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Check it out on →The package STUN (DBA: All the rest in English -> No translation) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | STUN |
Short Text | DBA: All the rest in English -> No translation |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package STUN contains 18 function groups.
GSCD | ===> Object SETS , generated |
SADV | Development for Service Assistant |
SCCD | Download des Shared Cursor Cache |
SDB6TCC | DB6: 4.6C snapshot/cfg interface |
SPRO | ProShare Connection to R/3 |
SQLD | SQL Download: Database independent objec |
ST04N | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
STCH | STUN - consistency checks |
STMO | Monitoring statistics |
STPF | History of DB, OS and SAP profiles |
STU2 | FBs fuer die Reportgenerierung |
STUB | SAPTUNE buffer statistics |
STUH | Functions for ST06 <-> MONI |
STUJ | Hostnamenerweiterungsfunktionen |
STUM | Work Process Monitoring Functions |
STUN | DB information |
STUP | Performance Window |
STUR | Function modules for display |
SAP Package STUN contains 20 transactions.
AL02 | Database alert monitor |
AL04 | Monitor call distribution |
AL08 | Users Logged On |
AL12 | Display table buffer (Exp. session) |
AL13 | Display Shared Memory (Expert mode) |
DB01 | Analyze exclusive lockwaits |
DB02 | Tables and Indexes Monitor |
DB03 | Parameter changes in database |
DB05 | Analysis of a table acc. to index |
OS01 | LAN check with ping |
OSS1 | Logon to SAPNet |
SDBE | Explain an SQL statement |
ST02 | Setups/Tune Buffers |
ST04 | DB Performance Monitor |
ST04N | Database Performance Monitor |
ST10 | Table Call Statistics |
ST4A | Database: Shared cursor cache (ST04) |
STP4 | Select DB activities |
STUN | Menu Performance Monitor |
TU02 | Parameter changes |
SAP Package STUN contains 118 database tables.
AMDS | Effective size of tables and indexes in the database |
AMDT | Control Table for Application Monitor / DB Storage |
AMRH | Application Monitor: Hierarchy acc. to TCODE/REPORT |
AMSK | SQL trace header info in application monitor |
AMSP | SQL trace position info in application monitor |
BUFCHECK | Exception table of tables that cannot be buffered |
DBCHK | Exceptions for data base checks |
DBSNP | Database snapshots |
DBSTAIHADA | Actual size of indices on the database (history) |
DBSTAIHORA | Actual size of indices on the database (history) |
DBSTATHADA | Actual size of tables on the database (history) |
DBSTATHINF | INFORMIX update statistical information |
DBSTATHORA | Actual size of tables on the database (history) |
DBSTATIADA | Actual size of indices on the database |
DBSTATIORA | Actual size of indices on the database |
DBSTATTADA | Actual size of tables on the database |
DBSTATTINF | INFORMIX update statistical information |
DBSTATTORA | Actual size of tables on the database |
DBVSE | Tabelle für Oracle DB Snapshots von V$SYSTEM_EVENT |
EARLY | Monitor table MONI |
EWJOBSCHED | Scheduling parameters for EarlyWatch background jobs |
EWOSS | Technical settings for transaction OSS1 |
EWTABB | Tabelle fuer EarlyWatch-Report |
FILESTAT | Created in the R/3 DDIC to avoid brconnect warnings |
GST04SRVRS | List of all R/3 instances with DB |
GVD_BGPROCESS | Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$BGPROCESS |
GVD_BUFF_POOL_ST | Oracle Monitoring: Copy of gv$buffer_pool_statistics |
GVD_DATABASE | Copy of GV$DATABASE (currently not provided with snapshots) |
GVD_DB_CACHE_ADV | Copy of GV$DB_CACHE_ADVICE (currently not provided w. snaps) |
GVD_LATCH_PARENT | Copy of GV$LATCH_PARENT (currently not provided with snaps.) |
GVD_LATCHHOLDER | Copy of GV$LATCHHOLDER (currently not provided with snapsh.) |
GVD_LATCHNAME | Copy of GV$LATCHNAME (currently not provided with snapshots) |
GVD_LIBRARYCACHE | Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$LIBRARYCACHE |
GVD_LOCK | Copy of GV$LOCK |
GVD_LOGFILE | Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$LOGFILE |
GVD_MANGD_STANBY | copy of GV$MANAGED_STANDBY (currently not provided w. snaps) |
GVD_OBJECT_DEPEN | Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY |
GVD_PARAMETER2 | Copy of GV$PARAMETER2 (currently not provided with snapshot |
GVD_PX_SESSION | Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$PX_SESSION |
GVD_ROWCACHE | Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$ROWCACHE |
GVD_SEGMENT_STAT | Copy of GV$SEGMENT_STATISTICS (curr. not provided w. snaps) |
GVD_SEGSTAT | Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$SEGSTAT |
GVD_SERVERLIST | Oracle Monitoring: Snapshot table for the R/3 serverlist |
GVD_SESS_IO | Copy of GV$SESS_IO (currently not provided with snapshots) |
GVD_SESSION | Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SESSION |
GVD_SESSION_EVT | Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$SESSION_EVENT |
GVD_SESSION_WAIT | Oracle monitoring: Copy of GV$SESSION_WAIT |
GVD_SESSTAT | Snapshot table for GV$SESSTAT (curr. not provided w. snaps) |
GVD_SGA | Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA |
GVD_SGACURRRESIZ | Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE |
GVD_SGADYNCOMP | Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPON |
GVD_SGADYNFREE | Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_M |
GVD_SGARESIZEOPS | Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SGA_RESIZE_OPS |
GVD_SGASTAT | Oracle monitoring: Snapshot table for GV$SGASTAT |
GVD_SHAR_P_ADV | Oracle Monitoring: Copy of gv$shared_pool_advice |
GVD_SPPARAMETER | Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SPPARAMETER |
GVD_SQL | Copy of GV$SQL (currently not provided with snapshots) |
GVD_SQL_WA_ACTIV | Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE |
GVD_SQL_WORKAREA | Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$SQL_WORKAREA |
GVD_SQLAREA | Copy of GV$SQLAREA (currently not provided with snapshots) |
GVD_SQLTEXT | Copy of GV$SQLTEXT (currently not provided with snapshots) |
GVD_UNDOSTAT | Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$UNDOSTAT |
GVD_WAITSTAT | Oracle Monitoring: Copy of GV$WAITSTAT |
GVD_WPTOTALINFO | Oracle Monitoring: Workprocess Information snapshot table |
MONI | Monitor table MONI |
ORA_DBA_EXTENTS | Copy of DBA_EXTENTS (currently not provided with snapshots) |
ORA_DBA_OBJECTS | Copy of DBA_OBJECTS (currently not provided with snapshots) |
ORA_DBA_SEGMENTS | Copy of DBA_SEGMENTS (currently not provided with snapshots) |
ORA_DBA_TABLES | Copy of DBA_TABLES (currently not provided with snapshots) |
ORA_HISTPAR | Parameter values for oracle history collector |
ORA_IDLE_EVENTS | Oracle: Idle events |
ORA_RESUMABLE | Oracle monitor: Copy of DBA_RESUMABLE |
ORA_SAP_AUXSTATS | Oracle monitor: Copy of SAP_AUXSTATS |
ORA_SNAPSHOT | Master data of an oracle monitor snapshot |
PAHI | History of system, DB and SAP parameter |
SAPWLREORG | SAP Workload: Reorganization control |
SAPWLSERV | SAP Workload: Table of active servers |
SAPWLT000 | SAP workload: statistics data |
SAPWLT001 | SAP workload: Table statistics |
SAPWLT002 | SAP workload: RFC statistics data |
ST04N_ANA | Detailed analyses in ST04N |
ST04N_ANAT | Detailed analyses in ST04N (Node names) |
ST04N_LIM | Limiting values for lights in oracle main monitor |
TAME0 | Application Monitor: Table - Event |
TCOLL | Configuration: Data collection for performance monitoring |
TNETMAC | Maintenance of mac addresses in SAP network monitor |
TNETMONINF | Network Monitor:Configuration data and work information |
TRS35 | Control Table RSSTAT35 Collector Run |
TSEXC | Standard Values for Performance Monitoring |
TSHM0 | Name texts for shared memory segments |
TSPRF | Standard Values for Performance Monitoring |
TSTAM | Application object tables |
TSTAMK | Classification of SAP Tables by Expected Size in Production |
TUNE1 | Tune: Maximum Puffer Sizes/Directory Entries Reached |
TUNEOPSGEN | table for generate decision |
USER_DIR | Table used to store user def. directories to be used in al11 |
WPTOTLIUSR | User settings in global work process overview |
SAP Package STUN contains 5 views.
H_USRDIR | help for user_dir table |
MONI_V01 | Projection View MONI |
USRACCNTV | User<->Account relation |
V_DD02T | Texts only for TRANSP and POOL tables |
V_ST04N_ANA_LF | Help view: Detailed analyses monitor (only leaves) |
SAP Package STUN contains 348 structures.
ALSTATITEM | Statistische Daten über einzelne SAP-Tabellen + host + rc |
ARCH_CCMS | Screen fields for archiving CCMS link |
ARCHOBJTC | Archiving object |
ARCHTABTC | Database table |
BUF_H_CONT | SAP buffer history - table of contents |
BUFHISTREC | Buffer history: memory and system information |
CACHE_BUF_CHAINS | Latch Monitoring |
CCSTATS | Cursor cache statistics |
CCSTATSTTL | SAP cursor cache: total statistics for all work processes |
CLASSES | Buffer class selection parameters |
COLLLANSEG | Network monitor: Segment information |
COLLSEGTOP | Network monitor: Top performer structure |
CTABSTAT | Statistical data on individual SAP tables (kernel) |
CUACONTENT | Content of the CUA buffer |
DB6BPSNAP | DB2 Universal Database: Buffer-Pool-Specific Snapshot |
DB6DBSNAP | DB2 Universal Database: Database-Specific Snapshot |
DB6TSPACE | Tablespace Structure |
DB6TSSNAP | DB2 Universal Database: Tablespace Snapshot |
DBOPTSTATS | Structure for Optimizer Statistics Check |
DBSAPCHECK | type of db/sap consistency check |
DBSTATAM | Read structure of DB statistics data for Application Monitor |
DBSTATDEC | Structure table call statistics with dec. fields |
DBSTATDEC64 | Struktur Table call statistic mit dec Feldern |
DBSTATITEM | Statistical data for individual SAP tables |
DBSTATITEM64 | Statistische Daten über eine einzelne SAP-Tabellen |
DBSYS | Database system (ORA,INF, ... etc.) |
DBTABSTAT | Table statistics sizes |
DML_TIMESTAMP | Oracle monitoring: DML timestamp. |
EMBLKSTATE | Extended Memory Block Status |
EMSTATUSAG | Extended Memory Statistics: utilization data |
ENQSTAT | Structure for storing (g)v$enqueue_stat data |
ENTRY_TAB | table with tracefile entries |
EWEFATABSZ | Structure of data about table & index sizes (bytes) |
EWEFATINFO | Info structure about last table size analysis |
EWHIETAB | Experience database, structure for hierarchy table |
EWJOBSIO | Field for input & output of job scheduling data |
EWOBJTAB | Experience database, structure for simple object table |
EWTSSCHED | Scheduling parameters of table size collector |
EXCLLCKWTS | Exclusive lock waiters |
FIELD_INFO | FIELD_INFO -> list of fields for all OracleV$, dba views |
FLD_INFO | Informationen über alle Felder (<20) der V$Tabellen |
FLSYSRQST | Statistics for Physical Access to ORACLE Database |
GLOBALDATA | globale Daten des SCC (ORACLE) |
GRP_INFO | GRP_INFO -> List of Oracle table groups (V$, dba, ...) |
GSCDCOSTR | Schnittstellenbeschreibung für GSCD-Funktionsbausteine |
GSCDMODRE | Struktur der Übergabetabelle I_MODIREP |
GSCDSDEVC | Statistik: Anzahl mod. Objekte pro Entwicklungsklasse |
GSCDSOBTY | Statistiktabelle: Anzahl mod. Objekte pro Objekttyp |
GST04 | Statistics: Structure for data base information display |
HOT_BLOCKS | Latch Monitoring |
HOUR_TAB | Table structure for collector data such as hour_ok |
HPSTATUSAG | Heap Memory Statistics: utilization data |
KNSAPWLUS | SAP workload - user structure plus user classification |
LATCH | Latch Monitoring |
LATCH_CHILDREN | Latch Monitoring |
LATCH_HOLDER | Latch Monitoring |
LATCH_HOLDER_SQL | Latch Monitoring |
LISTE | List Structure for Transferring Log Information |
LPAHI | Work area for parameter history |
LTC_PROTEC_STMT1 | Latch Monitoring |
LTC_PROTEC_STMT2 | Latch Monitoring |
MEMALLOC | Memory class allocation |
MEMHIST | SAP Memory Statistics: History |
MEMMODETAB | External and internal modes of a user |
MEMPARAMTR | Memory management parameters |
MEMPARAMTY | Speicherverwaltungsparameter DEC15 |
MISSOBJ | name of missing object on database/ in SAP dictionary |
MONI_CHECK | Number of missing indices/tables in MONI |
MONIGLOBAL | globale Informationen des RSORADLD zum Speichern in der MONI |
MSSPFNTOPS | Display MSQSNAP table: Server set |
NTABCONTNT | Nametab content |
NUMMER | Structure for numbers table |
ODBSTATITM | Statistical data for individual SAP Tables (f. Rel. < 3.0) |
ORA_083_DBSNP | Structure used by report RSORA083 |
ORA_BUFF_BUSY_WAIT_MON | Structure for use in the Buffer Busy Wait Monitor |
ORA_CHECKPOINT_STRUCTURE | Oracle Checkpoint Structure for Submonitor Checkpoint. |
ORA_DBMS_STAT_TABLE_CHAR_STR | Structure of type stat-table. submonitor system statistics |
ORA_DBMS_STAT_TABLE_STRUCTURE | Structure of type stat-table. submonitor system statistics |
ORA_LK_INSTANCE | SDD - Oracle lock monitor: instance list |
ORA_LK_LOCKS | SDD - Oracle lock monitor: lock summary |
ORA_LK_OBJECTS | SDD - Oracle lock monitor: list of loced objects |
ORA_LK_PROCESS | SDD - Oracle lock monitor: process list |
ORA_PG_PEROPT | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: PEROPT |
ORA_PG_PGAADV | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: PGAADV |
ORA_PG_PGAHIS | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: PGAHIS |
ORA_PG_PGASTA | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: PGASTA |
ORA_PG_PROCES | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: PROCESS |
ORA_PG_SQLHIS | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: SQLHIS |
ORA_PG_SQLOMP | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: SQLOMP |
ORA_PG_SQLTEXT | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: SQLTEXT |
ORA_PG_SQLWOA | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: SQLWOA |
ORA_PG_WOAACT | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: WOAACT |
ORA_PG_WOAEXE | SDD - Oracle PGA monitor: WOAEXE |
ORA_PROCESSROW | Oracle Monitoring: Processes-row type |
ORA_PX_DETAIL_STRUCTURE | Parallel Query Detail Process Infos |
ORA_PX_PROC_INFO_VIEW | Show physical infos about a parallel query process |
ORA_S_RESTART | Restart information of an oracle instance |
ORA_SEM_BWSUM | SDD - Oracle system event monitor: busy wait summary |
ORA_SEM_SEDT | SDD - Oracle system event monitor: s. event details |
ORA_SEM_SYSEV | SDD - Oracle system event monitor: system events |
ORA_SERVERLISTROW | Oracle Monitoring : Serverlist Row |
ORA_SG_BPS | SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: BPS |
ORA_SG_CRO | SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: CRO |
ORA_SG_DCA | SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: DCA |
ORA_SG_SDC | SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: SDC |
ORA_SG_SGA | SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: SGA |
ORA_SG_SGASTAT | SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: SGASTAT |
ORA_SG_SPA | SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: SPA |
ORA_SG_SRO | SDD - Oracle SGA monitor: SRO |
ORA_SM_SESSIONS | SDD - Oracle session monitor: session list |
ORA_SNAP_MAILRCV | Oracle snapshot: log mail receiver |
ORA_SQLTEXTROW | Oracle Monitoring - SQL TEXT row |
ORA_STMT | Oracle: SQL Statement and Length |
ORA_TA_SEGSTAT | Relevant Segment Statistics for the Table Access Monitor |
ORA_TA_TABSEGSTAT | Structure for the Table Access Monitor |
ORA_TABACCESS | Oracle Table Access Monitor Structure |
ORA_TABLE_ACCESS | Structure for the table access monitor |
ORA_WPTOTALINFROW | Oracle Monitoring: WP information: row |
ORAALOGCLS | Oracle monitoring: Alert log classification structure |
ORABLKANAL | Detailed Analysis of Oracle Tables |
ORAEXPLAIN | Explain Plan for Oracle Statement |
ORAEXPLTRE | Oracle: Explain Tree Zusatzinformation für Hierarchieknoten |
ORAIDXCOL2 | Information about Index Columns |
ORAIDXFLDS | ORACLE: Download SQL SE11 Index Fields |
ORAIDXHEAD | ORACLE Download SQL SE11 Index header |
ORAIDXINF2 | statistical Index Information |
ORAIDXINFO | Index Informationen |
ORAINDANAL | Detailed Analysis of Oracle Indexes (fr. V.7) |
ORAJOICOND | Oracle: Download Join Conditions |
ORAPHYTABL | ORACLE: Download Physical Tables for Joins |
ORASELCOND | Oracle: Download Selection Conditions |
ORATABCOL2 | Information about table columns |
ORATABFLDS | ORACLE: Download SQL SE11 Table fields |
ORATABHEAD | ORACLE: Download SQL SE11 Table header |
ORATABINFO | statistische Tabelleninformationen |
OSDATA | Operating system monitor data (server and time independent) |
PARAM_TBL | INTTAB for Getting Informix Parameters |
PBFCONTENT | Content of presentation buffer (PRES) |
PERFDATA | Statistic Record for Performance Window |
PFSPOACT | Spool statistical record: Action information |
PFSPOPRI | Spool statistical record: Print information |
PFSTATIREC | Statistical index record |
PROF_HIST | History of a DB, OS or SAP profile |
PROFPARAM | Profile parameter |
PXACONTENT | Content of ABAP/4 program buffer (PXA) |
PXACONTENT64 | Inhaltsbeschreibung des ABAP/4-Programm-Puffers (PXA) |
PXAINFO | Special informatino on PXA (program buffer) |
PXAINFOS | Selected information for PXA (program buffer) |
REDEF_TABS | Oracle monitoring: Online redefinition tables. |
RFCCALSTUN | General parameters for RFC calls in dev. class STUN |
RLPG_STAT | Statistics on SAP roll or paging area |
RPHIST | Roll & paging usage: history |
RS07S | SQL trace summary - output fields |
RST02 | Structure for Documentation ST02 |
RSTABL | ApplMon, table structure |
SAPBUFQUAL | Qualities of SAP buffers |
SAPTUNEBFN | SAPTUNE buffer names |
SAPWLD000 | SAP Workload: Workload analysis: Data record for basis table |
SAPWLD001 | SAP Workload: Workload: Table statistics data record |
SAPWLD002 | SAP Workload: Workload: RFC statistics data record |
SAPWLK000 | SAP workload: Key with instance/period/date/type/task |
SAPWLK001 | SAP Workload: Key with BTa/Program/Clt.+Ben./Application |
SAPWLK002 | SAP workload: Time area/CUA program/function code |
SAPWLK004 | SAP Workload: Key for RFC FuMod./Target/Rem.Host/Rol. |
SAPWLPSTRC | SAP Workload: Stats. records/workload: func. module param. |
SAPWLSCTID | SAP Workload: Stat. collector: table of last read trans IDs |
SAPWLTABR | SAP Workload: Workload: Table statistical record |
SAPWLTADIR | Structure for the table of contents of the table statistics |
SAPWLTASTR | Data structures in the table statistics |
SAPWLTCDAT | SAP Workload: Time comparison stats. |
SAPWLTCHPT | SAP Workload: Time comp. stats.: Host<->Period directory |
SAPWLTCPTB | SAP Workload: Time comp. stats.: Periodic table structure |
SAPWLTCTIM | SAP Workload: Time comp. stats.: Periodic times |
SAPWRFCC | SAP Workload: Workload: RFC client statistical record |
SDBA_ALINE | Structure to fill archive detail line in SDBAD |
SDBA_BLINE | Structure to fill backup detail line in SDBAD |
SDBAARCH | Oracle: History of redo log files |
SDBAIA | Internal table structure for DB alerts |
SDBAIDIR | INTTAB for Directory Fill Status Query |
SDBAIREP | Structure for returning info on backups/archives |
SDBAREQIDL | Request ID list |
SDBELOGSQL | ADABAS for R/3: Status of Log |
SEGTABSTAB | Table units included in the segment |
SHMPOOLINF | Structure for SHM_POOLS |
SHMPOOLS | Structure of table shm_pools |
SHMTABLE_S | Structure of table shmtable |
SIMELD | Internal structure for forecast messages |
SIPROG | Structure for forecast module |
SPCOM | Interface to forecasting |
SQLD_ABAP | information on ABAP program in SQL trace (ST05) |
SQLD_ADMIN | administrative information on the SQL trace (ST05) |
SQLD_EXPL | Explain für SQL Trace Download |
SQLD_JOIN | Interne Struktur für Joins von Views |
SQLD_PHT | V-VIEWTABLE: View auf Basistabellen eines Views |
SQLD_SEL | View auf Selektionsbedingung |
SQLD_SQL | Statement ID / Source text |
SQLD_ST05 | list of identical SQL statements (ST05) |
SQLD_WBTC | SAP Workload: Stat. Record: Batch: Statistiksatz |
SQLD_WDIA | SAP Workload: Stat. Record: Haupt-Statistiksatz |
SQLDSE11IH | SQL Download SE11 Index header |
SQLDSE11IP | SQL Download SE11 Index positions |
SQLDSE11TH | SQL Download SE11 Table header |
SQLDSE11TP | SQL Download SE11 Table columns |
SSQLPCOL | Structure: columns within a parsed sql statement |
SSQLPTABLE | Structure: tables / views within a parsed sql statmt (obsol) |
SSQLPTABLES | Structure: tables / views within a parsed sql statement |
ST02_T1 | Fields of Table Statistics Display ST02 (RSMSS02) |
ST04N_CHAR | Data to be displayed in new ST04N - characteristics |
ST04N_DATA | Data to be displayed in new ST04N |
ST04N_GICO | Data to be displayed in new ST04N - general icons (non-inst) |
ST04N_INSTICO | Data to be displayed in new ST04N - instance specific icons |
ST04N_KYF | Data to be displayed in new ST04N - key figures |
ST04N_LIGHTS | Data to be displayed in new ST04N - lights (yellow, red, ... |
STATE | Statistics: Display external workload data information |
STI_BGPROCESS | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$BGPROCESS. |
STI_BUFR_POOL_ST | Oracle monitoring: Buffer pool stats. |
STI_DATAFILE | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$datafile. |
STI_DATAGUARD_ST | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$DATAGUARD_STATUS. |
STI_ENQUEUE_STAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$ENQUEUE_STAT. |
STI_FILESTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$FILESTAT. |
STI_INSTANCE | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$INSTANCE. |
STI_LATCH | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LATCH. |
STI_LATCH_MISSES | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LATCH_MISSES. |
STI_LATCHCHILDS | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LATCH_CHILDREN. |
STI_LIBRARY | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LIBRARYCACHE. |
STI_LOCK | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LOCK. |
STI_LOCK_ACTIVIT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LOCK_ACTIVITY. |
STI_LOCKED_OBJEC | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LOCKED_OBJECT. |
STI_LOGFILE | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$LOGFILE. |
STI_OBJEC_DEPEN | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY. |
STI_PARAMETER | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$PARAMETER. |
STI_PGA_TARGET_A | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE. |
STI_PGA_TARGET_H | Oracle monitoring:structure for GV$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_HISTO.. |
STI_PGASTAT | Oracle monitoring:structure for GV$PGASTAT. |
STI_PROCESS | Oracle monitoring:structure for GV$PROCESS. |
STI_PX_SESSION | Oracle monitoring:structure for GV$PX_SESSION. |
STI_ROWCACHE | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$ROWCACHE. |
STI_SEGSTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SEGSTAT. |
STI_SESSION | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SESSION. |
STI_SESSION_EVT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SESSION_EVENT. |
STI_SESSION_WAIT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SESSION_WAIT. |
STI_SGA | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGA. |
STI_SGACURRRESIZ | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS. |
STI_SGADYNCOMP | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS. |
STI_SGARESIZEOPS | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGA_RESIZE_OPS. |
STI_SGASTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SGASTAT. |
STI_SHAR_P_ADV | Oracle monitoring: structure for Gv$shared_pool_advice. |
STI_SPPARAMETER | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SPPARAMETER. |
STI_SQL_WA_ACTIV | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE. |
STI_SQL_WA_HISTO | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM. |
STI_SQL_WORKAREA | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SQL_WORKAREA. |
STI_SYSSTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SYSTAT. |
STI_SYSTEM_EVENT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SYSTEM_EVENT. |
STI_TEMPFILE | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$TEMPFILE. |
STI_UNDOSTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$UNDOSTAT. |
STI_WAITSTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$WAITSTAT. |
STMTDATA | Daten zum Statement des SCC Download (Oracle) |
STR_BGPROCESS | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$BGPROCESS. |
STR_BUFR_POOL_ST | Oracle monitoring: Buffer pool stats. |
STR_DATAFILE | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$datafile. |
STR_DATAGUARD_ST | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$DATAGUARD_STATUS. |
STR_ENQUEUE_STAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$ENQUEUE_STAT. |
STR_FILESTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$FILESTAT. |
STR_INSTANCE | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$INSTANCE. |
STR_LATCH | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LATCH. |
STR_LATCH_MISSES | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LATCH_MISSES. |
STR_LATCHCHILDS | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LATCH_CHILDREN. |
STR_LIBRARY | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LIBRARYCACHE. |
STR_LOCK | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LOCK. |
STR_LOCK_ACTIVIT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LOCK_ACTIVITY. |
STR_LOCK_ACTIVITY | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$datafile. |
STR_LOCKED_OBJEC | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LOCKED_OBJECT. |
STR_LOGFILE | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$LOGFILE. |
STR_OBJEC_DEPEN | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY. |
STR_PARAMETER | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$PARAMETER. |
STR_PGA_TARGET_A | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE. |
STR_PGA_TARGET_H | Oracle monitoring:structure for V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_HISTOGR. |
STR_PGASTAT | Oracle monitoring:structure for V$PGASTAT. |
STR_PROCESS | Oracle monitoring:structure for V$PROCESS. |
STR_PX_SESSION | Oracle monitoring:structure for V$PX_SESSION. |
STR_ROWCACHE | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$ROWCACHE. |
STR_SEGMENT_STAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$SEGMENT_STATISTICS. |
STR_SEGSTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SEGSTAT. |
STR_SESSION | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SESSION. |
STR_SESSION_EVT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SESSION_EVENT. |
STR_SESSION_WAIT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SESSION_WAIT. |
STR_SGA | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGA. |
STR_SGACURRRESIZ | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS. |
STR_SGADYNCOMP | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS. |
STR_SGARESIZEOPS | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS. |
STR_SGASTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SGASTAT. |
STR_SHAR_P_ADV | Oracle monitoring: structure for v$shared_pool_advice. |
STR_SPPARAMETER | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SPPARAMETER. |
STR_SQL_WA_ACTIV | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE. |
STR_SQL_WA_HISTO | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM. |
STR_SQL_WORKAREA | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SQL_WORKAREA. |
STR_SYSSTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SYSTAT. |
STR_SYSTEM_EVENT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$SYSTEM_EVENT. |
STR_TEMPFILE | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$TEMPFILE. |
STR_UNDO_CONS | Oracle monitoring: structure for Undo Stats max consumption. |
STR_UNDOSTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$UNDOSTAT. |
STR_UNDOSTAT_CALC | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$UNDOSTAT. |
STR_UNDOSTAT_SS | Oracle monitoring: structure for GV$UNDOSTAT - stats display |
STR_WAITSTAT | Oracle monitoring: structure for V$WAITSTAT. |
STUN_HOST | Struktur der Systemliste |
SYNCDSPHLP | Help values for screen entry |
SYNCSTAT | Synchronization overview statistics |
SYNCTAB | Structure of buffer synchronization telegram |
SYNCTABDB2 | Structure of buffer synchronization telegram |
SYS_PARAMS | Get DB Parameter |
T10_ST02 | ST02: Fields for screen 10 |
T20_ST02 | ST02: Fields for screens 20, 21, 22, 23 |
TABBUFQUAL | Table buffer qualities |
TABCOLUMNS | Spalten der Tabelle mit Informationen |
TABHIST | Table access statistics: history |
TABHITRATO | Table statistics: hit rates |
TABLEASSM | Tablespace with Automatic Segment Space Management |
TABLESPACE_ASSM | Tablespace with Automatic Segment Space Management |
TABLLOGACC | Table statistics: logical (ABAP) database accesses |
TABLLOGACC64 | Tabellenstatistik: Logische (ABAP) Datenbank-Zugriffe 64-Bit |
TABOPERTNS | Table statistics: total number of operations |
TABPHYSACC | Table statistics: physical database accesses |
TABPHYSACC64 | Tabellenstatistik: Physikalische Datenbank-Zugriffe |
TST04 | Statistics: Structure for data base information display |
TST04INST | ORACLE Parallel Server instances |
TST04SQD | ADABAS D table for database summary |
TUNEHD | Statistical data for internal SAP buffers |
TUNEHD64 | Statistische Daten über interne SAP-Puffer |
TUNEHDHIST | History: Statistical data for internal SAP buffers |
TUNEHDWQ | Statistical data re. SAP buffer & quality/hit ratios |
TUNEHDWQ64 | Statistische Daten ü. SAP Puffer u. Qualitäten/Hitratios |
UNIXLIST | List of strings with results of unix command |
VIEW_INFO | VIEW_INFO -> list of Oracle v$, dba views... |
VIEWS_TAB | Oracle monitoring: Display V$/GV$ views. |
VSQLAREA | Felder des SCC der ST04 |
WPTOTLICER | Description of communications problems |
WPTOTLIHLP | Work process info: structure for help texts |
WPTOTLINFO | Detailed work process info per instance |
WPTOTLIUWP | Work processes used |
SAP Package STUN contains 173 programs.
MENUSTUN | Initial Screen for Performance Monitor |
RSCOLL00 | Main program: Performance monitor (RFC) collector run |
RSDB0005 | DB05: Analysis of Table with Respect to Indexed Fields |
RSDB0012 | Root Module for Transaction DB12 |
RSDB004N | Database monitor |
RSDB0245 | Database: Shared Cursor Cache (DB-independent) |
RSDB0500 | Database Messages |
RSDBASHP | Alert box: Only available for Oracle (-> RSDBASHO) |
RSDBPREV | Performance Monitor: Collector for History of Previous Days |
RSDSTADA | Read DB Statistic Data for Application Monitor (ADABAS) |
RSDSTDB2 | Read Database Statistical Data for Application Monitor (DB2 OS/390) |
RSDSTINF | Read DB Statistic Data for Application Monitor (INFORMIX) |
RSDSTORA | Read DB statistics data for Application Monitor (ORACLE) |
RSEFA350 | Scheduler for EarlyWatch & maintenance reports & external programs |
RSEFA910 | Logon: SAPNet |
RSGRAF00 | Hierarchy representation |
RSORA000 | ORACLE monitor |
RSORA001 | Installation Parameters of Oracle Data Base |
RSORA002 | System Statistics of Oracle Data Base |
RSORA003 | Statistics of Physical Accesses to Oracle Data Base |
RSORA004 | Actual Data Base Locks |
RSORA005 | System Global Area of Oracle Database V$SGA |
RSORA006 | Statistics of Dictionary Caches |
RSORA007 | Statistics of Data Base Wait Situations |
RSORA008 | Statistics of Rollback Segments |
RSORA009 | Accesses and Wait Times on Latches |
RSORA00D | Direct call of submonitors (new entry design) |
RSORA00E | DB-ORA-Monitor: New Entry Design |
RSORA010 | Latchholder |
RSORA011 | Actual Data Base Processes |
RSORA012 | Locks on Resources |
RSORA013 | Tables Accessed |
RSORA014 | Transactions |
RSORA015 | Background Processes |
RSORA016 | Dictionary Cache Statistics |
RSORA022 | Monitor One Data Base Session |
RSORA030 | ?... |
RSORA031 | Latch Wait Situation |
RSORA032 | Latchholder |
RSORA040 | Accesses and Wait Times for Latches |
RSORA050 | ST04 (Oracle): Resource Consumption by R/3 Client |
RSORA060 | DB02 (Oracle): Main Program |
RSORA070 | System Statistics of Oracle Data Base |
RSORA077 | Session Monitor |
RSORA083 | Display History of Database Calls (ST04: Previous Days) |
RSORA085 | Database Performance Summary |
RSORA100 | Subroutines for Explain Plan |
RSORA110 | Display SAP, OS and DB parameter changes |
RSORA130 | Datafile Information from the Control File |
RSORA131 | Log File Information from the Control File |
RSORA132 | Information About Redo Log Files |
RSORA133 | Archive Log Info for EAch Thread in the Data Base |
RSORA134 | Information on Multi-Thread Message Queue |
RSORA135 | Data Base Information from the Control File |
RSORA136 | Log History Info About the Control File |
RSORA137 | Listing of resources/events that active sessions are waiting for |
RSORA138 | IO Stat for Each User Session (ORA7 V$SESS_10) |
RSORA139 | Current Time in Hundredths of Seconds |
RSORA140 | Shows all fixed tables, views and derived tables in the data base |
RSORA141 | State of Current Instance (v$instance) |
RSORA142 | Information About Licence Limits |
RSORA143 | Archive Logs needed to Complete Media Recovery |
RSORA144 | Status of Files Needing Media Recovery |
RSORA145 | Shared Cursor Cache |
RSORA146 | Listing of resources/events that active sessions are waiting for |
RSORA147 | ST04: Shared Cursor Cache (V$SQL) |
RSORA148 | Thread Information from Control Files |
RSORA149 | Information on Dispatcher Processes |
RSORA150 | Enabled Privileges |
RSORA151 | Cursor Each User Session Currently Opened and Parsed |
RSORA152 | ORACLE 7.0 Information on MULTI-THREAD Message Queue |
RSORA153 | Histogram of Request Times |
RSORA156 | Data Base Objects Cached in Library Cache |
RSORA158 | Statistics on Library Cache |
RSORA159 | Session Information |
RSORA160 | Current Time in Hundredths of Seconds |
RSORA181 | V$event_name |
RSORA182 | V$Executtion |
RSORA183 | V$Fixed_View_Definition |
RSORA184 | V$Latch_children |
RSORA185 | V$Latch_parent |
RSORA186 | V$Object_dependency |
RSORA187 | V$Describe_session_info |
RSORA200 | Display V$locked_object |
RSORA201 | v$lock_activity |
RSORA202 | v$ping |
RSORA203 | statistic of pinged objects |
RSORA204 | False pinging |
RSORA245 | Shared Cursor Cache |
RSORA300 | List of all appl.server + DB instances |
RSORA800 | Start complete database backup, old report, will be deleted! |
RSORA801 | Start BrBackup with -v Using Interface to External Programs |
RSORA805 | print the daily recovery report, !!! old report, will be deleted !!! |
RSORA811 | Delete Old BrBackup/BrArchive Logs (SDBAH and SDBAD) |
RSORA820 | brbackup Profile Management for Experts |
RSORA999 | Display of Statistics for Physical Accesses to Oracle Files |
RSORACMP | Mini-compiler for OPS |
RSORADBA | ORACLE-Dependent Forms for SAPDBA |
RSORADJV | Display joins of V$-, GV$- and DBA-Views (Owner SYS) |
RSORAHCL | History collector for oracle database monitors |
RSORAHST | Oracle DB statistics history: Take snapshot + reorg snapshots |
RSORAINI | Oracle Monitor: Initialization |
RSORAMAM | external performs for OPS |
RSORAMAV | temporary created from RSORASC2 |
RSORAOPS | OPS subroutines |
RSORAREL | Check Oracle Version |
RSORAS30 | Exclusive Lockwaits |
RSORASNP | Reorg Table SNAPS and STAT$ |
RSORAT02 | To be deleted (T.S. 6/97) |
RSORATB4 | ?... |
RSORATC3 | ?... |
RSORATC5 | DB02 (Oracle): Checks: Extents of Tables and Indexes (Not Used > 31G) |
RSORATC8 | List of all table DB blocks |
RSORATCA | Checks Whether Next Extent Size Is Less Than Growth In The Last Month |
RSORATD1 | to be deleted! Use function 'DB02_ORA_FILL_TS_CHECK__CRITOB' instead! |
RSRMINST | Deleting an Instance out of the Table PAHI (Parameter History) |
RSSNAP00 | Statistics of Data Base Wait Situations |
RSSTAT60 | Performance analysis: Reorganisation statistical data (Database: MONI) |
RSSTAT85 | Performance analysis: Display of table calls alert monitor |
RSSTAT90 | Performance analysis: Collects table call statistic into MONI database |
RSSTAT92 | Performance analysis: Display table call statistics of selected month |
RSSTAT93 | Initialize table statistics |
RSSTAT98 | Performance Analysis: Update Server List ( Table SAPWLSERV ) |
RSSTAT99 | Oracel call statistics |
RSTABBUF | Buffering Allowed, But Not Buffered |
RSTABL11 | Performance analysis: Table call statistics |
RSTSTAMK | TSTAMK Maintenance |
RSTUNE50 | Display of statistics about SAP buffers, main report of transact. ST02 |
RSTUNE51 | Performance Analysis: Tune: Buffered Programs & State of PXA Buffer |
RSTUNE52 | Performance analysis: Tune: Display of CUA buffered objects |
RSTUNE54 | Performance Analysis: Buffered Screens/Dynpros |
RSTUNE55 | Performance Analysis: Contents of Nametab |
RSTUNE56 | Performance Analysis: History of Buffer & SAP Memory Statistics |
RSTUNE57 | Display of SAP shared memory segments |
RSTUNE58 | Performance Analysis: Tune: Display Relevant Profile Parameters |
RSTUNE59 | Performance Analysis: Contents of the Export/Import Buffer |
RSTUNE5H | Detailed Table Analyse - dynamically generated part |
RSTUNE60 | Performance Analysis: Buffer Synchronization |
RSTUNE61 | Tune summary: number range buffers and their statistics |
RSTUNE80 | Performance Analysis: Tune: Save Buffer & Memory Statistic In The DB |
RSTUNE82 | Performance analysis: Tune: ST02 Export to MONI |
RSTUNTMP | Temporary XPRA |
RSUSR000 | Currently Active Users |
SAPMSDBE | Explain an SQL statement |
SAPMST10 | Table Call Statistics |
SKTEST01 | ?... |
SYNCHRH0 | Test synchronization classes |
SYNCHRH1 | Test synchronization classes |
SYNCHRH2 | Test synchronization classes |
SYNCT01 | Test synchronization classes |
SAP Package STUN contains 2 search helps.
ORA_SNAPSHOT | Oracle snapshots |
ST04N_NODEKEY_LEAF | Search help for finding leaves of submonitor nodes |
SAP Package STUN contains 1 message classes.
S1 | Statistik / SAP-Monitor |
SAP Package STUN contains 2 authorization objects.
S_OSS1_CTL | Authorization for OSS logon |
S_TOOLS_EX | Tools Performance Monitor |