchschnittszeit |
037 | D | Web GUI Anforderungsdurchschnittszeit |
038 | D | Anzahl der Web GUI Anforderungen |
039 | D | Anzahl der Web GUI Anforderungen pro Sekunde |
040 | D | Anforderungen an den HTML Cache |
041 | D | Anzahl der Treffer im HTML Cache |
042 | D | Zeit seit dem Start des AGate Prozesses in HH:MM:SS |
043 | D | Anzahl der Restart des AGate Prozesses |
044 | D | Anzahl der Sessions jedes AGate Prozesses |
045 | D | Anzahl benutzer Sessions |
046 | D | Kernel Zeit als Anteil der CPU Zeit des AGate Prozesses |
047 | D | User Zeit als Anteil der CPU Zeit des AGate Prozesses |
048 | D | Work Min Größe |
049 | D | Work Max Größe |
050 | D | Anzahl der Speicherseitenfehler |
051 | D | Spitze des genutzten Arbeitsbereichs im Speicher |
052 | D | genutzter Arbeitsbereich im Speicher |
053 | D | Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage |
054 | D | Quota Paged Pool Usage |
055 | D | Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage |
056 | D | Quota Non Paged Pool Usage |
057 | D | OS-Swap Datei Benutzung |
058 | D | Spitze der OS-Swap Datei Benutzung |
070 | D | Abbildung der Registry des ITS |
071 | D | Registry Schlüssel |
080 | D | wichtige Dateien auf dem ITS Server |
082 | D | |
083 | D | |
084 | D | |
085 | D | Doppelclick auf ein Element öffnet den Browser mit URL |
086 | D | |
090 | D | Snapshotinformationen üder die Auslastung der Threads |
091 | D | Snapshot der aufaddierten Werte der einzelnen Threads |
092 | D | Snapshot der derzeitigen Benutzung der Threads |
100 | D | Snapshotinformationen über ausgelastete Sessions |
101 | D | Snapshot der derzeitigen Benutzung der Sessions |
110 | D | Auslastung des ITS Servers |
115 | D | Größe des physikalischen Speichers |
116 | D | verfügbarer physikalischer Speicher |
117 | D | Größe des allokierten virtuellen Speichers |
118 | D | verfügbarer virtueller Speicher |
119 | D | Größe des allokierbaren virtuellen Speichers |
120 | D | noch verfügbare virtueller Speicher |
121 | D | Summe der Work Min Größe aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
122 | D | Summe der Work Max Größe aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
123 | D | Summe der Speicherseitenfehler aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
124 | D | Summe Spitzen Arbeitsbereichs Speicher aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
125 | D | Summe des Arbeitsbereichs im Speicher aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
126 | D | Summe Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
127 | D | Summe Quota Paged Pool Usage aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
128 | D | Summe Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
129 | D | Summe Quota Non Paged Pool Usage aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
130 | D | Summe OS-Swap Datei Benutzung aller AGate Prozesse dieses Hosts |
131 | D | Summe Spitze der OS-Swap Datei Benutzung aller AGate Prozesse dieses Host |
132 | D | |
133 | D | |
134 | D | |
141 | D | &1 Prozesse, &2 laufen, |
142 | D | Agent is starting |
143 | D | Monitoring disabled |
144 | D | Shared memory locked |
145 | D | Instance is not running |
146 | D | Agent is starting |
147 | D | Initialize Process |
148 | D | Initialisation Phase |
002 | E | Statistics data has been collected &1 times since the agent was started |
003 | E | ITS configuration has been refreshed &1 times since the agent was started |
004 | E | Double click refreshes the Thread cumulative snapshot |
005 | E | Double click refreshes the Thread current snapshot |
006 | E | Double click refreshes the Session current snapshot |
011 | E | Maximum number of threads for this ITS instance |
012 | E | Utilization of the threads on this ITS instance |
013 | E | Maximum number of sessions for this ITS instance |
014 | E | Utilization of sessions on this ITS instance |
020 | E | Header for all processes of ITS instance |
021 | E | Header for a process of ITS instance |
026 | E | Number of hits for this process since start of ITS instance |
027 | E | Number of hits per second for this process |
028 | E | Number of hits per second for this process, averaged over a minute |
029 | E | Maximum number of hits per second |
030 | E | Turn around time of a process |
031 | E | Maximum turn around time since start of ITS instance |
032 | E | Number of threads for each AGate process |
033 | E | Number of used threads |
034 | E | Number of newly created threads |
035 | E | Number of transactions |
036 | E | Average Web GUI render time |
037 | E | Average Web GUI request time |
038 | E | Number of Web GUI requests |
039 | E | Number of Web GUI requests per second |
040 | E | Requests to HTML cache |
041 | E | Number of hits in HTML cache |
042 | E | Time since start of AGate process in HH:MM:SS |
043 | E | Number of restarts of AGate process |
044 | E | Number of sessions for each AGate process |
045 | E | Number of used sessions |
046 | E | Kernel time as share of CPU time of AGate process |
047 | E | User time as share of CPU time of AGate process |
048 | E | Work min size |
049 | E | Work max size |
050 | E | Number of memory page errors |
051 | E | Peak usage of work area in memory |
052 | E | Work area used in memory |
053 | E | Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage |
054 | E | Quota Paged Pool Usage |
055 | E | Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage |
056 | E | Quota Non Paged Pool Usage |
057 | E | OS swap file usage |
058 | E | Peak of OS swap file usage |
070 | E | Mapping of registry of the ITS |
071 | E | Registry keys |
080 | E | Important files on ITS server |
085 | E | Double clicking an element opens the browser with URL |
090 | E | Snapshot information about usage of threads |
091 | E | Snapshot of the values of the individual threads added together |
092 | E | Snapshot of current usage of threads |
100 | E | Snapshort information about sessions at full capacity |
101 | E | Snapshot of current session usage |
110 | E | ITS server usage |
115 | E | Size of physical memory |
116 | E | Available physical memory |
117 | E | Size of allocated virtual memory |
118 | E | Available virtual memory |
119 | E | Size of allocatable virtual memory |
120 | E | Virtual memory still available |
121 | E | Total of work min sizes of all AGate processes for this host |
122 | E | Total of work max sizes of all AGate processes for this host |
123 | E | Total of memory page errors of all AGate processes for this host |
124 | E | Total peak work area memory of all AGate processes of this host |
125 | E | Total of work areas in memory of all AGate processes for this host |
126 | E | Total quota peak paged pool usage of all AGate processes of this host |
127 | E | Total quota paged pool usage of all AGate processes of this host |
128 | E | Total quota peak non paged pool usage of all AGate processes of this host |
129 | E | Total quota non paged pool usage of all AGate processes of this host |
130 | E | Total OS swap file usage of all AGate processes of this host |
131 | E | Total peak of OS swap file usage of all AGate processes of this host |
141 | E | &1 processes, &2 running, |
142 | E | Agent is starting |
143 | E | Monitoring disabled |
144 | E | Shared memory locked |
145 | E | Instance is not running |
146 | E | Agent is starting |
147 | E | Initialize process |
148 | E | Initialization phase |