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Check it out on →The package SMOI (CCMS: Monitoring Architecture) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SMOI |
Short Text | CCMS: Monitoring Architecture |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SMOI contains 39 function groups.
ALQRFCMON | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAL_CACHE_RECEIVE | CCMS Monitoring: Receiver for Cache |
SAL_CACHE_SALC | CCMS Monitoring: Cache for FuBa SALC |
SAL_GET_MTES | RZ20: Collect MTEs Efficiently |
SAL_RFC | Read Monitoring Infrastructure with RFC |
SAL_RULE | Rule Editing for CCMS Mon. Architecture |
SAL_STORAGE_MON | Storage Monitoring |
SAL_VISU | Visualization Modules for Monitoring |
SALA | Monitoring Arch. Functions for Assistant |
SALB | Configuration Tool for Operation |
SALC | Moni.infrastruct.CCMS-internal functions |
SALC_TEST | CCMS Monitoring: Test Module for SALC |
SALD | CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Mon. Seg. on DB |
SALE | Monitoring Architecture: Event Agents |
SALF | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Config. |
SALG | CCMS: System Groups Interface |
SALH | Monitor.infrastructure: Aux. function |
SALI | Instrumentation of the CCMS Mon. Arch. |
SALJ | Obsolete function module from SALI |
SALK | CCMS Monitoring Arch: Data Collection |
SALM | Visualization of CCMS monitoring data |
SALN | Monitoring Arch. Functions for ALCONSEG |
SALO | Function Grp with Auto-Reaction Methods |
SALP | Monitor. infra. performance DB |
SALP_POP | Popups for Monitoring/PerfDB |
SALP_SELFMON | Central Perf. History Self-Monitoring |
SALR | Monitoring Architecture |
SALS | Monitor. infrastr. system functions |
SALSLD | SLD Connection for the CCMS Mon. Arch. |
SALSLD_MODEL | CCMS Model Contents in SLD |
SALT | CCMS Monitoring: Method Dispatching |
SALU | Moni.infra.: Customizing and tool maint. |
SALU_HIST | CCMS Monit.: History of Threshold Values |
SALW | Monitoring Architecture: Write API |
SALWF | CCMS Workflow Connection |
SALWP | CCMS Interface for AdminWorkplace |
SALX | Monitoring Arch.: External Interfaces |
SALY | CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Analysis Methods |
SAP Package SMOI contains 11 transactions.
MILES | Infrastructure Navigator |
RZ20 | CCMS Monitoring |
RZ21 | CCMS Monitoring Arch. Customizing |
RZ23N | Central Performance History |
RZ25 | Start Tools for a TID |
RZ26 | Start Methods for an Alert |
RZ27 | Start RZ20 for a Monitor |
RZ28 | Start Alert Viewer for Monitor |
RZAL_ALERT_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for Alerts |
RZAL_MONITOR_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for Monitor |
RZAL_MTE_DATA_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for MTEs |
SAP Package SMOI contains 96 database tables.
ALALERTDB | Alert: alert database (general alert structure, raw message) |
ALALERTX | CCMS Monitoring: Cache for Alerts Already Read |
ALALRTGUID | GUIDs for CCMS Alert IDs (for Alert Framework) |
ALAVLAGENT | Combine CCMSPING Agents in Groups |
ALAVLCTRL | CCMSPING Push Technology: Current State of Worklists |
ALAVLGCNTL | CCMS Avail. Mon.: Control Table for Reference System Group |
ALAVLGRP_C | CCMS: Control Table for RFC_PING Check of Logon Groups |
ALAVLGUID | CCMSPING: Mapping Table GUID <-> Monitored System |
ALAVLPTRC | Control Table for RFC_PING - CCMS Availability Monitoring |
ALAVLWORK | CCMS: Dummy Table for Config. Table Controls |
ALCACHECNF | Configuration of the SALC Cache |
ALCLASTOOL | Alert: Assignment of tools to object class |
ALDBSCTX | CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring Contexts |
ALDBSMSEG | CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Monitoring Segments |
ALDBSMTE | CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: General MTE Data |
ALDBSPERF | CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Performance MTE |
ALDBSSMES | CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: Status AttributeMTE |
ALDBSTOOL | CCMS Monitoring Arch.: Database Segment: MTE Method Data |
ALDWNTIME | Downtime of systems for availability calculations |
ALF1DEFLT | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Default Description Texts |
ALGRPCUSGE | Alert: General Customizing for MTE classes |
ALGRPCUSMC | Alert: Message container Customizing for Cust. groups |
ALGRPCUSMG | Alert: Group Customizing data single message class |
ALGRPCUSPF | Alert: Group Customizing data performance class |
ALGRPMCFIL | Alert: Message container filter for Cust. groups |
ALIMCDATA | Alerts: ABAP-Shared-Buffer for IMC Communication |
ALLONGJOB_CTRL | Control Table for CCMS Monitoring of Jobs by Runtime |
ALMBCADM | CCMS Monitoring Cache: Administration of 'MTEs of one Class' |
ALMBCDATA | CCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for 'MTEs of one Class' |
ALMBRDATA | CCMS Monitoring Cache: Data for 'MTEs of one Class' |
ALMDRLDSC | Alerts: Language-dependent rule description |
ALMDRULES | Alerts: Rules for rule nodes of a monitor definition |
ALMONIDEF | Alerts: Description of Monitor Definition Nodes |
ALMONISETS | Alerts: Monitor sets of the CCMS monitoring infrastructure |
ALMONITORS | Alerts: Monitors and Corresponding Default Values |
ALMRULES | Alerts: Rule Descriptions for Monitor Definitions (V3) |
ALMSETS | Alerts: Monitor Sets and Corresponding Attributes |
ALMSETSV2 | Alerts: Copy of Monitor Sets From Database Version 2 |
ALMTCUSGEN | Alert: MT-specific Customizing Class-independent |
ALMTCUSMSC | Alert: MTE-specific Customizing: message container |
ALMTCUSPER | Alert: MT-specific Customizing Performance-Class |
ALMTCUSSMG | Alert: MT-specific Customizing: Single Message Class |
ALMTECLSET | Alert: MTEClass setting of the Monitoring Architecture |
ALMTMSCFIL | Alert: MTE-Specific Message Container Filter |
ALNAMEDUSERS | Customizing Settings for CCMS Named User Data Collector |
ALNODEKEY | MTEKEY to node mapping |
ALPERFDB | Alert: Performance database |
ALPERFDB_C | Alert: Performance Database |
ALPERFOB | Alert: Performance Database Object Part |
ALPERSONEL | Alerts: Personalized Data of Monitoring Architecture |
ALPF_TESTDATA | Repository for Test Data |
ALPFASSIGN | Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE (New Version) |
ALPFAUTOREPORT | List of PerfDB Report to Be Executed Automatically |
ALPFCOLLREORGSCH | Collection/Reorganization Schemata for PerfDB |
ALPFCOLLSYS | Systems from Which the CPH Collects Data |
ALPFCOLLTID | TID List Created from ALPFREORG:Objects to Collect in PerfDB |
ALPFPARAM | CPH Settings |
ALPFPOLICY | Alert: Performance DB Schema (Reorg/Coll) |
ALPFREORG | Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE |
ALPFREP_CAT | PerfDB Reporting Catalog |
ALPFREP_DAT | Table for PerfDB Report Data |
ALPFREPDEF | Table for Report Definitions |
ALPFREPORTDEF | Table for PerfDB Report Definitions |
ALPFSFTPLY | Table for Performance Database Shift Aggregate Schema |
ALPFTHRHIST_RWS | Performance Threshold History: Number of Records |
ALPFTHRHIST_TB | Performance Threshold History |
ALPFWSCHEM | Weighting Schemata for PerfDB Reorganizations |
ALQRFCMON | Define Additional Message Container for qRFC Queue Mon. |
ALQRFCMONA | Assign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEs |
ALQRFCMONO | Owner of the Active Queue Group Settings for RZ20 |
ALQRFCMONQ | Assign qRFC Queues Application MSC MTEs |
ALSLDCTRL | CCMS Access to the Standard SLD - X Not Possible, 0 Possible |
ALSYSAL | Instance Table for BOR Object SYALERT (for Use with WFs) |
ALSYSGRPS | Alerts: Definition of R/3 System Groups |
ALTEXTASSIGN | Assignments of Text collection schemas to MTE classes |
ALTEXTDB | History Database for text, status, and message nodes |
ALTEXTSCHEMA | Definition of Schemas for Text History |
ALTIDTOOL | Alert: Assignment of tools to Tid |
ALTLDESCR | Alert: Method Description - Language-Dependent |
ALTOOLCHEK | Alert: Tools that have been checked as usable |
ALTOOLDP | Alert: Name of tool dispatchers |
ALTRAMONI | Monitoring Arch.: Table for Transaction-Specific Monitoring |
ALTSTLOD | Monitoring Arch.: For Report to Measure a Standard Load |
ALVFOBMO | Alerts: Association Between Object Type and Monitor Set |
ALVFOBTY | Alerts: List of Supported Object Types |
CCMSBI_MTE_DATA | Time-Dependent General MTE Data |
CCMSBI_MTE_METH | Time-Dependent MTE Reaction Methods |
CCMSBI_MTE_THRH | Time-Dependent MTE Threshold Values |
CCMSBIDATA | Time-Dependent General MTE Data |
CCMSBIMETH | Time-Dependent MTE Reaction Methods |
CCMSBITHRH | Time-Dependent MTE Threshold Values |
CPH_TRACE | Table for CPH Log Information |
CSMNIPINGCFG | CCMS : Configuration Table for NI PING Availability |
CSMSYS | Central Table of Known Systems |
SAP Package SMOI contains 1 views.
ALTEXTHIST | Text History with MTE Name/Class |
SAP Package SMOI contains 477 structures.
ALACVALAID | Alert: global AID of actual value (to be used in MTypedefval |
ALAGENTINFO | Information About CCMS Agents |
ALAGENTRFCDEST | Details of a CCMS Agent RFC Destination |
ALAGGCTRC | Control Data of an Aggregate Request for Performance DB |
ALAGGDATA | Result of Aggregate per Time Slot in Performance Database |
ALAGGREQ | Request Structure for Aggregate in Performance Database |
ALAIDALSTA | Alert: Structure for Alert Status Changes |
ALAIDCKEY | Alert Cache: Key Fields |
ALAIDKEY | Alert: Global Alert Identifier: Key Structure |
ALAIDMARK | Alert: Global Alert Identifier and Selected Indicator |
ALAIDMN | Alerts: AID and MTE Name |
ALAIDTIDMN | Alerts: AID + Short TID + MTE-Name + Parameters of MTE |
ALALERTALV | Mon. Arch.: Contains Alert Parameters for ALV Display |
ALALERTRAW | Alert: general alert structure (raw message Text) |
ALALERTRC | Alert: general alert structure plus RC |
ALALRAWRC | Alert: general alert structure (raw message line)plus RC |
ALALRWR40C | Alert: gen. alert structure (raw message line) plus RC (40C) |
ALALVTK | Alerts: Mapping Monitor Presentation Key <-> ALV Tree Key |
ALAPSRVALV | Mon.Arch.: ALV Display Structure for Appl.Server Information |
ALATGRF4 | Alerts: Structure for F4 Processing of Attribute Groups |
ALAVALSYSTEMS | Monitoring Structure for Configuring Central Autoreaction |
ALAVCNTRL | Control Structure for Configuring Availability Monitoring |
ALAVLCNTL | CCMS: Control Structure for Availability Configuration |
ALAVLGRP | Logon Groups Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING |
ALAVLGRPNM | CCMS: Name of a Monitored Logon Group |
ALAVLJ2EE | Structure for CCMSPING J2EE Engine Availability Monitoring |
ALAVLSRVNM | CCMS: Name of a Monitored Application Server |
ALAVLSRVR | App. Servers Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING |
ALAVLSYSAS | Work Structure for CCMS Server Availability Monitoring |
ALBACHDA | Alert: Data for the Bar Chart MiniApp |
ALCAIDKEY | Alert: Current AID: Key Structure |
ALCCTIDAID | Alert: Global TID plus Global AID |
ALCLASS | Alert: Name of MTE Class (CUSGRPNAME) |
ALCLUSKEY | Structure of Database Key of Cluster in ALPERFDB |
ALCONSG45B | Version of the ALCONSEG Used up to 4.5B |
ALCUSGRPRC | Alert: customizing group name and returncode |
ALCUSRECOM | Alert: MT Customize Recommendation |
ALCUSTGRP | Alert: only Customizing group name |
ALDAENTB | Alerts: Output Structure for the Data Environment |
ALDENVCO | Alerts: The Column Description in the Data Environment |
ALDENVRO | Alerts: The Row Description in the Data Environment |
ALDESTIREQ | CCMS Monitoring: Table Destination ==> Requests |
ALEMNOTIF | CCMS Mon. Arch.: Type for Table of MarketSet Specto Events |
ALEMRESULT | CCMS Mon. Architecture: SPECTO Single Result (ALMSRESULTS) |
ALEVENT | Alert: Event Type |
ALEVQUEUE | Alert: Event Queue for a CCMS Event Listener |
ALEVTREG | Alert: Event Registration |
ALEVTVCP | Alerts: EventListener + Table of Events of Interest |
ALGAIDRC | Alert: Global Aid plus RC (Return Code) |
ALGENALERT | Alert: general alert structure (expanded message text) |
ALGLOBAID | Alert: Global Alert Identifier |
ALGLOBEID | Alert: Global Event ID |
ALGLOBTID | Alert: global monitoring type identifier |
ALGPARAM | Alerts: Global Parameter + Monitor Value |
ALGRLGND | Alerts: Legend Entry for Performance Graphic |
ALGRPSEL | Alert: Cust. group, set name, class (e.g. for list select) |
ALGTID3RC | Alert: Glob. TID plus ObjName plus AttrName plus MTE plus RC |
ALGTIDGAID | Alert: Global TID plus Global AID |
ALGTIDLNRC | Alert: Global Tid plus Long Name plus RC |
ALGTIDRC | Alert: Global TID plus RC (ReturnCode) |
ALGTIDSMO | Alert: Global Tid plus ALPERFSMO plus RC |
ALGTIDSTAT | Alert: Global TID plus MT Status: WarmingUp, Enabled,Disable |
ALGTIDTLRC | Alert: Global Tid + WhichTool + RC (ReturnCode) |
ALGTIDWHTL | Alert: Global Tid + WhichTool |
ALHIALINFO | Information describing a High alert |
ALIMCDTKEY | Alerts: Data Keys for IMC Communication |
ALIMCRR | Alerts: IMC Request/Response Headers |
ALITSINPUT | Input init. of ITS perf matrix |
ALITSOUT | output ITS perf matrix tids and attributename |
ALLINKTID | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: TID of Linked MTE |
ALLNAMERC | Alert: Long Name plus RC |
ALMATTRIBS | Alerts: Monitor Display Attributes |
ALMATTRROW | Alerts: Generate Storage Location for Monitor Attribute |
ALMBCREQST | CCMS Monitoring Cache: MTEs of one Class: Query Structure |
ALMBCRESLT | CCMS Monitoring Cache: MTEs of one Class: Result Structure |
ALMBRDATA_TS | Structure whose only element is a table, ALMBRDATA_T |
ALMCCREAT2 | Alert: Monitoring Context: Create Structure (Second Version) |
ALMCCREATE | Alert: Monitoring Context: Create |
ALMCDEST | Alert: Table of Context destinations |
ALMCNAMESY | Alert: Table of SysId and Moni. Ctxt Names (key of alconseg) |
ALMCRESULT | Alert: Monitoring Ctxt: gen. result (MCName, TID, Owner, RC) |
ALMDCPR | Alerts: Log Entry for Check of an XML Monitor Definition |
ALMDEDFLGS | Alerts: Control Indicators for Monitor Definition Editor |
ALMDEFNODE | Alerts: Nodes of a Monitor Definition |
ALMDFV1 | Alerts: Monitor Definition Node 4.6D for XML Upload/Download |
ALMENUENT | Alerts: Menu Entry |
ALMKMTE | Alerts: Selected Monitor MTEs (TIDs) |
ALMNDSPLC | Alerts: Display Options of a Monitor |
ALMONCTX | Alert: Monitoring context (Root ID + owner) |
ALMONCTX2 | Alert: Monitoring Context (Second Extended Version) |
ALMONCTX3 | Alert: Monitoring Context (Third Extended Version) |
ALMONDEF | Alerts: Definition of a 5.0A Monitor |
ALMONINAME | Alert: Full Name of Monitor |
ALMONITOR | Alerts: Monitor Description (Release >= 5.0) |
ALMONSE40B | Alert: Monitoring segment (from Release 4.0B) |
ALMONSEG | Alert: Monitoring Segment |
ALMONSTREE | Alerts: Monitor Subtree Description |
ALMPRNODE | Alerts: Monitor Presentation Nodes (Release > 4.6C) |
ALMRLPARAM | Alerts: Rule Parameter Description |
ALMSCALV | Alerts: Output Table for Log Viewer in Visual Framework |
ALMSCCUS | Alert: Message container Customizing |
ALMSCCUSW | Alert: Message container write Customizing |
ALMSCFILTR | Alert: Message container filter definition |
ALMSCLINE | Alert: Message container line, raw + expanded message line |
ALMSCLINRD | Alert: Message container: input table for read cache lines |
ALMSCLNRAW | Alert: Message container line (raw XMI message data) |
ALMSCRAWT | Alert: Message container type (raw XMI message data) + Rc |
ALMSCRRC | Alert: Message Container: Report Message Lines: Return Struc |
ALMSCRVAL | Alert: Message container: Report one message line + value |
ALMSCSELEC | Alert: Message Container: Selection of MSC Cache Lines |
ALMSCTIDFL | Alert: Message container TID + one filter line |
ALMSCTIDML | Alert: Message container TID + one message container line |
ALMSCTIDRL | Alert: Message container TID + one raw message cont. line |
ALMSCTINTV | Alerts: Interval for Data of a Log MTE |
ALMSCTYPE | Alert: Message container type + Rc |
ALMSCVAL | Alert: Message container value part |
ALMSCVALRA | Alert: Message container value part (raw XMI message data) |
ALMSCVPROT | Alerts: Log Entry for Conversion of Monitor Sets |
ALMSDIRNOD | Alerts: Directory Entry for Monitor Sets |
ALMSNAME | Alert: Monitor Set Name |
ALMSNOTIF | CCMS Mon. Arch.: SPECTO Notification XML from MarketSet |
ALMSRESULTS | CCMS Mon. Architecture: SPECTO Results XML from MarketSet |
ALMTALINFO | High alert and current status information of an MT |
ALMTATVAL | Alert: structure to hold MT tree, attribute current value |
ALMTCREATE | Alert: Structure for MT Create (Parent, Numrange, uid, name) |
ALMTCRERES | Alert: Structure for MT Create Result |
ALMTCUST | Alert: MT Type Def Customization part |
ALMTCUSTWR | Alert: MT Type Def Customization: Write (Tid + almtcust) |
ALMTDATA | MT Information: Basic Data/Alerts/MT-Specific Data |
ALMTDATSEL | Alerts: Selection Details for MTE Data |
ALMTECL | Alerts: Containing a TID and Subclass TIDs |
ALMTECLS | CCMS Monitorarchitektur: nur MTEClass |
ALMTECLSRC | CCMS: Row with MTE Class, SYSID, and Return Code |
ALMTECLSYS | CCMS: Row with MTE Class and SYSID |
ALMTECSTID | CCMS: Row with MTE Class, SYSID, Client, and TID |
ALMTEDATA | Alerts: Container with MTE Data |
ALMTEDSOPT | Alerts: Display Options for MTE Template Node |
ALMTEHLP | Alerts: Structure for F4 Help MTE manes on screen 2120 |
ALMTEI_RC | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: ALMTEINFO and Return Code |
ALMTEINFO | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: General MTE Information |
ALMTLTREE | Alert: structure to hold MT tree, typedef and RC |
ALMTMPLNOD | Alerts: Nodes of a Monitor Template |
ALMTNAME_L | Alert: Table of long names for monitoring types |
ALMTTRE40B | Alert: structure to hold MT tree, typedef and RC |
ALMTTREE | Alert: structure to hold MT tree, typedef and RC |
ALMTTRNODE | MT tree node with additional information for visualization |
ALMTTRVINF | MT tree node info. to visualize an MT tree |
ALMTVALUE | Alert: MT Type Definition Value Part |
ALMTYPEDEF | Alert: MT Type Def |
ALNAMESPLT | Alert: Structure for ALNGiNameSplit |
ALOBJMETH | Alert: Object and Method (for '...GET_POSSIBLE_METHODS') |
ALOBJSET | Alerts: An Object Set |
ALPARAMS | Alert: Dummy structure to hold parameter definitions |
ALPARENTID | Alert: for MT Create Parents global TID |
ALPCUSRECM | Alert: Performance MT Write Customization |
ALPERFCL | Monitoring Architecture: Perf. DB: Cluster Structure: FMRepr |
ALPERFCL_D | Mon. Arch.: PerfDB Cluster for Day Average of ONE Day |
ALPERFCL_I | Monitoring Arch.: Perf. DB: Cluster Structure in ALPERFDB |
ALPERFCL_M | Moni. Arch.: PerfDB cluster for minute average of ONE day |
ALPERFCL_Q | Moni. Arch.: PerfDB cluster for quarter hour avg of ONE day |
ALPERFCO | Mon. Arch.: Perf. DB Object: Part for Perf. DB Entry |
ALPERFCT | Mon. Arch.: Perf. DB Control: Part of Perf. DB (as Copy) |
ALPERFCUS | Alert: Performance MTE Customization |
ALPERFCUST | Mon. Arch.: Performance DB Reorg. Customizing Param. Values |
ALPERFCUSW | Alert: Performance MT Write Customization |
ALPERFDA | Mon. Arch.: Performance DB Structure (FM Repr. of Rec.) |
ALPERFDBOC | Shortened ALPERFDB Structure (Without Cluster) |
ALPERFDC | Mon.Arch. Perf. DB Structure FM Rep. Control and Object Part |
ALPERFHIS | Mon. Arch.: Contains All Possible Performance History Data |
ALPERFHTID | Mon. Arch.: Contains Perf. Hist. Data and Corresponding TID |
ALPERFMIN | Moni. Arch.: minute average data for cluster in PerfDB |
ALPERFQTHR | Moni. Arch.: PerfDB cluster for quarter hour of ONE day |
ALPERFRVAL | Alert: Performance MT Report Value |
ALPERFSMO | Alert: Performance MT: Smooth Values |
ALPERFTYPE | Alert: Performance Type |
ALPERFVAL | Alert: Performance MT specific value part |
ALPERSKEY | Alerts: Key for Personalization Data |
ALPF_DATA_MANIP_PARAM | Structure for Test Prog. to Gen. and Manipulate Test Data |
ALPF_OUTTAB_STR | Structure of Output Table for PerfDB Reading |
ALPF_OUTTABS | PerfDB Output Data for Multiple TIDs |
ALPF_REPORT_OBJ_LIST | PerfDB Reporting: List of Objects to Be Displayed |
ALPFASSIGN_UI | Structure for PerfDB Reorganization Schema Assignment |
ALPFASSIGNSHRT | Alert: Assignment of Reorg/Coll Schema to MTE (Short Vers.) |
ALPFCAST | Data Structure to Pass Performance Forecast Data |
ALPFDB_AV_DATA_OVRVW | Availability of Data in PerfDB |
ALPFDB_SEL_DATA_LIST | Selection for performance database data display |
ALPFDB_SEL_OBJ_LIST | TID + Object Name + Attribute Name + MTE Class |
ALPFREORSCHEMSTR | Structure for PerfDB Reorganization Information |
ALPFTHRHIST | Performance Threshold History |
ALPFTHRHIST_DP | Performance Threshold History: ALV Structure for Output |
ALPFTIDAGG | PFDB: Hold one agg data row per TID |
ALPFUTIL_DATAAVLEXTR | Structure for Exporting List of Data Available in CPH |
ALPFUTIL_DATAEXTR | Structure for CPH Data Export |
ALPFUTIL_REPDBAVLEXTR | Structure for Exporting List of CPH Reports Available in DB |
ALPFUTIL_REPDEFAVLEXTR | Structure for Exporting List of Available CPH Report Defints |
ALPFUTIL_REPORTDBEXTR | Structure for Exporting CPH Reports from Report DB (RZ23) |
ALPFUTIL_REPORTEXTR | Structure for Exporting CPH Reports |
ALPRALDATA | Alerts: Alert Data for a Monitor Node (Release > 4.6C) |
ALPRCVDATA | Alerts: Current Status Data of Monitor Node |
ALPRGENDAT | Alerts: General Data of a Monitor Node (Release > 4.6C) |
ALPROTROW | Alerts: Line of Error Log |
ALPRTLDATA | Alerts: Tool Data for Monitor Presentation Node |
ALPSCTX | Alerts: Sample Context for Performance MTEs |
ALPSDAT | Alerts: Sample Description of a Performance MTE |
ALPSVAL | Alerts: Sample Performance MTE |
ALPTIDKEY | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Global Parents (Short/Key) TID |
ALQRFCMTC | List of CCMS Monitoring Architecture MTE Classes (QRFC Mon) |
ALQRFCQOUT | Duplicate of QSENDDEST for Compatibility with Older qRFCs |
ALRCTABLE | Alert: Common Table of return codes for Monitoring Infrastr. |
ALREQDESTI | CCMS Monitoring RFC Destination and Some Flags |
ALREQTARGET | CCMS Monitoring: Request Target: SIDs and Flags |
ALREQUESTCUC | CCMS Monitoring: Request for Class Under Class |
ALRESULTCUC | CCMS Monitoring: Request for Class Under Class |
ALRFCAID | Alert: RFC Destination plus global Aid plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCALSTA | Alert: RFC destination plus ALAIDALSTA plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCERRORS | Table with RFC Errors During Processing of Monitors |
ALRFCLNAME | Alert: RFC destination plus long name plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCMCCRE | Alert: RFC destination plus ALMCCREATE |
ALRFCMSCCR | Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCACHER plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCMSCFC | Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCTIDFL plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCMSCRM | Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCRVAL plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCMSCSE | Alert: RFC Destination plus ALMSCSELEC plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCMSCWC | Alert: RFC destination plus ALMSCCUSW plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCMTCRE | Alert: RFC destination plus ALMCtREATE plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCMTCUS | Alert: RFC destination plus ALMTCUSTWR plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCPCUSW | Alert: RFC destination plus ALPERFCUSW plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCPRVAL | Alert: RFC destination plus ALPERFRVAL plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCRC40B | Alert: Global TID and RFC Destination and RC in 4.0B Format |
ALRFCSCUSW | Alert: RFC destination plus ALSMSGCUSW plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCSRVAL | Alert: RFC destination plus ALSMSGRVAL plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCTACRE | Alert: RFC destination plus ALTACREATE plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCTID | Alert: RFC destination plus global Tid plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCTIDMV | Alert: RFC destination plus ALTIDMAXLV plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCTIDRC | Alert: Global Tid + RFC-Destination + RC |
ALRFCTIDST | Alert: RFC destination plus ALGTIDSTAT (Tid plus MT Status) |
ALRFCTIDU | Alert: RFC destination plus global Tid + User + ALCONSEG |
ALRFCTIDWH | Alert: RFC destination plus ALGTIDWHTL pluS ALCONSEG |
ALRFCTLCHS | Alert: RFC destination plus ALTOOLCHST plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCTMVCS | Alert: RFC destination plus ALTIDMAXLV plus ALCONSEG |
ALRFCTOOLA | Alert: RFC destination plus ALTOOLASSG plus ALCONSEG |
ALRLPARDSC | Alerts: Rule Parameter Description (Visual Format) |
ALRLPARF4 | Alerts: Structure for F4 processing of rule parameters |
ALRLPARROW | Rule Parameter With Corresponding Value |
ALRLPDROW | Alerts: Rule Parameter Description (Database Format) |
ALRLRSNODE | Alerts: Result Nodes of Rule |
ALRSLTCUC_L | CCMS Monitoring: Result for CLASS UNDER CLASS (Long Version) |
ALRULE | Alerts: Rule Description (Runtime Format) |
ALRULEPAR | Alert: Contains Name/Value Pair for Rule Parameters |
ALRULEPARS | Alert: Contains Name/Value Pair for Rule Parameters |
ALSCUSRECM | Alert: Single Message Type Customize Recommendation |
ALSEGINFO | Alerts: Information About a Monitoring Segment |
ALSELITEM | Alerts: Describes a Selected Item |
ALSHTRCU | Alert: Configuration MT tree/detail display (version 1) |
ALSHTRCUV2 | Alert: Configuration of MTE tree/detailed display (version2) |
ALSLOGMAP | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Syslog mapping to cat. and val |
ALSMESALV | Monit. Arch. Contains Status Message Parameter for ALV Disp. |
ALSMSGCUS | Alert: Single Message Type Customization |
ALSMSGCUSW | Alert: Single Message Type Write Customization |
ALSMSGRAWT | Alert: Single Message Type (wirh raw xmi message) + Rc |
ALSMSGRAWV | Alert: Single Message Type Value (raw XMI message data) |
ALSMSGRVAL | Alert: Single Message Type Report Value |
ALSMSGTYPE | Alert: Single Message Type + Rc |
ALSMSGVAL | Alert: Single Message Type Value |
ALSMSGVALR | SALR Result Structures: Status Message Current Value |
ALSTREF | Alerts: Reference to Child Node of Monitor Subtree |
ALSYINFALV | Monitoring Arch. Contains System Status Info for ALV Display |
ALSYSCTX | Alert: Monitor System ID and Context |
ALSYSDEST | Monitoring Architecture: System ID and RFC destination |
ALSYSGRPC | Monitoring Arch.: Defines a System Group / System Pair |
ALSYSID | CCMS monitoring architecture: SYSID only |
ALSYSMC | CCMS Alerts: System ID (Monitored System) and Mon. Context |
ALSYSSEGM | CCMS: Row with SYSID and Segment |
ALTACREATE | MonI: Structure for Txt.attr ceate: MO, name, text, NR, uid |
ALTACRERES | MonI: result for SALC_TEXTATTR_ASSIGN: MO-Tid, Attr.Name, RC |
ALTASKLIST | CCMS Monitoring: Task Management for Asynchronous RFC |
ALTDEFRC | Alert: MT Type Def plus RC (ReturnCode) |
ALTEMPLND | Alert: Describes a Node in a Monitor Template |
ALTEXTATTR | Alert: Text Attribute type + Rc |
ALTID_NUM | Alert: Global TID plus RC (ReturnCode) |
ALTIDAIDRC | Monitoring Architecture: TID + RC + TID/AID Table |
ALTIDCVAL | TID and Current Value (SALR) |
ALTIDGDA | Monitoring Architecture: General Data for MTW + RC |
ALTIDKEY | Alert: global TID as key (w/o INDEX fields) |
ALTIDMAXLV | Alert: TID + MaxLevel + VisibleOnUserLevel |
ALTIDMN | Alerts: Short TID + MTE Name + Rule Parameter |
ALTIDMN2 | Alerts: Short TID + MTE Name + Rule Parameter |
ALTIDMTE | TID and MTE Assignment in the Performance Database |
ALTIDNUMRC | Alert: Global TID plus RC (ReturnCode) |
ALTIDPAADA | Monitoring Architecture: TID + Perf. Prop. and Current Value |
ALTIDPACVA | Mon. Arch.: TID + Performance Current Value + RC |
ALTIDPAPRP | Monitoring Architecture: TID + Performance Properties + RC |
ALTIDPHRC | Alerts: TID Plus Performance History Values Plus RC |
ALTIDSTATS | Alert: Global TID + RFC Destination + Some Statistics |
ALTIDUSER | Alert: Tid + User |
ALTIMESTMP | Alert: timestamp |
ALTLDPENQ | Alerts: Lock Argument for Locks from Method Dispatcher Runs |
ALTLDPNM | Alert: Name of a tool dispatcher |
ALTLEXDESC | Alert: Description of a tool instance to be executed |
ALTLPARAMS | Alert: Parameter definition for a TOOL |
ALTMPLNDIF | Alerts: General Info. Container (F1 Help, Error Info.) |
ALTOLEXDEF | Alert: TOOLS technical definition of tool executable |
ALTOOL | Alert: Tool |
ALTOOLASSG | Alert: set Tool (Tid + Toolname + ToolDisp. + new status) |
ALTOOLCHST | Alert: Tool Change Status (Tid + WhichTool + New Status) |
ALTOOLCTRL | Alert: Tool Control (Tool + Tid + Aid) |
ALTOOLDEF | Alert: Tool Definition |
ALTOOLDPRC | Alert: tool dispatcher plus RC |
ALTOOLEFRC | Alert: Global Tid + Effective Tool Def. + RC (ReturnCode) |
ALTOOLRUND | Alert: Tool Control + ALTOOLEXEC + .... |
ALTR40BRC | Row Structure for SALC Tree Table |
ALTREEINFO | Alerts: TID + Long Name + Corresponding MTE Subtree |
ALTXTLCREA | Mon. Arch.: Structure for Test/Link Attribute Create/Attach |
ALTXTLNKAT | Alert: Text Attribute Type (Including Link Subtype) + RC |
ALTXTPROP | Alert: Text Attribute Properties |
ALTYPES | Alert: Data types for use in RFC funct. module |
ALVCDIR | Alerts: Directory of Visueller Components in a Framework |
ALVCMPDIR | Alerts: Directory of Visueller Components in a Framework |
ALVFDFBR | Alerts: Parameters for Component CL_CCMS_AL_DEFINITION_BAR |
ALVFOBJECT | Alerts: Object in the Visual Framework |
ALVFOBPR | Alerts: Describes the Properties of an Object |
ALVFOBVI | Alerts: Parameters for Component CL_CCMS_AL_OBJECT_VIEWER |
ALVFPERS | Alerts: Personalization Key + Parameter Value |
ALVFTIMF | Alerts: Timeframe Used in the Visual Framework |
ALVIEWWSET | Alerts: Worklist for the Alert Viewer (AIDs / TIDs) |
ALVISALDAT | Alert: Visual Line in Alert Viewer |
ALVLOUT | Alerts: Visual Layout of a Monitor Framework |
ALXMIRAW | Alerts: Message Part of an XMI Log Message (Text, Arg) |
ALXML_IN | BAPI XALREPORT - Rows in XML Data Collector Message |
ALXMLELM | DTD Element Specifications for CCMS DataSupplierDTD |
ALXMLMTE | CCMS: Structure for Generic XML Monitoring Data |
ALXMLTOOL | CCMS: Structure for Generic XML Monitoring Data |
BAPIAID | BAPI: ID for 'System Alert' BAPI Object |
BAPIAID_RC | Extension of BAPIAID Structure by Returncode |
BAPIALDATA | BAPI: General Data for an Alert (Value, Severity) |
BAPIALDATE | BAPI: Time stamp Definition (Date, Time) |
BAPIALERT | BAPI: Details for 'System Alert' BAPI |
BAPIALEXT | BAPI: Contains All Alert Data for a (Flat) Structure |
BAPIMLCVAL | BAPI: Current Value of a Log Attribute |
BAPIMLFLT | BAPI: Filter Definition for a Log Attribute |
BAPIMLPROP | BAPI: Specific Properties of a Log Attribute |
BAPIMNNAME | BAPI: Monitor and Monitor Set Name |
BAPIMNPROP | BAPI: (Display) Properties of a System Monitor |
BAPIMSNAME | BAPI: Name of a Monitor Set |
BAPIMSPROP | BAPI: Configuration of MTE Tree / Detail Display |
BAPIMTEGEN | BAPI: General Data for a MTE |
BAPIMTEPRP | BAPI: General Properties of a MTE |
BAPIMTEVAL | BAPI: General Values of a MTE |
BAPIPACVAL | BAPI: Current Values of a Performance Attribute |
BAPIPACVAX | BAPI: TID plus Perf. Current Value plus RC |
BAPIPAHIS | BAPI: Contains All Possible Performance History Data |
BAPIPAPROP | BAPI: Specific Properties of a Performance Attribute |
BAPIPARAMS | BAPI: Parameter Definitions |
BAPIPARENT | BAPI: Information about a Parent of a MTE |
BAPIPAREQ | BAPI: Allows the Definition of the Desired History Date |
BAPISERVIC | BAPI: Contains a List of All Available Servers and Services |
BAPISMCVAL | BAPI: Current Values of a Status Attribute |
BAPISMPROP | BAPI: Specific Properties of a Status Attribute |
BAPITID | BAPI: ID for BAPI Object SystemMonitorTreeElement |
BAPITLDEF | BAPI: Method Definition |
BAPITLRUN | BAPI: Method Runtime Information |
BAPITMPLND | BAPI: Defines a Node for a Monitor Template |
BAPITNDEXT | BAPI: Contains All Node Data |
BAPITNDEXT2 | BAPI: Contains All Node Data (Incl. Long Monitor Names) |
BAPITREEND | BAPI: Contains All Relevant Data for a Tree Node |
BAPITXTPRP | BAPI: Contains Specific Properties of a Text Attribute |
BAPIVARINT | BAPI: Definition of Data for a Variant |
BAPIXMIEXT | BAPI: The Message Part of an External (Translated) Message |
BAPIXMIRAW | BAPI: The Message Part of a XMI Log Message (Text, Arg) |
CCM_TEXTDB_CUST | Customizing of Text History for OS Collector Nodes |
CCMSBI_SRV | CCMS/BW: Server Name |
CSMSYST2 | SAP System |
CUST1000 | Alert: Screen 1000 - Customizing Entry Screen |
CUST1100 | Alert: Screen 1100 - Custom. Group General Values |
CUST1110 | Alert: Screen 1110 - Custom. Group Performance Values |
CUST1120 | Alert: Screen 1120 - TID-Specific Performance Values |
CUST1130 | Alert: Screen 1130 - TID-Specific General Values |
CUST1140 | Alert: Screen 1140 - Custom.Group Single Messages |
CUST1150 | Alert: Screen 1150 - TID-Specific Single Messages |
CUST1160 | Alert: Screen 1160 - Create new Customizing Set |
CUST1170 | Alert: Screen 1170 - Edit ALCONSEG |
CUST1200 | Alert: Dialog box 1200 - Activate Customizing Values |
CUST1210 | Alert: Dialog box 1210 - Assign Tid to group |
CUST1220 | Alert: Dialog box 1220 - Selection for group creation |
CUST1230 | Alert: Dialog box 1230 - Activate a Custom. set |
DOCULINK | Link to SAP Script Documentation |
ITSMATRIX | Table to inport ITS performance Matrix nodes |
OSTATUS | Object status |
SAL_STORAGE_MON_OUTPUT_TYPE | Hypervolumes on a Disk |
SALEPARAMS | Parameters for the SALE Function Modules |
SALKINILOG | Initialization of Log Attribute for the tRFC Data Collector |
SALKINIOBJ | Initialization of Monitoring Object for tRFC Data Collector |
SALKINIPRF | Initialization of Perf. Attribute for tRFC Data Collector |
SALKINISMS | Status Attribute for Initialization of SALK |
SALKKDATA | Kernel Information for Function Group SALK (Mon. Arch.) |
SALKLOGMSG | Initialization of Log Attribute for tRFC Data Collector |
SALKQRFC | TRFC with Output Queues: Monitoring Data |
SALKQRFCR | Data Records That Represent qRFC Calls |
SALKSTTMSG | Status Attribute Pattern for SALK Function Modules |
SALKTRFC | Add a 'New' Marker and Out Queue to TRFCSSTATE Records |
SALM2000 | Configuration of MT detail display in the visual MT tree |
SALM2010 | Screen 2010: Input of an instrument name |
SALM2050 | Screen 2050: Querying Alert Generation Status |
SALM2060 | Screen 2060: Attributes of a Monitor Set |
SALM2070 | Screen 2070: Enter an MT class name |
SALM2080 | Screen 2080: Copying a Monitor |
SALM2090 | Screen 2090: Copying a Monitor Set |
SALM2101 | Configuration of the MT tree (display alert text and so on) |
SALM2102 | Screen 2102: Configuration of the MT detail data display |
SALM2103 | Screen 2103: General MTE tree display options |
SALM2110 | Alerts: Displaying an MT description text |
SALM2120 | Alerts: Data for a Monitor Definition Node |
SALM2121 | Alerts: Data for a rule node of a monitor definition |
SALM2130 | Alerts: Initial Screen: Create a Monitor Definition Node |
SALM2131 | Alerts: Data for a virtual node of a monitor definition |
SALM2132 | Alerts: Rule nodes for a monitor definition (basic data) |
SALM2133 | Alerts: Rule nodes for a monitor definition (parameter) |
SALM2134 | Alerts: Display options for real MTE (MD editor) |
SALM2140 | Alerts: Input for a Time Interval |
SALM2150 | Alerts: Screen for Creating a Status Attribute (Test) |
SALM2151 | Alerts: Screen for Creating Performance Values (Test) |
SALM2152 | Alerts: Screen for Creating Log Attribute Data (Test) |
SALM2160 | Alert: Set Selection Behavior in the MTE Tree |
SALM2180 | Alerts: Create a Monitor or Monitor Set |
SALM2200 | Alerts: Enter Time Interval for Alert Display |
SALM2220 | Alerts: Entry of an Attribute Group and Input Variable |
SALM3000 | Alerts: Rule Description Editor (Initial Screen) |
SALM3001 | Alerts: Rule Description Editor - Administration Data |
SALM3002 | Alerts: Rule Description Editor - Control Data |
SALP0100 | Screen Attributes to Prompt Day Range for Aggreg to PerfDB |
SALRALERT | Function group SALR: Alert structure |
SALRMONCTX | Function group SALR: Monitoring context |
SALRMTECUS | Function group SALR: MTE general Customizing |
SALRMTEGEN | Function group SALR: General data for an MTE |
SALRMTEVAL | Function group SALR: MTE general values |
SALRPARAMS | CCMS Monitoring architecture: SALR parameter definitions |
SALRPARENT | Function Group SALR: Information about an MTE Parent |
SALRTLDEF | Function group SALR: Tool definition |
SALRTLRUN | Function group SALR: Tool runtime information |
SALRUL2000 | Screen 2010: Input of a Monitor Name |
SALRUL2010 | Alerts: Screen 2010: Rule Selection |
SALRUL2011 | Alerts: Display Options for Real MTEs (Monitor Def. Editor) |
SALRUL2020 | Alerts: Screen 2020: Display / Edit Global Parameters |
SALRUL2030 | Alerts: Screen 2030: Set a Rule Parameter |
SALRUL2040 | Alerts: Screen 2040: Delete a Rule Parameter |
SALRUL2060 | Screen 2060: Attributes of a Monitor Set |
SALRUL3000 | Alerts: Rule Description Editor (Initial Screen) |
SALRUL3001 | Alerts: Rule Description Editor - Administration Data |
SALRUL3002 | Alerts: Rule Description Editor - Control Data |
SALSPARAMS | Function Group SALS: Parameter |
SALU1235 | Alert: Screen 1235 (Copy Properties Variant) |
SALU1300 | Screen 1300 (Method Assignment to TID with Effective Meth.) |
SALU1400 | Dynpro 1400: Technical tool definition |
SALU1410 | Screen 1410: Tool release |
SALU1420 | Alert: Screen 1420 (Copy Method Definition) |
SALU1500 | Screen 1500 (tool assignment to MT class) |
SALU2000 | Screen - General Customizing screen and tab strip init. scrn |
SALU2004 | Screen 2004 (Effective tools ) in tab strip |
SALU2006 | Screen - Customizing Log Attribute |
SALUSERCOM | SALU user command and CUA functions |
SALUSLGFIL | Screen struc. for MSC filter: SYSLOG format messages |
SALUT10FIL | Screen structure for PSC filter: format T100 messages |
SALUTDINVA | TID Information / MTE Name / Variant |
SALUTIDINF | TID specific information (TID, Objectname, shrtname, MTname) |
SALUXMIFIL | Screen structure for MSC filter: std. XMI message format |
SALVIS2101 | Screen 2101: Monitor Display Attributes |
SALVIS2102 | Screen 2102: Configuration Data for Monitor Display |
SALVIS2103 | Screen 2103: Monitor Display Attributes |
SALVIS2200 | Alerts: Enter Time Interval for Alert Display |
STATUSMIME | Mime for Status Display |
SAP Package SMOI contains 112 programs.
BCCSM_OBJ_REP_BROWSE_SP | Object Browser of System Component Repository |
BTSCHFUNC | Scheduling the Jobs for the Central Performance History |
PERF_VALUESDS | Data Supplier to report performance database values |
REORGTEST | report to create reporting nodes and reporting values |
RSAL_BATCH_TOOL_DISPATCHING | Alerts: Start Method Dispatching in the Background |
RSAL_BATCH_TOOL_STARTUPDISP | Alerts: Start Tool Dispatching in the Background |
RSAL_CENSYS_TOOL_DISPATCHING | Alerts: Start Tool Dispatching in Central System |
RSAL_COLLECT_STATUS_MTE_4_ALV | Collect Alerts for Specified Monitor |
RSAL_COLLECT_SYS_ALERTS_4_ALV | Collect Alerts for Specified Monitor |
RSAL_EXECUTE_RZ20_FOR_MONITOR | Start RZ20 for Special Monitor |
RSAL_MONISET_ZOMBIES_CLEANUP | Alerts: Clean Up Monitor Sets With Invalid Formats (4.5A / 4.5B) |
RSAL_MONITOR_FRAMEWORK | Alerts: Start the Visual Monitor Framework |
RSAL_START_AL_VIEWER_FOR_MON | RSALTLEX - Start Methods via Screen (to Connect to MMC) |
RSAL_START_TOOL_FOR_ALERT | Start Analysis Method for One Alert Defined by AID |
RSAL_SYS_AVAIL_CONFIG | System Availability Configuration |
RSALBTDP | Monitoring Architecture |
RSALCUS1 | Monitoring Architecture: Customizing Initial Screen |
RSALDBRB | RSALDBRB: CCMS Mon. Archit.: Reorganization ALALERTDB (in Background) |
RSALDBRG | Programm RSALDBRG: CCMS Monitoring Archtitecture: Reorg. ALALERTDB |
RSALGUIDRG | Program RSALGUIDRG: CCMS Monitoring Architecture Reorg. ALALRTGUID |
RSALOBSL | CCMS Monitoring Architecture |
RSALPFLOADDATA | Report to load data from remote systems into the central perf. db. |
RSALPFSFTPLY | report to populate table ALPFSFTPLY |
RSALPREORG | Associate Reorg Schemas with SysID & MTEClass |
RSALREORGDB | abap report reoeganizing the performance database |
RSALREORGDEL | abap report reoeganizing the performance database |
RSALSTMO | Start the CCMS Monitoring Environment (Version 2) |
RSALTLEX | RSALTLEX - Start Methods via Screen (to Connect to MMC) |
RSALTOOL | Test Tool for Tool Dispatching of the CCMS Monitoring Architecture |
RSALUPGR | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV45A | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV46A | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV46A2 | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV46A3 | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV46C | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV46D | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV610 | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV620 | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV630 | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALV99A | CCMS Monitoring Architecture: Delete Obsolete MTEs |
RSALXMLTEST | Test Program for XML Upload/Download of Monitor Sets / Monitors |
RSCSGREO | CCMS Monitoring: Reorganizing Context/Segment Assignmenmt |
RSDS_SCSM_CACHE | RSDSALDB: CCMS Monit. Archit. Self Monitoring: #Completed Alerts in DB |
RSDS_SYSTEM_AVAILABILITY | Data Supplier for the Availability of Systems |
RSDSALDB | RSDSALDB: CCMS Monit. Archit. Self Monitoring: #Completed Alerts in DB |
RSDSALGUID | RSDSALDB: CCMS Monit. Archit. Self Monitoring: #Completed Alerts in DB |
RSDSALSG | RSDSALDB: CCMS Monitoring Arch. Self Monitoring: # Alerts in Segment |
RSDSAPUP | Application Server Availability Percentage |
RSDSBUFF | Alert Migration from 3.1.X to 4.0 |
RSDSDEFLOAD | Passive Data Supplier: Default Load |
RSDSFSYS | Data Supplier for File System Data Within CCMS Monitoring Architecture |
RSDSOSCO | OS Data Collector for Operating System Data |
RSDSOSVIRTAIX | Data Collector for Virtualization of AIX |
RSDSPROC | Data Collector for Process Monitoring |
RSDSSMPL | Sample Program (Example of Passive Data Supplier) |
RSDSSMPL_LOG | Sample program for a collection tool for performance values |
RSDSSMPL_PERFORMANCE | Sample program for a collection tool for performance values |
RSDSSMPL_STATUS | Sample program for a collection tool for performance values |
RSDSSMPL_WORKSHOP | Sample Program (Example of Passive Data Supplier) |
RSDSSMPL_WORKSHOP_BATCH | Sample Program (Example of Passive Data Supplier) |
RSDSUMDT | Passive Data Supplier: Number of Users Logged on |
RSDSUSER | Passive Data Supplier: Number of Users Logged on |
RSPFDB_ADMIN | Performance Database Administration |
RSPFDB_AUTOREPORT | Execution of the Report Definitions Entered in Table ALPFAUTOREPORT |
RSPFDB_CPH_REPORT_REORG | Reorganize CPH Reports |
RSPFDB_TEST_DATA_GEN | Program to Create and Manipulate CPH Test Data |
RSPFDB_TEST_TID_REPAIR | Test Program for Testing the TID Repair Function of the CPH |
RSPFDBTS_INIT | Initial Drive for Data Collection on Every Application Server |
RZAL_ALERT_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for Alert Data Handling |
RZAL_MONITOR_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy Monitoring Data |
RZAL_MTE_DATA_PROXY | Alerts: IMC Data Proxy for Determining MTE Data |
SAPMSSY6 | Cyclic ABAP Program |
SAPMSSY8 | Cyclic ABAP Program |
SP_TEST_QRFC_CONTEXT_UPDATE | Can only be run on the central server |
SAP Package SMOI contains 8 search helps.
AL_CUSTSETS | F4 Help for Properties Variants (ALCUSTSET) |
AL_R3_RFCDEST | Search Help for Type 3 RFC Destinations (R/3 Connections) |
AL_SH_RULE_KEY | Alerts: Search Help for Monitor Definition Rules |
AL_SH_SALM2120_RULE_KEY | Search help for the field SALM2120-RULE_KEY |
CCMSPING_DESTINATION_HELP | CCMS Availability Monitoring: Find CCMSPING RFC Destinations |
F4_ALAVLGCNTL | CCMS: ALAVLGCNTL Reference Groups for Avail. Monitoring |
SAP Package SMOI contains 10 message classes.
CCMS_GRMG | Alert-Nachtrichten für GRMG-Szenarien (Verfügbarkeitsüberw.) |
CCMS_MONI_XML | Meldungen aus dem XML-Prozessor für CCMS Monitore |
CPH | |
EMC | monitoring EMC |
HA | Nachrichten fürs CCMS-Monitoring von HA-Komponenten |
ITS | Nachrichten für den Agenten basierten ITS Monitor |
RA | Monitoring-Infrastruktur Dialogmeldungen |
RT | Monitoring infrastructure MSG and alert texts |
VIRT | Virtualization Monitoring |