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Check it out on →The package SAOP (ArchiveLink general) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SAOP |
Short Text | ArchiveLink general |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SAOP contains 49 function groups.
0BOA | Extended Table Maintenance (TOAVE) |
0BOB | Extended Table Maintenance (TOAAR_C) |
0BOC | Extended Table Maintenance (TOAOM_C) |
0BOD | Extended Table Maintenance (V_TOABA) |
0BOG | Extended Table Maintenance (TOACM_C) |
0BOJ | Extended table maintenance (V_TOAER) |
0BOK | Extended Table Maintenance (V_TOAVK) |
0BOL | Extended Table Maintenance (V_TOACO) |
0BOM | Extended Table Maintenance (V_TOADD) |
0BOX | Extended Table Maintenance (TOAO2_V) |
0BOY | Extended Table Maintenance (TOADY_C) |
0KPRO | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0OAGOS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
1KPRO | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
ALINK_BARCODE | Bar Code Related Functions |
ALINK_CONNECTION | SAP ArchiveLink: Op. on Links |
ALINK_CONNECTIONS | Application API for ArchiveLink Docs |
ALINK_DFF_CUSTOMIZING | Document Finder Customizing |
ALINK_DISPLAY_DOCUMENT | Front End Functions for Documents |
ALINK_DRAG_AND_DROP | ArchiveLink: FMs for Drag & Drop Storage |
ALINK_KPRO_DOCUMENT | ArchiveLink: Kpro Functionality |
ALINK_KPRO_QUERY | ArchiveLink: ArchiveLink Query FMs |
ALINK_RFC | RFC-Compliant FBs for ALINK |
ALINK_STORE_DOCUMENT | ArchiveLink: Document Storage ( 5.0) |
ALINK_XML | XML-Related Functions |
BARCODEVIEW | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
OA09 | SAP ArchiveLink: Document type wizard |
OASE | Search in Print Lists |
OPT? | SAP ArchiveLink: Future use |
OPTA | Frontend functions |
OPTB | Link table operations |
OPTD | Metafunctions and table functions |
OPTE | Bar Code Entry |
OPTF | Print list functions |
OPTG | SAP ArchiveLink form management |
OPTH | Future Use |
OPTI | Future Use |
OPTJ | SAP ArchiveLink global Customizing |
OPTK | Future Use |
OPTL | List Functions |
OPTM | SAP ArchiveLink: Advanced interface(OLE) |
OPTN | Operations on Links |
OPTO | Handling of Object Links |
OPTQ | RTF editor |
OPTT | Display and change notes |
OPTV | Communication with external programs |
OPTX | SAP ArchiveLink - Archiving class |
OPTY | Example Function Module User Exit |
SAP Package SAOP contains 47 transactions.
ALVIEWER | ArchiveLink Viewer in the Web |
BDN1 | Business Document Service: Documents |
OA_FIND | SAP ArchiveLink: Document search |
OAA1 | SAP ArchiveLink: Maint. user st.syst |
OAA3 | SAP ArchiveLink protocols |
OAA4 | SAP ArchiveLink applic. maintenance |
OAAD | ArchiveLink Administration Documents |
OAC2 | SAP ArchiveLink: Global doc. types |
OAC3 | SAP ArchiveLink: Links |
OAC5 | SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code entry |
OACH | SAP ArchiveLink: Link Check |
OACHP | SAP ArchiveLink: Link Check |
OACK | SAP ArchiveLink: Syntax check |
OACK_FRONTEND | Customizing Check Front End |
OACOUNT | ArchiveLink - Counter |
OAD0 | SAP ArchiveLink: Object links |
OAD2 | SAP ArchiveLink document classes |
OAD3 | SAP ArchiveLink: Link tables |
OAD4 | SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code types |
OADD | ArchiveLink: Print List Display |
OADFFCUST | DF Framework Customizing |
OADOCSP | SAP ArchiveLink Document Area |
OADR | SAP ArchiveLink: Print list search |
OAER | SAP ArchiveLink: Document search |
OAF1 | SAP ArchiveLink: Form management |
OAG1 | SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings |
OAG2 | SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings |
OAG3 | SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings |
OAG4 | SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings |
OAGO | ArchiveLink:Gen. Obj.Key Maintenance |
OAIMC_VIEW | Document Viewer using IMC |
OAKPRO | SAP ArchiveLink KPRO Archivelink |
OAM3 | ArchiveLink: Monitoring |
OAOH | ArchiveLink: Create Documents |
OAOR | Business Document Service: Documents |
OATASK | ArchiveLink Customizing transaction |
OAUP_LINK | SAP ArchiveLink: Link Check |
OAVIEW_IMC | IMC Viewer for ArchiveLink |
SBDS1 | Displaying Open Bar Codes |
SBDS2 | Open Internal Bar Codes |
SBDS3 | Open External Bar Codes |
SBDS4 | Open Bar Codes with Keep Flag |
SBDS5 | Internal Bar Codes with Keep Flag |
SBDS6 | External Bar Codes with Keep Flag |
SBDS7 | Compare Open Bar Codes |
SOA | SAP ArchiveLink |
SAP Package SAOP contains 101 database tables.
ALCHKF | AL::: File Name of Last Check Out |
ALCHKFPL | AL:: File Name of Last Check Out |
ALCHKO | AL::: Check Out Data for a Physical Information Object |
ALCHKOPL | AL:: Check Out Data for a Physical Information Object |
ALIDXST | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1 |
ALIDXSTA | AL::: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
ALIDXSTPL | AL:: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
ALLOIO | AL:::CD:: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
ALLOIOPL | AL::CD:: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
ALLOIOT | AL:::CD:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
ALLOIOTPL | AL::CD:: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
ALLOPR | AL:::CD:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects |
ALLOPRPL | AL::CD:: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects |
ALLORE | KPRO:CD:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects |
ALLOREPL | KPRO:CD:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects |
ALLORI | AL:::CD:: Incoming Relations of Logical Information Objects |
ALLORIPL | AL:::CD:: Incoming Relations of Logical Information Objects |
ALPHF | AL::: Files of Physical Information Objects |
ALPHFPL | AL:: Files of Physical Information Objects |
ALPHHR | AL::: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects |
ALPHHRPL | AL:: Outgoing Hyperlinks From Physical Objects |
ALPHIO | AL::: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
ALPHIOPL | AL:: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
ALPHNM | AL::: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
ALPHNMPL | AL:: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
ALPHPR | AL::: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
ALPHPRPL | AL:: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
ALPHRE | AL::: Outgoing Relations of Physical Information Objects |
ALPHREPL | AL:: Outgoing Relations of Physical Information Objects |
ALPHRI | AL::: Incoming Relations of Physical Information Objects |
ALPHRIPL | AL:: Incoming Relations of Physical Information Objects |
TOA01 | Link table 1 |
TOA02 | Link table 2 |
TOA03 | Link table 3 |
TOAAC | SAP ArchiveLink administration Customizing |
TOAAM | SAP ArchiveLink: Methods |
TOAAP | SAP ArchiveLink value table for TOAAS |
TOAAS | SAP ArchiveLink: Logical application methods |
TOABA | SAP ArchiveLink: Bar code types table |
TOABC | SAP ArchiveLink link table for bar code documents |
TOAC1 | SAP ArchiveLink: Frontend Customizing |
TOAC2 | SAP ArchiveLink administration settings |
TOACA | Cache for frontend files |
TOACB | ArchiveLink Asynchronous CFBC Responses |
TOACB_HEAD | ArchiveLink Asynchronous CFBC Responses Header Table |
TOACL | SAP ArchiveLink: Frontend Customizing log |
TOACM | Bar code entry of incoming documents |
TOACO | Check table for link tables |
TOACR | Asynchronous ArchiveLink Requests |
TOACR_HEAD | Asynchronous ArchiveLink Requests Header Table |
TOACU | SAP ArchiveLink Customizing table |
TOADCCU | Document Finder Client Customizing |
TOADD | SAP ArchiveLink check table DOK_type |
TOADL | SAP ArchiveLink print lists |
TOADL_KEY | Search key for stored print lists |
TOADL_OL | Online section of stored print list |
TOADL_PART | Sub-object of stored print list |
TOADL_SPLT | List delimitation |
TOADOCSP | ArchiveLink: Document Areas |
TOADOCSP_N | Language Table for Document Areas |
TOADSACT | Table for Activating Document Areas |
TOADV | SAP ArchiveLink: Global document types |
TOADY | SAP ArchiveLink: Doc. classes and related frontend applics. |
TOAEX | SAP ArchiveLink: Function Modules for Exits |
TOAFO | SAP ArchiveLink form management |
TOAFSATT | Definition of Attributes in Aggregated Search |
TOAFSATX | Table for Long Text of Aggregated Search Attributes |
TOAFSDS | Aggregated Search: Document Spaces Involved |
TOAFV | SAP ArchiveLink form management |
TOAGOS | Table of Object Type Handling for Generic Object Types |
TOAHR | Container table for HR administration level |
TOAID | Doc. ID / file name generation |
TOAIN | SAP ArchiveLink - Interface table |
TOAJAVA | HTML - Page for Displaying Documents |
TOAKPCN | ArchiveLink: Link Table for KPro Entries |
TOAKPDL | ArchiveLink: Print List Table KPro Entries |
TOAKPRO | KPro Link Table |
TOAKT | SAP ArchiveLink - Communication types value table |
TOAMO | ArchiveLink Monitor Status |
TOAO2 | SAP ArchiveLink extended meta table |
TOAOM | SAP ArchiveLink: Meta table for links |
TOAOS | Logical mapping to implementation method |
TOAP1 | ArchiveLink: Early/late input settings archives |
TOAP2 | SAP ArchiveLink: Presettings |
TOARS | RequestSetting table for ArchiveLink Asynchronous Processing |
TOAS1 | Number of stored archive files |
TOASA | SAP ArchiveLink: Language table for methods |
TOASB | Language Table fFor TOABA |
TOASD | Language-Dependent Table For TOADD |
TOASK | SAP ArchiveLink: Language table communication types |
TOASM | Language-Dependent Table For TOACM |
TOASO | Language-Dependent Table For TOACO |
TOASP | SAP ArchiveLink: Language table for archive objects |
TOASU | ArchiveLink: Number of Entries in V-TAB |
TOASV | SAP ArchiveLink: Language table for form management |
TOAV1 | VIEW basis table structure analogous to TOAOM |
TOAV2 | VIEW table 2 structure for link table |
TOAVK | Definition of function calls for object links |
TOAVK_S | Language table for TOAVK |
TOAXC | For Displaying Objects for Special Treatment |
SAP Package SAOP contains 15 views.
H_TOACO | Help view for table TOACO |
H_TOADD | Help view for table TOADD |
H_TOADV | Help View for Table TOADV |
TOACM_C | Settings for Bar Code Entry |
TOACU_C | Customizing: Administration Settings |
TOADY_C | Frontend Applications |
TOAO2_V | Extended Meta Table |
TOAOM_C | Links for Content Repositories |
TOAVE | Global document types |
TOAVI | View of TOAV1 and TOAV2 (Meta Table and Link) |
V_TOABA | Bar Code Types |
V_TOACO | Link Tables |
V_TOADD | ArchiveLink: Document classes |
V_TOAKPRO | Maintenance View for TOAKPRO |
V_TOAVK | Definition of Object Link Types |
SAP Package SAOP contains 61 structures.
ALCOMP | Components of Stored Documents |
ALINK_KI | Tree Control: Structure TREEV_ITEM + TEXT Field of Length 72 |
ALINK_KN | Tree Control: Structure TREEV_NODE + TEXT Field of Length 30 |
ALOBJ | ArchiveLink Objects |
ALTBL1024 | Buffer Table for Storing Table Data up to Length 1024 |
ARCHIVPOP | Internal table for archiving object popup |
ARPOPLI | Fields for popup menu to archive objects |
BASICTABIX | SYST-TABIX as structure |
HELP_POPLI | SAP ArchiveLink table for storage system dialog box |
INT_TOAV0 | Internal table with the structure TOAV0 |
KOMMTYP | Communication types |
OABCDATA | Structure of Bar Code Entry in External or Internal Table |
OADATA_SET | Data structure for display of stored print lists |
OADOKT | Structure for SAP ArchiveLink Document Tree |
OAPATTERN | Structure for search string for attributed list |
OBJECTCONN | Object links |
PARAMETERS | Transfer parameters for object links |
RFCBARCODE | Structure for bar code messages from external component |
SAPB | SAP ArchiveLink: Standard field names |
TOA_ADMIN | Internal table for screen 1000 |
TOA_OAAD | SAP ArchiveLink: Screen administration |
TOA_OFFICE | Hit List Structure of SAP Office Documents |
TOA_OLEMET | SAP ArchiveLink OLE method |
TOA_OLEPRO | SAP ArchiveLink OLE property |
TOAATCUSTS | Customizing Table for Internal Attribute Administration |
TOAATTR_S | ArchiveLink: Structure for Transferring External Attributes |
TOADI | Structure for Displaying Documents |
TOADOCSP_S | ArchiveLink: Document Areas (Structure) |
TOADS_S | Document Area with Key for Listbox (BSP) |
TOADSACT_S | Change ArchiveLink Document Areas to Active |
TOADSCS_S | ArchiveLink: Document Areas (Structure) |
TOADSREF_S | Document Space Reference to Names |
TOADT | ArchiveLink Document Table |
TOADURL_S | ArchiveLink: Component URLs |
TOAFSATT_S | Structure for Table TOAFSATT_S |
TOAFSATX_S | Structure for Attribute Long Texts of Aggregated Search |
TOAFSMAP_S | Mapping Doc. Area Attribute to Aggregated Search Attribute |
TOAFSRS_S | Results Structure for Aggregated Search |
TOAKPCN_S | ArchiveLink: Link Table for KPro Entries (Structure) |
TOAKPDL_S | ArchiveLink: Print List Table KPro Entries (Structure) |
TOALAN_S | Language - in ISO standard and as SAP language key |
TOALGINF_S | Logging Infos for Docfinder Interface |
TOALOGBAR | ArchiveLink: Logging Using Bar Code |
TOALOGDOC | ArchiveLink: Logging Structure for Document Access |
TOALOGHEAD | ArchiveLink: Header Entry Logging |
TOALOGLINK | ArchiveLink: Logging Structure for Link Access |
TOAMESS_S | Message Structure for RFC Docfinder Interface |
TOAPROP_S | ArchiveLink: Name/Value Pairs |
TOAQTAB_S | Search Request for a Search Engine |
TOAQYAT_S | ArchiveLink: Attributes for Search Request |
TOAQYSE_S | Search Request for a Search Engine |
TOARANGE_D | Structure of Parameters for Range Table |
TOARANGE_S | ArchiveLink: Fields of a Search Request (Query) |
TOARS_S | Document with URL and Meta Data |
TOARSATR_S | Document Attribute with Value |
TOARSDOC_S | Document Hit List |
TOATATR_S | Attributes of a Search Term in the Search Request |
TOATITEM_S | ArchiveLink: Structure for KPro Tree Control Items |
TOAURL_S | ArchiveLink: Comid/URL Pairs |
TOAV0 | SAP ArchiveLink: Link table |
WFSAPLWFNC | Dynpro fields for SAPLWFNC |
SAP Package SAOP contains 110 programs.
ARCHIVELINK_CARA | Processing Asynchronous ArchiveLink Storage Requests |
ARCHIVELINK_CFBC | CBFC Processing - Confirmation from Content Repositories |
ARCHIVELINK_MONITOR_ASYNC | Monitor For Asynchronous Processes |
ARCHIVELINK_VIEWER | ArchiveLink Viewer in the Web |
ARCHIVELINKBARCODEINTERNAL | Display Open Internal Bar Code Entries |
ARCHIVELINKBARCODEINTSINGLE | Individual Processing of Internal Bar Code Entries |
ARCHIVELINKCARAHTTP | Store Asynchronous Print Lists Using HTTP |
ARDVS902 | SAP ArchiveLink: External PBOs for screen 902 in DMS (print list mgmt) |
BDSBARCO | Monitoring open bar code entries |
BDSBARCO1 | BDS: Display of all open bar code entries |
BDSBARCO2 | BDS: Display of all open internal bar code entries |
BDSBARCO3 | BDS: Display of all open external bar code entries |
BDSBARCO4 | Display of all open bar code entries with keep flag |
BDSBARCO5 | Display of all open internal bar code entries with keep flag |
BDSBARCO6 | BDS: Display of all open external bar code entries with keep flag |
BDSBARCOM | Matching open bar code entries after change |
BDSBAREX | Test report for simulating bar code confirmation from storage system |
BDSBARIN | Test report: to simulate R/3 internal bar code entry |
DMSTOACO | Display Program For TOACO |
OA_KPRO_ENTRY_CREATION | ArchiveLink: Subsequent Maintenance of KPro Entries |
OA_KPRO_ENTRY_CREATION_PL | ArchiveLink: Subsequent Maintenance of KPro Entries for Print Lists |
OA_KPRO_ENTRY_DELETION | ArchiveLink: Delete KPro Entries Related to Link Entries |
OA_KPRO_ENTRY_DELETION_PL | ArchiveLink: Delete KPro Entries for Print Lists |
OAADMILI | SAP ArchiveLink: All link entries for stored document |
OAARCCON | SAP ArchiveLink: User maintenance - storage systems |
OAARCH03 | Report OAARCH03 |
OAARCH04 | Data Storage Program |
OAARCH04PRI | Data Storage Program |
OAARCH05 | Program for Reading Storage Systems |
OAARCH05PRI | Program for Reading Storage Systems |
OAARCH06 | Storage Program, Deletion Program, Index Structure |
OAARCH06PRI | Storage Program, Deletion Program, Index Structure |
OAARCHIV | SAP ArchiveLink selection of storage systems |
OAARCOTF | SAP ArchiveLink: Synchronous storing of outgoing documents |
OAARCSE1 | Settings |
OAARCSET | ArchiveLink Selection of Storage Systems |
OABARCODEGENERATE | Program for Creating Bar Codes |
OABARCOM | Matching open bar code entries after change |
OACACHE | SAP ArchiveLink: Frontend Cache |
OACARAFA | SAP ArchiveLink: Asynchronous storing in file storage system |
OACHANGE | Dialog module: Reassign stored documents |
OACHECK | SAP ArchiveLink: Link check |
OACHECK_VERKNUEPFUNG | SAP ArchiveLink: Link check report |
OACLICOP | Copy client-dependent ArchiveLink tables |
OACONTAB | SAP ArchiveLink: Link tables |
OACORRECT | SAP ArchiveLink: Converter for Workflow 2.1 to 3.0 |
OACREATEFROMFRONTEND | SAP ArchiveLink: Select Document Type and Document Class From Obj.Type |
OACUSTOM | ArchiveLink: Check Customizing Settings |
OACUSTOMCHECK_FRONTEND | ArchiveLink: Checking Client-Related Settings |
OADEFSPL | Define Print List Delimiters |
OADELMET | Delete stored documents |
OADIALF3 | Display of stored print lists |
OADIALF4 | Display of Stored Print Lists |
OADISOTF | SAP ArchiveLink: Print stored OTF documents |
OADISPPR | ArchiveLink: Hit List for Stored Print Lists |
OADLIST | SAP ArchiveLink: Select document type and document class from obj.type |
OADLSET1 | Find stored print lists |
OADLSETP | Find stored print lists |
OADOCCHA | Subsequent assignment of stored documents |
OADTOACU | Deletion of Entry in TOACU |
OAEXPIRY | ArchiveLink: Subsequent Calculation of Expiration Date |
OAFAMIG | Migrate File Archive |
OAFIND | ArchiveLink: Stored Documents Search |
OAFIND_1 | Find stored documents |
OAFIND_2 | ArchiveLink: Stored Documents Search |
OAGENALL | Generation of all SAP ArchiveLink programs |
OAILFIND | Find all objects of type 'IMAGE' |
OAINI | Initialization Report |
OAITOABA | Initialize TOABA |
OAITOACM | Initialize TOACM |
OAITOACO | Initialize TOACO |
OAITOADD | Initialize TOADD |
OAITOADV | Initialize TOADV |
OAITOAOM | Initialize TOAOM |
OAITOAPA | Initialize TOAPA |
OAITOAPI | Copy functions into new version |
OAITWFDB | Initialize TWFDB |
OAKOMM00 | Dispatcher for OAKOMM01 |
OAKOMM01 | ArchiveLink: Communications Interface Administration |
OAKOMM02 | Process Communication Protocol |
OAKOMM03 | Create Communication Protocol |
OAKOMM04 | ArchiveLink Protocols: Overview of Protocol |
OAKOMM05 | ArchiveLink: Application Maintenance |
OAKOMM06 | Dispatcher for OAKOMM01 |
OAKOMM07 | Maintain Individual Applications |
OALINES | Report for generating outgoing documents |
OALINESNEW | Sample Program for Form Printing Using Smart Forms |
OANALYSE | ArchiveLink: Analysis of Link Tables |
OANEWCON | Dialog module: Reassign stored documents |
OANEWOBJ | Report for generating new link entry with new object type |
OANEXTCO | Subsequent assignment of stored documents |
OAOTF01 | OTF to PDF conversion |
OAPRIALF | Print stored print lists |
OAPRIOTF | SAP ArchiveLink: Print stored OTF documents |
OAPROTGEN | Generate protocol settings |
OARESEAR | ArchiveLink: Find Archive Files |
OASCAN | SAP ArchiveLink: Call Scan Application |
OASELECT | ArchiveLink: Output all Link Entries for Storing |
OAVFOLDER | Hit list output in VFolder |
OAVIEW_IMC | Child Mode Viewer Transaction. |
SAP Package SAOP contains 4 search helps.
H_TOAAR | Help view for table TOAAR |
H_TOACO | Help view for table TOACO |
H_TOADD | Help view for table TOADD |
H_TOADV | Help View for Table TOADV |
SAP Package SAOP contains 2 message classes.
AL | SAP ArchiveLink - Office - TOM für ARC - Objekte |
OA | SAP ArchiveLink: Nachrichten für SAP ArchiveLink |
SAP Package SAOP contains 2 authorization objects.
S_WFAR_KPR | SAP ArchiveLink: Authorization Object for Document Search |
S_WFAR_PRI | SAP ArchiveLink: Authorization to Access Print Lists |