
Objects Tagged "Email"

Change the SAP Sender Email Address in ERP

24 abr. 2015

We sometimes want to control which email address is displayed when we send an email from SAP. Unfortunately, the function module SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 uses the current user’s email address by default. Here’s a way to change this behaviour and set the SAP sender email address manually.

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How to Attach Executable SAP Transaction Links to E-Mails

12 ago. 2014

Today, I’ll be looking at e-mail sending features in SAP ERP for the last time and demonstrate how you can attach executable transaction links to e-mails sent from SAP. This is a very useful feature that is often used in a business workflow environment.

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How to Create a PDF from a Report in ABAP

11 ago. 2014

So, you know how to send e-mails, even with attachments. But how do you send out nice PDFs instead of ugly text files? In this post, I’ll explain how to programmatically convert the output of a report to PDF so that it’s available for download or to send as an e-mail attachment.

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Sending E-Mails with Attachments from SAP ERP

10 ago. 2014

After discussing how to send e-mails from SAP in yesterday’s post, today I want to take it a bit further and explain how to add attachments or even executable SAP transactions to these mails.

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How to Send E-Mails from SAP ERP

9 ago. 2014

Sending e-mails from SAP ERP is probably the most common development task (or maybe the second common, after building an ALV report). Because of that, let me show you how to do it – I would’ve appreciated it as an ABAP beginner.

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