This bundle contains Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite and Mission USB Power Cable. The USB power cable eliminates the need to find an AC outlet near your TV by powering Amazon Fire TV directly from your TV's USB port. Includes special power management circuitry that enhances the peak power capability of the USB port by storing excess energy and then releasing it as needed.
Check it out on →The package SWN (Business Workflow: E-Mail Notifications for Work Items) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SWN |
Short Text | Business Workflow: E-Mail Notifications for Work Items |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SWN contains 4 function groups.
SWN_API | WF Notif: Interfaces |
SWN_CONFIG_GEN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SWN_RUNTIME | WF Notif: Runtime Components |
SWN_UTILS | WF Notif: Help Functions 4.6-Compatible |
SAP Package SWN contains 7 transactions.
SWNADMIN | Administration of Notifications |
SWNCONFIG | Configuration Notifications |
SWNNOTIFDEL | Delete Notifications |
SWNWIEX | WF Notification: Edit Work Item |
SAP Package SWN contains 38 database tables.
SWN_CAT2MSG | WF Notif: Assignment Category, Message Template |
SWN_CATEGORY | WF Notif: Category |
SWN_CATEGORYT | WF Notif: Category, Text |
SWN_COLSCHED | WF Notif: Selection Schedule |
SWN_COLSCHEDT | WF Notif: Collective Schedule, Texts |
SWN_DELPROVI | WF Notif: Deliverer |
SWN_DELPROVIT | WF Notif: Deliverer, Texts |
SWN_DELSCHED | WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery |
SWN_DELSCHEDT | WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery, Texts |
SWN_DELTYPE | WF Notif: Delivery Type |
SWN_DELTYPET | WF Notif: Delivery Type, Texts |
SWN_FILTER | WF Notif: Filter |
SWN_FILTERT | WF Notif: Filter, Texts |
SWN_FILTPAR | WF Notif: Filter Parameter |
SWN_FILTPART | WF Notif: Filter Parameter, Texts |
SWN_FILTVAL | WF Notif: Filter Values |
SWN_MSG2PART | WF Notif: Assign.Message Template Parts to Message Templates |
SWN_MSGTMPL | WF Notif: Message Template |
SWN_MSGTMPLT | WF Notif: Message Template, Texts |
SWN_NOTIF | WF Notif: Notifications |
SWN_NOTIFTSTMP | WF Notif: Time Stamp for Notifications |
SWN_PARTTMPL | WF Notif: Message Element |
SWN_PARTTMPLT | WF Notif: Message Element, Texts |
SWN_REMAP | WF Notif: Handler Assignment |
SWN_REMAPT | WF Notif: Handler Assignment, Texts |
SWN_SCENARIO | WF Notif: Scenario |
SWN_SCENARIOT | WF Notif: Scenario, Texts |
SWN_SENDLOG | WF Notif: Send Protocol |
SWN_SETTINGS | WF Notif: General Settings |
SWN_SETTINGSS | WF Notif: General Settings |
SWN_SETTINGSST | WF Notif: General Settings, Texts |
SWN_SETTINGST | WF Notif: General Settings, Texts |
SWN_SUBS | WF Notif: Subscriptions |
SWN_SUBSPAR | WF Notif: Subscription Parameters |
SWN_SUBSPART | WF Notif: Subscription Parameters, Texts |
SWN_SUBST | WF Notif: Subscription, Text |
SWN_SUBSVAL | WF Notif: Subscription Values |
SWN_TIMESTAMPS | WF Notif: Time Stamp |
SAP Package SWN contains 10 views.
SWN_CAT2MSGV | WF Notif: Assign Category, Message Template |
SWN_CATEGORYV | WF Notif: Category, Maintenance View |
SWN_DELPROVIV | WF Notif: Deliverer, Maintenance View |
SWN_FILTERV | WF Notif: Filter, Texts |
SWN_FILTPARV | WF Notif: Filter Parameter, Maintenance View |
SWN_FILTVALV | WF Notif: Filter Values, Maintenance View |
SWN_MSG2PARTV | WF Notif: Assign.Message Template Parts to Message Templates |
SWN_SUBSPARV | WF Notif: Subscription Parameter, Maintenance View |
SWN_SUBSV | WF Notif: Subscription, Maintenance View |
SWN_SUBSVALV | WF Notif: Subscription Values, Maintenance View |
SAP Package SWN contains 46 structures.
SWN_ATTACH | WF Notif: Attachment Description |
SWN_NOTIFINT | WF Notif: Notifications (Internal Tab.) |
SWN_SIBFLPOR | WF Notif: Local Persistent Object Reference |
SWN_SIBFLPORB | WF Notif: Local Persistent Object Reference, BOR-Compatible |
SWN_STATISTICS | Statistics for Read, Saved, and Sent Notifications |
SWNKCAT2MSG | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table CAT2MSG |
SWNKCATEGORY | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table Category |
SWNKCOLSCHED | WF Notif: Key Structure for SWN_COLSCHED |
SWNKDELPROVI | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table DELPROVI |
SWNKDELSCHED | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_DELSCHED |
SWNKFILTER | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_FILTER |
SWNKFILTPAR | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_FILTPAR |
SWNKFILTVAL | WF Notif: Key Structure for SWN_FILTVAL |
SWNKNOTIFTSTMP | WF Notif: Key Structure for table SWN_NOTIFTSTMP |
SWNKREMAP | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_REMAP |
SWNKSUBS | WF Notif: Key Structure for Table SWN_SUBS |
SWNKSUBSVAL | WF Notif: Key Structure for SWN_SUBSVAL |
SWNSATTACH2 | Notification and Attachment |
SWNSCATEGORYT | WF Notif: Category with Text |
SWNSCOLSCHED | WF Notif: Schedule for Selection (Structure) |
SWNSDELSCHED | WF Notif: Schedule for Delivery (Structure) |
SWNSFILTAPPLKEY | WF: Key for Filter Time Stamp |
SWNSFILTER | WF Notif: Filter Including Time Stamps (Structure) |
SWNSFILTERT | WF Notif: Filter with Text |
SWNSFILTSETTINGS | WF Notif: Filter Values (Structure) |
SWNSFILTVAL | WF Notif: Filter Values (Structure) |
SWNSLINK | WF Notif: Attachment Description |
SWNSNOTIF1 | WF Notif: Notifications (Structure) |
SWNSNOTIFDETAILS | WF Notif: Details of a Notification (for BSP) |
SWNSNOTIFEXIT | WF Notif: Notifications for User-Exit (Structure) |
SWNSNOTIFSUBS | WF Notif: Notification and Corresponding Subscription |
SWNSNOTIFSUBS1 | WF Notif: Notification and Corresponding Subscription |
SWNSNOTIFTSTMP | WF Notif: Time Stamp for Sending a Notification |
SWNSORIGINKEY | WF Notif: Structure for Origin Key |
SWNSPARAM | WF Notif: Generic Parameter |
SWNSSUBS | WF Notif: Subscription Basic Data (Structure) |
SWNSSUBSPAR | WF Notif: Subscription Values |
SWNSSUBSPAR1 | WF Notif: Subscription Values (Internal Table) |
SWNSSUBST | WF Notif: Subscription with Text |
SWNSSUBSVALUES | WF Notif: Structure for Subscription Parameter Values |
SWNSTXTLANG | WF Notif: Object Text in a Language |
SWNSUSER | WF Notif: User Attributes |
SWNSVARI | WF Notif: Description of a Variable of a Message Element |
SWNSVHELP | WF Notif: Key and Value of a Value Help (BSP) |
SWNSVIEWSTRUC | WF Notif: Structure with Information about View Cluster |
SWNSWEEKDAYS | WF Notif: Week Days for Scheduler |
SAP Package SWN contains 14 programs.
RSWN_CHECK_DATA_VOLUME | Extended Notifications: Hitlist (Without Substitutes) |
RSWNADMIN | Call Alert Inbox |
RSWNNOTIFDEL | Delete Completed Notifications |
RSWNNOTIFDEL_DELETE | Deallocate Background Job for Deleting Notifications |
RSWNNOTIFDEL_INSERT | Schedule Background Job for Deleting Notifications |
RSWNSODOCSHOW | Display SAPoffice Document |
RSWNWIEX | Workflow: Execute Operation on Work Item |
RSWUWFML2 | Sending notifications for work items |
SWN_SELSEN | Selecting Work Items and Sending Notifications |
SWN_SELSEN_TEST | Selecting Work Items and Sending Notifications |
SAP Package SWN contains 2 message classes.
SWN | WF Notif: Meldungen |
SWNT | WF Notif: Nachrichten für Trace |